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a girl joined us!

The Neverending Peter
Air Supremacy
Synicle Jester
Artimise Flare
17 posters

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1a girl joined us! Empty a girl joined us! 2011-07-07, 23:18



Koowl who someone found on Gfaqs and pointed out to me. It was her first time playing Rush and she was number 1 on our team. It was awesome. She couldn't join our party though because it was late where she was and she would wake people up.

So awesome. ^^ I played terribly of course and probably scared her off. Oh well lol

2a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-07, 23:21



it was wolfia right?

3a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-07, 23:22



No. Koowl.

Haven't played with Wolfia yet, but I do have her on my FL.

4a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-07, 23:41



Way to Act Casual Sheep Very Happy

Its Your fault we have no girls around here your scaring them all off!

5a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-07, 23:45




They love me.

They think I'm awesome.

Why? Because I am. Very awesome. And they like it.

6a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-07, 23:54


I am surprised it's sheep that points this out and not a male member. You know this being the internet and all.

7a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-07, 23:55




8a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-07, 23:57



Yup, and then we have the similar topics. Dateline NBC incoming, hit the deck!

9a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 00:02



Can Epyk disable those? They seem like they're getting worse by the day. I think it might be sentient.

10a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 00:32



I can verify Sheeps awesomeness BTW.

Yeah, Epyk the "Similar Topics" are just gross...except for the one I saw titled "Kelbi Horns, Carving with Kindness" Heehee

11a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 00:44



Aww damn! I missed the gross similar topic! Damn you guys!

12a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 00:45


sheep wrote:Aww damn! I missed the gross similar topic! Damn you guys!

Unless you're a pedophile you will be ok.

13a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 00:46



...I'll be ok!

14a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 02:59



Yeah Sheep Steals babies but not for that reason

15a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 03:32



Good they're gone, it was funny until all this child porn/rape started coming up.

16a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 09:47



Girls are overrated.

I make exception for SHeep. She's pretty awesome but otherwise..... girls will do nothing but get you in trouble and make a mess of your lives =op

17a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:18



Haha! Actually... I'm guilty of those things too.

18a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:22



Well I said I make an exception for you though. =op

19a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:24



Works for me! I am extra special.

20a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:26

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, so the fabled female players really do exist! Just messing, naw, it's nice to see more female players enjoying shooters these days. Hell, if I ever get a girlfriend (intimate girlfriend or just a close friend doesn't matter) who enjoys a game of Battlefield I could die a happy man.

None of the female friends really enjoy playing shooters, most play RPG's of some sort (Which is cool too!)

I always get real irked when people pick on a girl who finally decides to actually admit it online. (Most of the time they say they're lying or some other dumb crap) Mind you this happened a few times when I was still playing CoD4:MW (The last good CoD IMO)

Eitherway, if she's registered here and has not received a "welcome!", well.

Welcome Koowl to SEC! Glad to have you aboard! (No pun intended)

21a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:35

Synicle Jester

Synicle Jester

I have to agree. I've met my fair share of women on MMO's. It is definitely nice to see more female players joing the FPS ranks. I knew 2 that used to play lost contact with them but they were pretty good.XD To many people under estimate and don't realize gaming isn't just for the males anymore actually irks me when people act immature when they find out a girls playing.

22a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:43



The sad thing is so many gamers are immature whether we are talking about dealing with girls or well anything.

Been playing a lot of CoD lately. yes yes I know. Anyway there is definitly a lot of kids on that game. I was playing wager matches sharpshooter ( a game mode that I KICK ASS AT) and I made a kid cry.... One of the few times I wish I had a capture card. My wife witnessed it and was amazed. I came into the lobby and he was the leader at the time talking shit so I told him I was there to ruin his day. Unplugged my mic so his comments came across the screen and I just wrecked him and everyone else. Dude was CRYING on his mic..... I was amazed.

23a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:47

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Quite frankly, I don't think I'd allow my kid to speak on a mic during gaming unless I knew who he was talking to. Hopefully I'd have instilled some sense of respect and courtesy into my kid by the time they got into gaming.

I don't mind kids if they're mature, I've run into 13-14 year old kids that are way more mature than some 20+ year old adults.

Most kids these days sadly, completely lack common courtesy and think it's the "Cool" thing to do and try and smack talk people (Which they tend to eat their words more often than not)

24a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:50



No its not all kids. I played with Caring Goblin for monthes before I found out he was 13. I was amazed because he was so relaxed, sounded lioke an adult, and was a pretty cool dude. Before him I had a under 18 rule where I wouldn;t friend or play with kids. So there are exceptions to the rule. I have two daughters 8 and 10 and they will NOT play games like COD or BC2 for awhile yet. They are not ruled under a iron fist but as parents we know what games they are playing. What they are on the computer doing, and have things restricted. It amazes me how many parents let their kids watch, read, play whatever they want and are unsupervised.

25a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 10:51

Synicle Jester

Synicle Jester

I hate to say it but those up and coming kids that are say 15 or 16 i question if they were or are disciplined growing up. I've had a few conversations with friends over the fact it seems parents now a days are against giving their kid a swift slap or crack on the ass because society views "discipline" in that regard as child abuse. Seriously ...

26a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 11:48

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

I don't even know why people argue over the internet. The only winner is the guy laughing in the end.

27a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 11:59



i think im mature ish for my age. i make immature jokes sometimes but if shit goes down my age goes up.

age doesnt matter as much as life experience

28a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 12:02



Tall, Your good man. Its why your one of the people I have still been invting to games. Well that and your one of the few people that play CoD here still! But mainly due to the fact that your a cool chill dude in my book.

29a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 12:06



thanks man. same to you chill brotha

30a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 12:11


I've played a few rounds of COD and was surprised at how much crap the people talk. I did have a weird group of randoms in BC2 which were just as bad... I am glad i have people to play with.

31a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 13:26



I love talking smack! So much fun.

And thats all the time i have. Back to work.

32a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 13:48

The Neverending Peter

33a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 14:51



Synicle Jester wrote:I have to agree. I've met my fair share of women on MMO's

Yeah, I see a lot of women that play MMO's. Maybe a good 30-40% of my old guild on WoW were female and 4 of them were on regularly and in our core raiding group. My fwb and a lot of my other female friends play fps and fighting games too. However, it's cool to be a girl and like games, but it is not cool to claim that you're a gamer girl over and over =.=

34a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 15:42



Game Informer had an article on girl gamers (didn't read) bu the next issue had a letter from a female gamer I just wanted to hug.

Pretty much said: we're girls who like video games, what's the big deal? And I agree. We aren't any different from the boys. No fuss required.

35a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 15:49

The Neverending Peter

36a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 16:19



Sometimes ill put my mic on my 6 year old brothers head while playing COD 4. I proceed to get like 35 kills, and everyone in the lobby gets really mad because they think theyre getting wrecked by a 6 year old Razz

i make sure to turn off the speaker on the headset so he doesnt hear all the hate they spew...

yeah its douchey but god its hilarious.

37a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 16:53



That is beautiful, Zillah! HA!

38a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 17:10



Zillah wrote:Sometimes ill put my mic on my 6 year old brothers head while playing COD 4. I proceed to get like 35 kills, and everyone in the lobby gets really mad because they think theyre getting wrecked by a 6 year old Razz

i make sure to turn off the speaker on the headset so he doesnt hear all the hate they spew...

yeah its douchey but god its hilarious.

I wish I had a sibling that was a lot younger than me to do this. xD

39a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 17:11

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Not going o lie, I see kids cmoe into my store all the time that could really have benifited from a swift smack in the ass.

I know one thing, I am not going to not discipline my kids. And if anyone yells at me for "BEATING MY KIDS!" I am going to teach my kids to look at the person and say "Daddy isn't beating me. He punishes me when I am bad, but only beats me when he is mad!"
That should get some good comments.

Also, I talk smack online all the time. But only in CoD. Nothing more fun then to piss people off in those games. I also do this without cussing or swearing at them. Nothing pisses people off more then being called a ***** in an intellectual manner.

40a girl joined us! Empty Re: a girl joined us! 2011-07-08, 17:17



Kitsune wrote:
Zillah wrote:Sometimes ill put my mic on my 6 year old brothers head while playing COD 4. I proceed to get like 35 kills, and everyone in the lobby gets really mad because they think theyre getting wrecked by a 6 year old Razz

i make sure to turn off the speaker on the headset so he doesnt hear all the hate they spew...

yeah its douchey but god its hilarious.

I wish I had a sibling that was a lot younger than me to do this. xD

there really isnt much thats more rage inducing than being trash talked by a little kid, and then getting killed by him Razz

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