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Today makes me feel like giving up... (not a suicide topic)

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everything that happens today makes me want t stop doing everything. this mornign if figured out that my workload has tripled and no matter how hard i work it keeps fucking growing. and then i get home and i still cant work so i post around here until time flys and its time for dinner. my dad gets home and im all happy except apparently i didnt answer my phone so hes a pissy bitch. you know what, if i was an ass every time you didnt answeer YOURE phone you would have sent me to an orphanage. i mean im a pretty good kid and you treat me like i break shit and fight people all day. and then im writing down what people want from mcdonalds and when im telling him the order he yanks the paper away and tells me to explain it when i cant see it. and he thinks hes going to get a damn answer by asking th question when im actually trying to answer
and after i just stop saying stuff so i dont start verbally abusing people and he critises(?) me for not syaing anything. and before he did say that if i have something to say that is going to cause a problem, dont say it. so i respond with a bunch of idk's. you know what i DONT WANT a fucking liscence or permit or shit becasue once i get it im going to be respocible for MORE. and hes going to be a condecending bitch about buying a car and driving as a damn gift from god. so no. im the only person who doesnt want to drive. and now i realize i spent so much time doing school that i left the house to waste and now i feel like doing nothing at 10:33 in the evening with no chance of doing anything
fuck me


Hang in there buddy.



Sounds like a bad day all around man. Sorry to hear that.

Maybe you should ride pickles around till you feel better?

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i could be worse, you could have been thrown out of your house

Last edited by delicious camel on 2010-09-16, 00:41; edited 1 time in total



ur ass gonna get modded when storm pops iin.



and my one parent is technically not a parent anymore because she was so damn terrible, cps the whole deal. shes the one person i know is going to hell

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

im sorry im trying to make your day better if im making it worse i'll stop oh and i edited the other post Surprised



nah im good now especially after higus little green lama backwards thing and all the bunchie clips i found. ive had the mom dealie for two years now and it doesnt bother me to talk about it.

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