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My fellow minecraft americans

Epyk MD
The Adli Corporation
8 posters

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1My fellow minecraft americans Empty My fellow minecraft americans 2011-06-20, 11:18



My fellow minecraft americans New_bi13

American fuck yeahhh


The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

right. imma make a huge cream tea, a massive teapot and an even bigger union jack.

then get a beefeater skin Very Happy



go for it lol

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i hope epyk doesnt mind his house being roofed with cream tea XD

(i gave him my plot since my internet is too slow for multiplayer atm)



niiiice. I just walked all the way to the SeC from the Capital, then i accidentally took a leap of faith and died -_-

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

im using my old plot frog, there was a rail system right where i was going to build the water harvester



I just got whitelisted. I'll be on later tonight.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i need to work out some kinks with the harvester still, but it should be ready soon.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

neat, i can try and make a mob trap, but im not sure if it will work too well Razz)



be careful what you say, us arrogant and ignorant "Americans" dont know jack Smile

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, my plot has a rail system in it Razz

didnt realise epyk meant my plot was the one.

i'm going to try and make a 3x3 room with a ladder and build underground.



I'm back. My plans are to move back our outer wall in the back and show Rem my plan for renovating the main building. I planned on doing like a Seattle needle thing with the building. Like place the tower on top.



So i died, respawned and all my stuff was out of my inventory... didnt know that would happen. and jeez epyk, how big is your labyrinth?! I spent like 10 minutes wandering around down there trying to get out.



I think it's okay to call United States people Americans because what else are you gonna call them? People from Mexico are called Mexicans, people from Canada are called Canadians, what are gonna call people from the US? United Statesans?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yes. yes we are.

Very Happy



Well. We expanded the wall. Now we're busy flattening the area back there.



Ducksaws wrote:I think it's okay to call United States people Americans because what else are you gonna call them? People from Mexico are called Mexicans, people from Canada are called Canadians, what are gonna call people from the US? United Statesans?




damnit im totally hooked on this game already...

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

Zillah wrote:damnit im totally hooked on this game already...

~Hits the "Like" Button~

Right? I've only played for a week or so, and i feel that this is the best game EVER

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

damn. i build my underground house right up against the wall.

now i have to build a house on top or else it looks dumb (just a flat lot of wood on the surface) Razz

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