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Halo Reach Likes and Dislikes!

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1Halo Reach Likes and Dislikes! Empty Halo Reach Likes and Dislikes! 2010-09-15, 12:46



I'll just share with you guys what i observed from playing this game.

MP: It's still the same old game modes with new levels weapons and physics. but things are polished up a bit. weapons have some kind of recoil now, you don't float as much as before when you jump. theres perks now to classes.


Armor lock: effectively makes you a stationary rock of invincibleness for about 10 seconds and recharges your shield too! useful only in the hands of skilled aware gamers. Anything shot at you while using does nothing! will send rockets back to user if timed right. I've seen it happen in MP.
Sprint: it's exactly that you have the ability to run really fast for about 5-6 seconds then wait an additional 5-6 for it to recharge.
Jump jets: REALLY ANNOYING!!!! people love these things so far to get to places out of the normal combat areas. However also makes them a floating target on their way down as the devs messed up the fact that they forgot gravity when not using the jets.
Medic: you basically throw down a Bubble shield when inside it recharges your health and shields. Not widely used yet. Your protected from any damage whilst inside the bubble.
Active camo: it is what it is. Your more or less predator mode while using it unless you shoot then you become visible. Great for the stealthy assasination types.
Hologram: I've gotten used to this really quickly and it doesn't work on me anymore. To use it you run in a direction and use the ability the hologram will continue running in the direction till it hits a wall or gets shot enough. You know it's not a person when it's coming at you cause it doesn't shoot, plus it shows up as a grey dot on the radar not red! another tough one to use effectively. ONLY WILL TRICK NUBS

Auto aim: Played Firefight right off entering the game i aim at an elite and another streaks across the screen my reticle follows the runner RAGE!!!!!! Other wise didn't really notice it happen all to often after the one case.

Hit detection: ALOT better than the older games. For instance in a SWAT game i fired at a guy two rounds with the DMR. The first missed his head by 1" and hit the gun on his back causing sparks COOL! 2nd shot direct hit to the dome! Watched this in slow motion through the theater mode.

Weapons: NOTE WORTHY ONES good and bad
Assault rifle: standard issue POS! useless on legendary! ok in MP burst fire it for best results ONLY full auto point blank range.
DMR: VERY VERY effective in the right hands errr mine! Give it a half second between trigger pulls for the best accuracy. PROBABLY the most effective weapon in the game!
Pistol: It's back and about as good as the Halo 1 pistol. Down fall is the recoil they added (no longer a long range sniper)
Covenant focus rifle: Sniper rifle for the jackals, IT WILL FUCK YOU UP QUICK in legendary sucks otherwise even in MP.
Needler: Yup it still wrecks face provided your inside 150' MP and SP. BEST weapon to combat those annoying elites in legendary
Shotgun: Razz it sucks unless your in melee range thats all
Rocket Launcher: It still messes people up badly! Rockets fly slowly so anticipate your enemies movements. IT locks onto vehicles just wait for the indicator while targeting.
Sniper Rifle: I can't remember the amount of shots before but it's a low ammo beast 4 rounds before reload, haven't really seen many close rang no scopers yet!
Covenant needlersniper: For what it is it's good, kills pretty quick with low recoil. It's a needler with a scope and now delay in getting rounds down range!
Grenades: Be them human or covenant their blast radius' are large!

More to come as i rack up the hours played!



Needle Rifle seems to be a better version of DMR. Also, doesn't active camo start to blur out once you start moving, and completely visible while at full speed?



so does the shotgun suck in multiplayer too? or does the sprint make it useful?

it's pretty damn useless in campaign on heroic.



Chewy wrote:so does the shotgun suck in multiplayer too? or does the sprint make it useful?

it's pretty damn useless in campaign on heroic.

I love the shotgun in multiplayer, but it should only be used as a back up weapon.



Yes your 50% tranparent when running, basically the slower you go the more invisible you are. Crouch walking makes you the closest to invisible. I've seen many a floating swords hiding in dark hallways so far! (bunch of pansies with the sword) i charge people with the sprint option. This is hilarity in a basket considering in close proximity you can now hear peopl on the other team talking and vice versa! I got one kid yesterday screaming as i lunged at him with a sword!

The shotgun is good in extremely close combat. I mean grab his balls close! I played alot yesterday in team slayer games and no one used the shotgun very often! the shots see to disappear past 25'.

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