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Who here is buying reach?

Ron Swanson
Mrs. Terry of Hat
Epyk MD
13 posters

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1Who here is buying reach? Empty Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 19:58



Well I broke down and had to buy this game. Who plans on doing the same? We need to party up

2Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 20:05



I'm tempted to when I get my house sitting money. Damn you guys. >_>

3Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 20:06



I bought it at midnight last night, but haven't had the urge to play it yet. I haven't even opened it yet... maybe tonight.

4Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 20:07



I already have it but won't be on till the weekend.

5Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 20:42



i got it. played it, had to stop cause of parant...

6Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 21:41

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

What do you think the chances of me finding a copy at my local walmart on my way home from work in the morning will be?

7Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 21:49



I think you should be able to find at least one, the one near me stocks only 20 copies of a new game. Then you have to ask if they have any more cause they're too damn lazy to restock the shelf.

8Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 21:59

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I always get that " you see I'm leaning here, leave me alone look" when I ask the electronics guys for anything....I hate those guys...why can't ppl do what there getting paid to do.../pplrage

9Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 22:12




*Epyk Walks into his Local Walmart and happens to Glance at the Electronics dudes Laptop*

OMG Your on the SeC i created that Very Happy

10Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 22:22

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I grammar-fucked my last post, but instead of editing it, I'm going to whore the extra AC.

I don't this its that popular yet. We have close to 1000 points on the host rating system...there are some with 20000

11Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 22:25

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

The English major in me just died. Thanks Epyk.

12Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-14, 22:34

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Your welcome (more AC whoring)

13Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 00:42



In getting it Thursday hopefully. I'm selling RDR and 2 controllers.

14Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 06:37

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

*Protip* shop at walmart at 5:30am

I just got Reach LE version for $35 plus tax & a $20 gift card.... The gaming gods love me...

*update* halo MP was Rage inducing, half because i kept hitting the wrong buttons, over and over and over, half because my kid kept going into Rage Fits for no reason, for minutes at a time so i had to stop, get killed multiple times (because it auto spawns)

dont know how much of that ill be playing

15Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 09:40



The MP can be ragifying!

I only play it if 1 of my certain friends is online because we're pretty equal in awesomeness when it comes to shooters.

The MP requires sticking together, as i noticed alot of groups of 3's running around and sure i'll take on all three and maybe kill 2 but alas, teammates are still stupid (randoms anyway).

Don't expect any help from randoms whatsoever! Many times i'm in a head to head fight and instead of assisting me all randoms so far run off and go find their own guy to fight! This also got me a rage message. I helped a guy kill 2 guys i ended up with a double kill when he engaged them first. He rage quits and sends me this message IN TEXT>"WTF YOU TOOL THOSE WERE MY KILLS". to my response, IN TEXT>"LOL" then he sends me a garbled mess voice message " OH MY FUCKING GOD you suck you faggot get a life you pansy ass homo.......: from there it turned into shrilly screams and some blastphemy! I responded again "LOL".

Afterwards due to the theater mode *cough AWESOME! I watched the said incident from his point of view. He wasn't even hitting the guys and tried using a friggin pistol to kill both. So i egged him on some more 30 mins after the last message. Heres what i said in a traditional gameFAQs way. "LOL scrub get gud at playing you missed every shot with a pistol i might add, Lrn2multiplayer!"

TL;DR I helped a guy on MY team kill 2 enemies and I got rage messages from said teammate!

16Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 11:06



Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:*update* halo MP was Rage inducing, half because i kept hitting the wrong buttons, over and over and over, half because my kid kept going into Rage Fits for no reason, for minutes at a time so i had to stop, get killed multiple times (because it auto spawns)

dont know how much of that ill be playing

I keep either pressing the wrong buttons or pausing for a split second because the controls aren't second nature to me. Both got me killed a bunch. Problem is it's going to screw up my flow on BC2, I couldn't find a way to make the buttons the same.

I'm really trying to like it, but it feels like I can't do anything. You move slow as hell, Can't ADS, can only sprint with that ability, crouching seems to be pointless etc... All the maps I've seen so far are smallish arena/death match style, are they all just that?

17Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 12:05

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I went and played a big team battle and it had a far bigger map. Actually made it kinda boring though, cause unless the guy your shooting is a retard its really hard to kill people from range with the semi-auto rifle and I never found a different gun on that particular map

18Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 14:28



I kept trying to spot...

19Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 14:59



I really want to like it, but playing it feels like a chore. I just started the 3rd level and after killing a few guys I realized I wasn't enjoying it at all so I just turned it off.

I don't know... I'll try it some more in a bit, at least try the MP again.
I have the feeling I'll be getting rid of it in the next couple days though.

20Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 15:02


Metalzoic wrote:I really want to like it, but playing it feels like a chore. I just started the 3rd level and after killing a few guys I realized I wasn't enjoying it at all so I just turned it off.

I don't know... I'll try it some more in a bit, at least try the MP again.
I have the feeling I'll be getting rid of it in the next couple days though.

That's exactly the feeling I've gotten from every Halo since the first one.

I completed ODST because the storytelling in that one was interesting to me.

21Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 15:07



I absolutely loved the first one. Couldn't play it enough.

The 2nd one I got rid of as soon as it made me play as the alien for the 3rd time. Never once tried the MP.

Halo 3 I played co-op through campaign with my brother which was cool, but didn't buy it because COD's MP was so much more fun.

ODST I owned, but traded it in without ever even taking the plastic off of it.


22Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 17:33



I'm going to play campaign for some time. Probably some firefight with some of you guys, and custom game once we get around to it.

I probably will not play MP, unless I get dragged into one. LoL

I will try Legendary some day, but not right now.

23Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 17:41



I'll get it. Just don't know when.

24Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 21:05

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I started a forge map last nigh so it shoud be a few days before I finish up on it

25Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 21:08



Woot. Time for some lag fest with my connection disrupting everyone's gameplay. LoL

26Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 21:09



and to think i cant even play online with you guys

I tried to talking to Fox while doing absolutely nothing and i dont think he could hear me properly

And i cant Download Halo Waypoint onto my New Xbox because it wont even get past Pending Status

27Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 21:17



I downloaded Waypoint a long time ago, forgot what it does.

28Who here is buying reach? Empty Re: Who here is buying reach? 2010-09-15, 23:54



Well, I said I wasnt going to get the game but that has changed. Turns out on my dads trip to Seattle for a conference, he went to a Microsoft store and has an employee discount (I have no idea why he has one and even why he was in a microsoft store as his work has nothing to do with microsoft) and he asked if I had any games I wanted a 20% discount on and halo is the only thing that is out right now that I even considered getting.

Also, what is halo waypoint? Ive seen it a few times but have no idea what it is.

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