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Battlesheeps ahoy!

Dropped Da Soap
Cubist Castle
Gary Effin' Oak.
11 posters

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1Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 14:06



I played soooo much battlefield this weekend it was ridiculous.

I got myself an ace pin on Rush from repair/tank whoring. And I'm only a smidge away from ranking up. Still not even to 30 yet, but 29 is almost here lol.

I also got an invite to join a clan. I don't remember playing with the guy, but I do remember someone off his friends list.

I like the spas now too. And the An.. Er, 94? I was being a lazy assault lol.

I've almost mastered the art of jumping down on someone and shooting them in the head, but I've lost all my hip fire skills.

And I got to play with Cram!

2Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 14:08

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

I do all the work, just saying.

3Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 14:09



Quit lying. You know I carried your sorry ass around the entire time we played together. Sheesh, it was like having to hold a kids hand when crossing the street. lool

4Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 14:12

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

I know, I cowered behind your dead body for cover as waves and waves of russian speaking attackers fell to my F2000 in a brilliant ballet of bullets. I couldnt have done it without your motion sensors.

5Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 14:14



.... See. I told you! I found ALL the enemies!

I love my pokeballs of doom.

6Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 14:16


Was some good games we had the other day byas. I just got done playing with a team full of randoms which i haven't done in a long while.

I wanted to slam my head on my xbox it's ridculious.. Were being spawn camped and no one is trying to get rid of them they just let them run free. I let the guy fly the havoc and he slams into a tree right away. No one knows how to use the AA gun.

I think i remember why i took a long break from this game before...

7Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 14:56

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Sorry for reviving you right into that knife, sheep. I had no clue that wookiee was following me.

8Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 16:51

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I was going to play with you guys last night.

Hit join Session in progress on Cold War Rush I think.

It puts me on the enemy team, I think "Ok, I can do this!"

Then I bring up the scoreboard and saw 7 or 8 SeC tags and went "lol! nope! backed out and started watching Power Rangers.

9Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 17:41



He wasn't following you Cram, he was running up from the dumpsters when I aas trying to kill that medic who would not die. I saw him when I fell down. It happens. The other medic was constantly reviving me in front of enemy fire. At least tue knife part was new lol

Poor Soap! I would have ran too!

10Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-04, 19:31



Someone tell me when Sheep hits level 41 Very Happy

11Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 10:04



Had a blast playing Friday night but didn't get on the rest of the weekend.

12Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 13:18



Hehe! Texas how wasted were you? You were so crazy! It was awesome.

Poor Frostybread. I'll never reach 41 before the new game comes out and I switch over to it. No gold tags for you!

13Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 13:45


We need to play Sheepy, we've only played together like once. You can ride in the tank with me. Trust me, it's a lucrative endeavor.

14Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 13:53



I was plowed! Friday night on a holiday weekend so you know how I gotta do it.

15Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 15:50



No wonder you made me drive the tank Texas! <3

Yes Doomsy! It was only once and for like, one map Sad We need to play together again.

16Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 15:51


I remember it like it was yesterday. Port Valdez defense with a low number of players. I ran up to you and jumped lol.

17Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 16:58



Byas? wrote:I do all the work, just saying.
+1 AC for the avatar. xD

18Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 18:27



Yissss!!! The jumping hello! Texas was there too! And I was being very quiet so as not to annoy you.

19Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 18:29


sheep wrote:Yissss!!! The jumping hello! Texas was there too! And I was being very quiet so as not to annoy you.

Annoy me? I'm too chill for that.

20Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 19:03



Also my only time to play with Doom.

21Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 19:04


You guys hate me.

22Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 19:53



We don't hate you!

Trust me, I can get annoying. Especially with my running comentary. Oh look a bad guy! Oh I died (I say this a lot). And running and jumping... Yeah.

Except when I play with Byas, its always: will you hurry up and DO something lol

23Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 20:09

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have mad love for the big D. One of my first friends on Live, and also one of my favorite people to game with in general.

24Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 20:10



Hush Terry. This thread is about me. How much more awesomer I am than you.


25Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 20:34

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

I love Sheep's running commentary and us bickering back and forth.

Me: There is a guy running behind A*Dies*

Sheep follows my EXACT path and gets gun down by the same guy.

Sheep: Why didnt you tell me? Hurry and spawn and kill that guy.

*I spawn, kill him*

Sheep: Good thing I told you he was back there.

Me: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2458268739

26Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 20:44


Just "Sir" will do wrote:I have mad love for the big D. One of my first friends on Live, and also one of my favorite people to game with in general.


You're all right yourself buddy. Easily one of my favorite tank partners.

I like running commentary Sheepy.

27Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 20:45



Liiies!!! Lies!

I find all the bad guys, kill 85% of them before dying, and then Byas will FINALLY show up and give me some support. Or at least a spawn point to finish killin the rest of the bad guys.

28Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 20:52

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

sheep wrote:Liiies!!! Lies!

I find all the bad guys, kill none of them before dying, and then Byas will FINALLY show up and give me some support. Or at least a spawn point to finish killin the rest of the bad guys.

Fixed for accuracy.

29Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 20:55


You 2 are like a BC2 sit-com in the making.

30Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 23:25



I hope you die.

In a fire.

31Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 23:27



sheep wrote:I hope you die.

In a fire.

Underwater, in the air, while underground as well? Razz

32Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 23:30

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

sheep wrote:I hope you die.

In a fire.

You'll just spawn on me darlin', as usual.

33Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 23:33




Pft. You wish I would spawn on you.

34Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 23:34

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

You wish I wish you would spawn on me.

35Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-05, 23:55



You wish I wished you'd wish me to spawn on you.

Wtf is wish such a weird looking word?

36Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-06, 00:34

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

sheep wrote:Wtf is wish such a weird looking word?

You read it too many times and it lost its meaning! This happens to me all the time.






37Battlesheeps ahoy! Empty Re: Battlesheeps ahoy! 2011-07-06, 00:42



That must be it Crammy. Typing it too many damn times. I hate when that happens, it weirds me out and makes me want to add letters.


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