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Myers Briggs Typology Indicator

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So this is just one version of the test. I could link you to one with ten questions, or one with 400. This is 72 YES/NO questions about your disposition. If the results don't satisfy you, then run a search on "Myers Briggs" for some other versions of the test. The reason I say that is because I've taken many variations, and I always come up with the same result: INTP.

Basically this test tries to analyze your personality, and the way you interact with the world. It's based on the following ideas:

All of the possible outcomes make it come to 16. Basically, this test, invented by a couple of psychologists in the early 20th century, figures you out.

I've tried to dispute it, and taken it many times over the course of the past 10+ years, but I've always come up with the same result, and the description is pretty accurate.

Take it, and find something out about yourself. Well, you probably already knew these things, but maybe you'll learn something. I think it's pretty interesting.



I'm doing it right now. Will post result when done



StormEye wrote:I'm doing it right now. Will post result when done

Same. Smile



Seems to not work with Firefox. I double checked whether I answered everything, but it still says I did not answer in full.

I will try IE now.



It says: INTJ, but I don't understand what it really means.



Really? I'm using Firefox. I had no problems with it.

Anyway, here are some other versions of the test:

Like I said though, you can run a search and find a bunch of different free tests with slight variations from one another.



I used IE and it worked.

Myers Briggs Typology Indicator Test2_10



DrBob276 wrote:It says: INTJ, but I don't understand what it really means.



Wow, that fits me to a T for the most part, minus the self-confidence bit.



Yeah, I find that the description of the INTP personality fits me quite well, with the exception of a few things.

I mean, it's unrealistic to think that there are only 16 different types of personalities, but on a generic level, it's pretty accurate in describing someone's behavior.



Taken from wiki

INFJs tend to be sensitive, quiet leaders with a great depth of personality. They are intricately and deeply woven, mysterious, and highly complex, sometimes puzzling even to themselves.

I lol'd



INTJ. I took this test about a year ago and thought it was scary that my personality could be labeled as a four-letter code. Not to mention the hilarity that, according to most websites, fictional INTJ's include Gandalf and Batman.


Your Type is
Strength of the preferences %


Famous people of your particular type:
Stephen Hawking, Andrew Grove, Marie Curie, Guy Kawasaki, Igor Sikorsky, Hillary Clinton

INTJs are strong individualists who seek new angles or novel ways of looking at things. They enjoy coming to new understandings. They tend to be insightful and mentally quick; however, this mental quickness may not always be outwardly apparent to others since they keep a great deal to themselves. They are very determined people who trust their vision of the possibilities, regardless of what others think. They may even be considered the most independent of all of the sixteen personality types. INTJs are at their best in quietly and firmly developing their ideas, theories, and principles.

Scary accurate.

Last edited by D00MSDAY DEVICE on 2010-09-15, 12:10; edited 1 time in total



We only have introverts, so far.
Not a surprise, seeing as we're all forum-lurkers.


The Cramtron wrote:We only have introverts, so far.
Not a surprise, seeing as we're all forum-lurkers.

LOL so true. Outside of close family and coworkers I interact with you guys the most.




INTPs are pensive, analytical folks. They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them.

Precise about their descriptions, INTPs will often correct others (or be sorely tempted to) if the shade of meaning is a bit off. While annoying to the less concise, this fine discrimination ability gives INTPs so inclined a natural advantage as, for example, grammarians and linguists.

INTPs do not like to lead or control people. They're very tolerant and flexible in most situations, unless one of their firmly held beliefs has been violated or challenged, in which case they may take a very rigid stance. The INTP is likely to be very shy when it comes to meeting new people. On the other hand, the INTP is very self-confident and gregarious around people they know well, or when discussing theories which they fully understand.

The INTP has no understanding or value for decisions made on the basis of personal subjectivity or feelings. They strive constantly to achieve logical conclusions to problems, and don't understand the importance or relevance of applying subjective emotional considerations to decisions. For this reason, INTPs are usually not in-tune with how people are feeling, and are not naturally well-equiped to meet the emotional needs of others.

The INTP may have a problem with self-aggrandizement and social rebellion, which will interfere with their creative potential. Since their Feeling side is their least developed trait, the INTP may have difficulty giving the warmth and support that is sometimes necessary in intimate relationships. If the INTP doesn't realize the value of attending to other people's feelings, he or she may become overly critical and sarcastic with others. If the INTP is not able to find a place for themself which supports the use of their strongest abilities, they may become generally negative and cynical.

The INTP is usually very independent, unconventional, and original. They are not likely to place much value on traditional goals such as popularity and security. They usually have complex characters, and may tend to be restless and temperamental. They are strongly ingenious, and have unconventional thought patterns which allows them to analyze ideas in new ways. Consequently, a lot of scientific breakthroughs in the world have been made by the INTP.

Yep. That's pretty much me, to a 'T.'


I took a similar test in a class last year, and I feel it fit me better than this result did. I can't remember what I got, but I feel it was closer.

I was INFJ
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
44 25 38 44

Famous ones were MLK, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, etc. It makes it sound like I'm a prophet and a fighter for justice, which i guess is somewhat true because I am really interested in social justice, but the other aspects of the profile don't really fit me.

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