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RPG users- A dying breed

Ars Diaboli
Patrick Star
8 posters

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1RPG users- A dying breed Empty RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 19:37



Sometime I feel like Im the only person who still mains the RPG on the engineer class. I know it's outclassed by the Gustav( hate that weapon) and the At-4, but I just love it. My specialty is long range arching RPG shots. So much fun. But I think Im gonna start using the AT4 a bit more, as it seems rather awesome these days.

2RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 19:39



at4 is the new thing, especially w/out tracer req. but harvest day defense will hold a spot for rpg +tracer

3RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 19:41



Did they buff the AT4 at some point? I never gave it much of a chance after getting my gold(I think, or silver, have to double check) with it. It seemed really weak in the early days, so I just stuck to my RPG. Never got into the Gustav abuse for obvious reasons lol.

4RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 19:47

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

yeah they buffed the AT4 damage and made it as fast as hot carl

5RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 19:48



I was gonna say- that shit sucked balls in the first 2 months. God I hated it lol. Seemed it took 4 of those bastards to down a tank !

6RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 20:26

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I was about to platinum the RPG. Then my gold expired. I'm like 40 kills away from it, and like 130 to plat the AT mines.

It's quite good actually, specially in maps that have urban combat AND tank combat, like Arica or Oasis (except in the first 2 bases, because of choppers).

I always blasted people out of buildings with it.

7RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 20:50

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

The only reason I'll use the RPG is if I have tracers equipped. Otherwise, Gustav. It's easier to hit crates and it has a bigger blast radius.

I really don't get the AT4. I really gotta get more practice with that thing, because all I can hit with it is tanks.

8RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 20:58



i want to get a private lobby going to give at4 paractice but everyone on this website has an uncanny ability to miss scheduled times

9RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 22:24

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I'm terrible about schedueling stuff. especially if that thing is to play vidja games.

I'm just now getting into the AT4, the RPG and me have a good relationship though and I still use it from time to time. The problem is it doesn't do anything well enough for me. I'm not great at freehanding choppers with it, and if I'm going to use tracers I don't get a pistol. NTM most good pilots use smoke nowadays.

10RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 22:32



1fnbighen wrote:i want to get a private lobby going to give at4 paractice but everyone on this website has an uncanny ability to miss scheduled times

I would be up for that

11RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 22:37

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

My AT4 skills have already come a long way. I find that the Hind in particular is easier to hit. You can make that small adjustment right or left when you need to. The blackhawk just circles you so you can hit it with just about anything.

12RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-26, 22:58



I find the hind is harder to hit because its usually straight above you gunning down on you, whereas the blackhawk is usually out to the side of you.

13RPG users- A dying breed Empty Re: RPG users- A dying breed 2011-06-27, 02:31



I would use the RPG more, but I already have it platted.

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