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Grand Theft Auto 4 is.......

Bama Psycho
Cubist Castle
Dropped Da Soap
13 posters

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1Grand Theft Auto 4 is....... Empty Grand Theft Auto 4 is....... 2011-06-25, 17:14

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Not really fun....

I don't fin Niko interesting, hes even more boring then the usual typical Rockstar generic thug you play as.

The driving at times is frustrating with how sensitive the cars are. You barely turn or anything and your car rocks like crazy.
This makes escaping from the cops a hassle at times since even the widest turn makes your car spin to far out of control.

Its not even really any fun to have the cops after you like it used to be. Its more....annoying. And I don't know why.
I loved having the cops after me in San Andreas, but in this one....its meh....ugh.

I know I am not that far yet, but hopefully it gets better.



Yeah. GTA 4 sucks donkey dick.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

The driving was about the only thing in GTA4 that I thought was an improvement. San Andreas is still much more fun. Airplanes, parachutes, lowriders, turf wars, and most of all--BICYCLES!



I don't think it's bad, but it's just not as charming as San Andreas or Vice City. The multiplayer is fun, though. Cops'n Crooks is so much fun when you get a decent number of people.



I dont know, i had a lot of fun driving around, doing jumps, and running people over Twisted Evil. story was meh



Agree- IMO its the most over rated game this gen, by a mile. Its one of the few games I got halfway through and said" Meh screw it, this shit is boring"

San Andreas will always be king. Rockstar took all the fun out of it to make it "realistic".



I think people got sick of GTA4 when they saw that saint row could give them what they really wanted



I loved GTA4, it was one of the reasons I got a 360.

I just thought the physics engine was amazing and had a lot of fun with that.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

I got about halfway through it, lost my save file and said screw it I'm not starting over, and traded the game in.



If you haven't played it already go pick up Saints Row 2. It'll wash that GTA4 aftertaste right out of your mouth. Plus it will get you pumped for 3!



Yeah. Saints 2 kicked GTA4's ass. Why is it so highly rated? GTA4 is muff cabbage.



I played them both, and I have to say I liked GTA4 better. Though Saints Row 3 looks like it can change that for me.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have never played a Saint's Row Game.

Are they basically like the original GTA's? Or San Andreas?



Dropped da Soap wrote:I have never played a Saint's Row Game.

Are they basically like the original GTA's? Or San Andreas?

Saints Row is much more like San Andreas. You know...when GTA was actually fun. Best GTA game by miles. I played that game so much. Probably put 100 hours into before I beat it. The best part was the falling plane glitch. The first time that happened, I was totally baffled. Just riding my dirt bike in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden a plane drops from the sky directly onto my head.



I love throwing on the riot cheat. Oh. And while that's on, I throw the pedestrians attack cheat. So much fun.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What game Ante?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'll finish movies, games and albums I don't really like just to see them complete.

I didn't finish GT4.

That says a lot...



Its good to see Im not the only one who feels that way. I really thought the game sucked. It was fun for awhile, but being errand boy, and having to balance "friends" was so lame. Plus Im getting tired of these games that glorify crime, I dunno its just been something Ive noticed as of late.



I dont know the freedom to commit crime was one of the funner things in Sandbox games

Kind of lame is Assasins creed and such that i cant go on vast inventive killer sprees against Civilians Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:I dont know the freedom to commit crime was one of the funner things in Sandbox games

Kind of lame is Assasins creed and such that i cant go on vast inventive killer sprees against Civilians Very Happy

Frost the sociopath lol



If theres something wrong with strapping Satchel charges to Civilians and Detonating when they run at other Civilians Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:If theres something wrong with strapping Satchel charges to Civilians and Detonating when they run at other Civilians Very Happy

In a digital realm where none of those people have souls, or are even aware of their own existence, I guess not lol.



Or Tying up nuns and then putting bait on them in Cougar country Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:Or Tying up nuns and then putting bait on them in Cougar country Very Happy

Ok I will agree that is full of lulz. In some ways it still makes me feel bad, but then I start laughing.



Ever dragged a Nun with the Lasso then made both her and the horse go off a cliff? Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:Ever dragged a Nun with the Lasso then made both her and the horse go off a cliff? Very Happy

No but that sounds hilarious. It always pissed me off in RDR, and alot of my cheevos glitched. I tied up many damsels in distress and put them on the train tracks, and never got the most glorious cheevo ever. Crying or Very sad



man I know what you guys mean,Rockstar must have fuckin bribed alot of people for GTA4 to get such high scores,and on metacritic I believe it's the only game EVER to get a perfect yeah right.the fuckin cover mechanic in that game is so stiff and clunky it's hard to even put into words...

I borrowed it from my bro and got about halfway through it as well,a little past some part where the FBI raid this old hospital Niko goes to get drugs in or something,and after the horrible gameplay shootout I quit don't fuckin control like that in real life,if you know how to do a sharp turn you can do one good.I guess since Niko just got to america he can't drive worth a damn

in a nutshell,GTA4 bribed reviewers like piece of shit call aka camp of duty does every year >____> and sucks..........

Smile now on to saints row 2,it's fun as hell and even though I'm dirt poor right now I'm trying to save up for part 3.too much good shit comes out this year....only game I truly want after watching gameplay yesterday is dead island! condemned mixed with borderlands + zombies =win Smile))) Twisted Evil



Have you guys played the 2 add-ons?(The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and Damned) They're both much, much better story wise if you ask me.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Storywise don;t matter if the game is as boring as shit.



Namine wrote:Have you guys played the 2 add-ons?(The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and Damned) They're both much, much better story wise if you ask me.

I haven't played them, but have heard they are much better.

Storywise don;t matter if the game is as boring as shit.
If I remember right the add-ons improve gameplay quite a bit. They add stuff to do that was missing and I believe had slightly different driving mechanics... can't remember for sure though.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I might look into them then. But thinking about trying ot Saints Row sometme



I thought about getting the biker gang one when I had the game. But couldnt bring myself to shell out more cash for a game I didnt like. Although I will admit, that DLC did look way better than the vanilla GTA4.



yeah with the money you'd spend on the add ons,I'd rather just buy Saints Row 2....I finally saw gameplay for Saints 3 today and it looks cool Smile

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