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Anyone here play D&D?

5 posters

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1Anyone here play D&D? Empty Anyone here play D&D? 2011-06-26, 02:45

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Just curious, nerdy or not, it's quite fun. Just finished a campaign with a bunch of friends today.

2Anyone here play D&D? Empty Re: Anyone here play D&D? 2011-06-26, 02:54



So i heard you like D&D Very Happy

Watch these then

3Anyone here play D&D? Empty Re: Anyone here play D&D? 2011-06-26, 12:41



I'd like to, but the only group I know that plays is already too massive to take in any new players. And I don't know anyone else that'd be interested in starting a game.

4Anyone here play D&D? Empty Re: Anyone here play D&D? 2011-06-26, 12:59

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I've never played and had the idea of setting up one through the portal and public chat / vent voice Chat.

5Anyone here play D&D? Empty Re: Anyone here play D&D? 2011-06-26, 13:33

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I tried a couple times in high school. We would end up getting distracted and go on tangents about crap unrelated to the game, or else we'd get in arguments over how the game worked. No one could stay in character for more than two minutes, and I think we only ever made it through one complete dungeon. It was always a complete and utter failure.

Although it seemed like it would be fun, it never was. I eventually just said "fuck it," gave up, and committed to just playing computerized RPGs instead.

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