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Quick stupid question for everyone here.

Manila Plague
10 posters

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My sister is being a stupid idiot right now. She thinks running a 360 to a router while using the other ports on the router is being used would be the same speed as running it directly to the modem. I know for a fact that it doesn't. But she keeps saying, "Well my friends use a router for their 360 and it works fine." What she doesn't know is that, yes it works fine, but the 360 would run best plugged directly in the modem. Am I right or are her and her stupid friends?



My 360 is plugged into a router and I never have any connection issues. I've never played with it directly connected to the modem, though so I have nothing to compare it to.


Not sure about the situation at hand, but to use my own experience as an example I've had 2 360's and 2 laptops all on the same router and my performance didn't change at all so I'd like to think that your sister is right.

I gather that without a speed test of some sort it would be hard to gauge if performance is taking a hit or not.



Yea at my house Ive got my 360, PS3 , my laptop and my girls PC all running from the same router and have no connection issues now that I upgraded my service a few months back. So I dont think it matters.



I'm just plugged into tye router too and it runs fine.

If only Frost-ibuns or Penguin were here to tell us for sures.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

direct to the modem is best.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

trust me on this guys

i work for an ISP in tech support



Direct to modem will definitely work best, though unless something's wrong you shouldn't have issues with it through the router unless there's a lot of other heavy internet use going on.



Yeah like manilla Said Modem is better but as long as you have a good provider you shouldnt have any problems running it out of a Router

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

We don't have a modem, we have one of those Modem/Router combos.

Last time we bought a modem it worked like crap and was almost impossible to fix the NAT. I returned it in two days and rehooked my modem and router combo back up

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

if it's a modem router combo then the speed is degraded with each device that is connected to the router. having only the xbox wired to the router would be best case scenario for you. and do your self a favor and replace the modem router combo for a modem and router that are separate.



Thanks. I doubt showing my sister this will make her stop bitching, but oh well.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Mine works fine though. And my system is the only one plugged into the router.modem combo

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i'm just giving the best case scenario. i'm sure it works fine but it could work better... that's all i'm saying... and your sister is wrong. trust me, i troubleshoot internet/network connections for a living



my service is so bad i start to see major issues at one computer up, every time i try directly to the router it doesnt even work

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