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I love trying to study...

Cubist Castle
Dropped Da Soap
Mrs. Terry of Hat
8 posters

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1I love trying to study... Empty I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 17:53

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

...when my mother-in-law is sitting in the next room and keeps reading off recipes to me out of a magazine. Including the ingredient list.

I can haz new home please?

I love my in-laws but it's so hard to concentrate because someone is always talking to me about something, haha!

2I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 17:54



Yea? Because spending the last hour on here has been conducive to your studying? HAHAHAHAHA

Love ya little sis! *runs away*

3I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 17:58

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha the SeC is always conducive to studying! I have no idea what you're talking about Razz

I have two quizzes and a discussion due tomorrow for my Intro to Dietetics class and two chapters to read/two quizzes to take for Medical Terminology by Monday...and somehow...every time I sit down to do it...she starts talking to me...

I could sit here and play video games for six hours and no one would say a word, but the second I do something productive, wham, done. I'm suddenly popular.

4I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 18:03

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Aint how that always works? Im trying to finish up school, and my freaking cousins comeover. And my oldest cousin is 6

5I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 18:04

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

My mom always reads recipes to me.

I've just formed a standard response. "Sounds (positive adjective)."

6I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 18:05

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha Cram, that sounds like my whole life with my mother-in-law. "Mm-hmm. Yup. Sounds cool. Awesome. Wow."

7I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 18:11

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

The Imp wrote:My mom always reads recipes to me.

I've just formed a standard response. "Sounds (positive adjective)."

even if the recipe is mature pooptacos?

8I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 18:14

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Le Frog wrote:
The Imp wrote:My mom always reads recipes to me.

I've just formed a standard response. "Sounds (positive adjective)."

even if the recipe is mature pooptacos?


9I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 18:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

I love trying to study... 300_107446

10I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 18:22



Le Frog wrote:I love trying to study... 300_107446


11I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 19:41



Just tell her you're studying. o:

12I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 19:45



Get a ball gag? o_O

13I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 22:06

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

She knows I'm studying, haha. She just forgets and starts talking again.

And Sheep... o.O

14I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 22:10

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Dear God Sheep! I think I am in love.

15I love trying to study... Empty Re: I love trying to study... 2011-07-14, 22:14



Sorry! It was the only solution that came to mind!


Hi Soap. [wafs]

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