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Hopefully, we will all be as awesome as this guy one day

Ars Diaboli
Cubist Castle
Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
Retired Muffbuster
21 posters

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Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Ok gaming is fun but not that fun to be playing at 66 years old.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I love gaming and until I feel the need to quit I won't. Its posible that I play as long as this guy, maybe not online shooters but some form of game

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

I dont get how you love gaming.. ive gotten to the point of hating turning on my xbox now.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't get how you CAN'T love gaming. If you find no joy in something then stop doing it


Same here Terry i'll be gaming till i die.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Shit man.. i give you props for loving to play games so much. i honestly cant do it anymore. Not to mention all the games on xbox suck right now so that doesnt help me wanting to play either Neutral

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I will give you that, many games nowadays seem to lack the flare and charicter of games past.

but I trade that for improved gameplay and graphics. Its not ideal, but I don't really get much of a choice in the matter.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

I dont know if i'd want to trade graphics and shit for gameplay.. look at call of duty for example, was all ok up to Call of Duty 4. Then after That they have gone for graphics and not as well of gameplay. To be honest, i have more fun playing call of duty on counterstrike and thats like a 10 year old game compared to Black ops.



I have to give major, major props to this guy, he is no fucking slouch at BC2. Most people in their senior years who are "gamers" don't have the reaction times or coordination to play games like FPS's. Not only can he keep up, but he was laying down the hurt from what I saw. Absolutely baller.



I can honestly see myself still playing games at that age, so long as there's good games to play.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Damn. I hope I still am playing at his age. And still have the reaction times and vision to playy that well

Damn he was kicking ass too. And I love his user name/

He has a weird method of firing though

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Wth was he doing with that pistol? He aimed, shot, let the pistol fall to his hip, aimed, fired, etc... Is this some superior form of pistol usage that I don't understand?



Hell, I'm almost there



Dropped da Soap wrote:Damn. I hope I still am playing at his age. And still have the reaction times and vision to playy that well

Damn he was kicking ass too. And I love his user name/

He has a weird method of firing though

I've seen people do that twitchy hip-fire ADS thing before. No idea why they do it, but it works so *shrug*.



LMAO!! this guys awesome!!

I wanna give him awe cred.... :p



his stats arent great, but the fact that he's that old and is still in to it is pretty impressive.

Thumbs up



The Imp wrote:Wth was he doing with that pistol? He aimed, shot, let the pistol fall to his hip, aimed, fired, etc... Is this some superior form of pistol usage that I don't understand?

It gets rid of Visible Recoil which is helpful for some people

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

We should have him in the SeC.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I don't think he'd fit in with the crowd. Besides, he plays PS3.



Frostbyrn wrote:
The Imp wrote:Wth was he doing with that pistol? He aimed, shot, let the pistol fall to his hip, aimed, fired, etc... Is this some superior form of pistol usage that I don't understand?

It gets rid of Visible Recoil which is helpful for some people

also lowers accuracy if your arent perfect when doing it



Kinda neat that he's still playing at that age.



Retired Muffbuster wrote:Shit man.. i give you props for loving to play games so much. i honestly cant do it anymore. Not to mention all the games on xbox suck right now so that doesnt help me wanting to play either Neutral

Why dont you go drive your Lambo or build your internet porn empire then?



That guy is awesome! He actually sounds a lot like a guy I play with.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Serisously though. Like guys 20 years younger then him have bad eyesight and reaction time.
I still hope I am kciking ass like him in the next 40 years/

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Symbolic wrote:
Retired Muffbuster wrote:Shit man.. i give you props for loving to play games so much. i honestly cant do it anymore. Not to mention all the games on xbox suck right now so that doesnt help me wanting to play either Neutral

Why dont you go drive your Lambo or build your internet porn empire then?

Because for one i dont drive a lambo.. and two.. i dont need porn haha.. i just dont get how all the kids on break can play so much.. now i understand for adults who do work for them why they do. but for people who play xbox for most of their day, i dont see how you do it when you dont have any new games or anything. Its not supposed to be offensive or anything, so dont be a dick about it. was just stating that i dont get how you guys can do it without taking breaks for a few days.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Sometimes I have a huge amount of awesome games, that it's hard to stop playing.

Well, that was before, when I had free days. Nowadays I sometimes put in 1 hour, or 2 at most.

If you have a really small number of games/genres that you like, then there's your answer. I happen to like plenty, so I could game for days on end. Like that one time in December when Dragon Age took over my life.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

yea see thats sick that you can sit down on Dragon age and play that a lot.. for me i like a lot of games right? but most of them are so over played for me that its like omg whats the point of playing call of duty when im doing ok most the time.. or battlefield where i do good most the time. gets a little to easy and then boring. Now i know its going to change once modern warfare 3 and all the games coming out this fall. But as of right now.. props to all who can play these older games for so long!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I played Oblivion for 32 hours straight the very first day it came out.

Never before have I been able to play that long on any game since.

Although I do sometimes pull a good 10-12 hour day in the week when I am not working.

And when I got Pokemon White I played 23 hours the first day I got it.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Dropped da Soap wrote:I played Oblivion for 32 hours straight the very first day it came out.

Never before have I been able to play that long on any game since.

Although I do sometimes pull a good 10-12 hour day in the week when I am not working.

And when I got Pokemon White I played 23 hours the first day I got it.

Haha thats awsome man.. if you enjoy the games like that then all power to you.. and im not going to lie.. but still dont see how you actually play that long on an older game. but then again im not going to sleep the first week of BF3 and like a day of MW3 but more of BF3.. But like i said thats new games so i understand how you can do that.. i dont get is how you guys still do it when games are a year + old.


What does a game being older have anything to do with how long you play it?



o_O This thread makes me think I'm soo not a gamer. I can go days, weeks, months without playing anything on my xbox.

I can't imagine playing a video game for nearly 24 hours in a stretch. Not that I haven't put some massive time into Oblivion and Sacred 2. Crap I played Sacred 2 for hoooura and hours, but not close to 24.



I still play BF2.


And I've been sucked into WoW recently.


Well shit, my summer is gone isn't it?

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Jinouga wrote:I still play BF2.


And I've been sucked into WoW recently.


Well shit, my summer is gone isn't it?

Yo what uh server you play on in WoW?



sheep wrote:That guy is awesome! He actually sounds a lot like a guy I play with.




I will play until my hands die.



Retired Muffbuster wrote:
Jinouga wrote:I still play BF2.


And I've been sucked into WoW recently.


Well shit, my summer is gone isn't it?

Yo what uh server you play on in WoW?




I hope I'm this much of a boss when I'm in my 60s. No way I'm going to retire at 65 and sit around waiting to die.



Dropped da Soap wrote:I played Oblivion for 32 hours straight the very first day it came out.

Never before have I been able to play that long on any game since.

Although I do sometimes pull a good 10-12 hour day in the week when I am not working.

And when I got Pokemon White I played 23 hours the first day I got it.

Wow, I think the longest I ever went was a full playthrough of KH2 in one sitting(About 10 hours)


I remember way back in the day my great aunt (she was about 60) was a huge gamer. I went to her house once and she was playing Atlantis on Atari and me being the young punk that I was challenged her because I just KNEW some old lady couldn't beat moi at video games.

She beat my ass.



Back when I had Gears 1. Me and my friends stayed up 48 hours straight. I slept for 24 hours the next day.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

chunckylover53 wrote:What does a game being older have anything to do with how long you play it?

I don't understand that either.

I played loads of Dragon Age because... I had never played it. It was new to me. It just sucked so many hours later, because of the amount of content in it.

Some games I've played during loads of time. Like Bad Company 2, I played for a whole year on a normal basis. Gears of War 2 is another one.

Or Ocarina of Time, which I played for who knows how many years.

Or Ninja Gaiden 2, which I have played since its launch in 2008 and just stopped a couple of months ago because I got all I could from its combat system.

Old or not doesn't have anything to do with how long I'll play something.



chunckylover53 wrote:What does a game being older have anything to do with how long you play it?

Word. In case anyone didn't all ready know, I've been playing KH since it came out.



Old games are the shit. I love not having to shell out 60$ for a game.



Some old games are awesome. I sat down and played some original playstation games and some fun. I ended up playing The Lost World: Jurassic Park (ridiculously difficult at parts) and Crash Bandicoot 2/3.



I still play my PS2 to this day. Also I played the original Syphon Filter again the other night, and my god it looks like ass, but its still fun as hell. haha. First time I played my PSX in like 5 years.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

i meant like old games that you've played a shit ton and wore yourself out of.. not like if youve never played fallout then you go and play it.. then yea it will be fun because its "New to you" but i mean games that are "old to you" i know for a fact that there are games that all of you have played so much that hopping on the game and playing it brings interest but like 30 minutes on the game you are already done.



I still love playing the Original Turok

Actually a lot of great games on the N64



Wave Race FTW



Have you seen the Alternate Announcer for Waverace on Gamecube?

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