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Who else can't wait for Battlefield 3??!! >:D

Retired Muffbuster
Cubist Castle
14 posters

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Call of Duty can kiss my ass lol.

>Very Happy Man Bad Comany 2 is my fav shooter ever,and 95% of my time on there has been with noob randoms,it's AMAZING when you actually have some friends that have mics and you join up on rush or even deathmatch....never cared much for conquest though.

I've still got to pre order it,just need to get the money together but you can bet your life on it I will XD.

Evil or Very Mad I can't wait to tbag some chewbaccas in there haha,the new additions sound sweet,going prone,better knife detection,bipods.....Haven't heard much else,but I have faith in DICE.It's cool I heard the story is supposed to be co op now.

Anybody know what the confirmed weapons are? One thing I didn't like was they said the medics now have LMGs and can throw ammo.....spamming LMGs with 200 round clips sounds I'll have to try it Evil or Very Mad I hope my baby AN94 with mag ammo and 4x scope is in it Very Happy



Basically everyone here can't wait for it... >_>



I've had a perpetual boner since the game was announced. Boner alert!



I'm more excited about Skyrim and the new Ghost Recon game.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I am VERY psyched about Skyrim. Battlefield 3 will also be acquired.



Smile If I have to have one game this year it'll be Battlefield 3,and for next year it'll be ME3.Skyrim is the interesting wildcard in the mix...I truly didn't care much for Oblivion,but loved Morrowind.I heard they're making Skyrim more like Morrowind,which if is the case I'll get it for sure Razz Twisted Evil

since I moved I've been too lazy to hook up my xbox,but I've really been meaning to hop back on Bad Company 2.Maybe I could get to level 50 before BF3 comes out lol



I can't wait to tbag some chewbaccas in there haha

From what I've read it sounds like there won't be any Chewy suits in BF3, but yes, I can't wait.



This year is going to be so epic. Seriously-

BF3- Boner time
Skyrim- Boner time v 2.0
Uncharted 3- drools
Gears 3- splooges
Resistance 3- cleans boxers
Assassins Creed Revelations- puts on new pair

Theres more but those will all be epic as hell



*Prepares Sym a viagra IV drip for all his upcoming boner time*



That sir just got you some AC. Hilarious, almost spit out my coffee on my laptop. Which you would have been inclined to replace Smile



No worries. I would have sent you my wifes hot pink netbook as a replacement! Very Happy



Just want to clarify something.




Metalzoic wrote:No worries. I would have sent you my wifes hot pink netbook as a replacement! Very Happy

"Shakes fist like 80 year old man" oh and get off my lawn!



I got BF3 pre-ordered. I very excited about it Very Happy . This and Gears3 are my games to get this fall. After those it'll be ME3.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Cant wait for the game either.. but i also dont know if i want it for the PC or Xbox and if i want to preorder it or do i want to get the game 2 weeks early Neutral

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Went and pre-ordered as soon as I saw the 12 minute reveal trailer...They hadn't even announced any pre-order goodies yet. I just saw the trailer and instantly jizzed and said to myself I need this game in my life ASAP haha.

Skyrim is also right behind battlefield in my jizz worthy game list. It's almost a tie but I believe I'm looking forward to BF3 more.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote: Anybody know what the confirmed weapons are? One thing I didn't like was they said the medics now have LMGs and can throw ammo.....spamming LMGs with 200 round clips sounds I'll have to try it Evil or Very Mad I hope my baby AN94 with mag ammo and 4x scope is in it Very Happy

They aren't really medics they're just support now. No reviving just ammo drops. Assault is the new medic class. And as far as I know it's been confirmed that there are no damage or health altering perks so no more mag ammo or body armor. Which I think is pretty sweet cause I was never really a fan of those perks but felt I had to use them sometimes because everyone else was using them.

And about LMG spam. That's what the whole suppression mechanic is about "spaming" bullets at someone behind cover or whatnot. And if support didn't have ammo then they might not be inclined to suppress since you can go through a 100 round LMG clip in like 10 seconds or so. (guestimation)



100 round LMG clip in like 10 seconds or so.

At 600 RPM, yes. MG3 goes through 100 rounds in ~6 seconds, M60 in ~11.

No idea what weapons are available or what their fire rates will be, but it could be very interesting.

Do you want more intense but shorter-lived or less-intense but seemingly never-ending suppression fire? This is all assuming the more rounds hitting near you = intensity of suppression.



I would imagine being on the receiving end of MG3 fire in real life would be trauma-inducing. *shudder* So much lead.



Ante wrote:I would imagine being on the receiving end of MG3 fire in real life would be trauma-inducing. *shudder* So much lead.

You ever watch Saving Private Ryan? Kinda like that.



MEGA MILK wrote:
Ante wrote:I would imagine being on the receiving end of MG3 fire in real life would be trauma-inducing. *shudder* So much lead.

You ever watch Saving Private Ryan? Kinda like that.

I did, but it was so long ago. I'm guessing they get shot at by an MG42 at some point?

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

razelas wrote:Just want to clarify something.


If we could, we would. Only Frost has the "qualities" to do that though.


I wasen't really that excitied for BF3 i wasen't even sure if i was gonna get it. But with the recent fun i've been haveing with BC2 i think i'll end up getting it.



MEGA MILK wrote:
Ante wrote:I would imagine being on the receiving end of MG3 fire in real life would be trauma-inducing. *shudder* So much lead.

You ever watch Saving Private Ryan? Kinda like that.

Is that the only movie you ever watch? Razz

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