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Haha funny

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1Haha funny  Empty Haha funny 2011-07-08, 00:57



So I play this game on my iPhone called Valor. You build cities and troops and take stuff over and have guilds and this and that. It's fun, but also a total grind.

Well, come to find out, one of my new guildmates actually lives just a couple towns away (maybe 30 minutes). I thought it was funny. And I'm posting it here because I can.

2Haha funny  Empty Re: Haha funny 2011-07-08, 01:19



BlogFAQS.... o wait.

Is this Valor game fun? I don't mind the "grind."

3Haha funny  Empty Re: Haha funny 2011-07-08, 01:21


That's creepy O.o but then again kalei lives like an hour away from me.. You tell this guildmate that you want nothing to do with them damn it!!!

4Haha funny  Empty Re: Haha funny 2011-07-08, 01:24



Haha. They thought it was funny too. Haven't said anything else about it. Don't worry Gilly, I won't leave you for the guildmate!

It is actually. I enjoy it just fine. Check it out. Its free so you won't be out anything if you don't like it.

5Haha funny  Empty Re: Haha funny 2011-07-08, 02:04

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Cool story, bro.

Sorry, Ante made me do it.

6Haha funny  Empty Re: Haha funny 2011-07-08, 03:30



I think Liquid lives less then 20 minutes from me. >_>

7Haha funny  Empty Re: Haha funny 2011-07-08, 03:35



remember thriker? i figured out that we had had the same teacher at one point (in different schools)

8Haha funny  Empty Re: Haha funny 2011-07-08, 03:37



I live everywhere and no where,
I am one, and I am none
I am the light, and I am night
I am order, and I am chaos
I am the lifeless shell of souls that continue through the void of space and time, destroying all who shall walk the path in front of me.
I am a wonderer who has never stopped to watch as time passes by like the grains of sand hand.
I am me.

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