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heads up.

Ron Swanson
Epyk MD
10 posters

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1heads up. Empty heads up. 2011-07-27, 09:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Getting rid of a few boards. Interject if you don't want one deleted.

team awesome board
on the fence about homefront

Adding a BF3 Board.

Also. If it concerns gaming. I say we try adding the game title in the topic title.
we will get more search traffic this way.

Minecraft seed list for example has brought in huge amounts of traffic
were something like "hey look at this" would not have.

2heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 09:56



Homefront still has some activity it. Though very little.

I'm not fighting hard but that would be the only one I would consider keeping.

3heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 09:56



I'm fine with these. Though a Gears 3 board may be necessary soon.

4heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 09:58

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill add it as well.
And...there's some rpg game coming out...something getting a bit of attention....oh well.

5heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 10:07



whats the team awesome board?

6heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 10:09

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

For the reddit guys we played for about 5 hours one night. a few joined up at one point si I made a board.

7heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 10:13



for a second i thought it was a board for terry or something. apparenty he controls a fair amount of awesome around here

8heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 10:16

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I control all the awesome round these parts.
I just lease it out.

9heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 10:36



Does anyone except Frost talk about Skyrim now? It will pick up in a few months for sure though.

10heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 10:39

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I think im leaning more towards dragon dogma if I get either.

11heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 10:56

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

1fnbighen wrote:for a second i thought it was a board for terry or something. apparenty he controls a fair amount of awesome around here

Ohhh Tallness if only this were true. Only when we overthrow the shackles of "King Epyk" will my awesome be truely free flourish as only my awesome can. Maidens would sing and bells would ring across the land in celebration of a day everyone knew could not be stopped.

12heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 11:06

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Pfff im guarded by the finest jet lee clones $4 could buy.

Im untouchable.

13heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 12:05



Jet Lee freakin' rocks

14heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 19:46



Maybe add a Bioware board?

It seems most of us are fans of the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games.

15heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 19:52

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Or just RPGs in general, seeing as we've also got a lot of Bethesda fans.

16heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 19:57



Communist Bear wrote:Maybe add a Bioware board?

It seems most of us are fans of the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games.

I was going to say something about ME3. I would like you to bring back the IRL board. And I'm okay with the other stuff, except for why put in a BF3 board when we have a Battlefield board?

I would think a good idea would be to make boards based on the company that is publishing them, then it would branch. Like clicking on EA would direct to a page with the ME3, BF3, NFS, and Dragon Age boards.

17heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 20:20

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

meh, I don't think too often about which company makes what game. If we need to break it down more I would suggest genre.

18heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 22:41

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

you guys would have to put [BF3] or [BC2] the first few weeks to help keppem straight.

19heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-27, 22:49



Power Lush wrote:I think im leaning more towards dragon dogma if I get either.

Whats wrong with you man!

What are you going to do next go to Vegas and bet against the Casino?

*Puts Flesh eating bacteria into thelittleone and Moonchilds lipstick*

Oh crap!

*Immunises Baby Epyk against the Bacteria*

*Puts out a Bottle of Poisoned Woodford*

*Poisons a Giant Cake and the Stripper inside*

There that leaves me and Zillah to run the forum Very Happy

Also now Epyk needs to teach his son to say before the bacteria kills him

"My name is Baby Epyk,You killed my father.Prepare to die!"

20heads up. Empty Re: heads up. 2011-07-28, 00:34



An RPG forum would be cool.idk.I think it all goes well with the speakeasy gaming ...

homefront and brink don't have enough activity now to really warrent them if you're looking for something to get rid of lol.

Maybe RPG forum,Shooter Forum....hell that would cover everything I play right there lol.

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