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The 3DS is actually pretty cool

Cardboard Fox
Ron Swanson
9 posters

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I decided to pick one up for ocarina of time. Ive been thinking of getting one for awhile, as I enjoy the tech. But the price was to much. Obviously you guys heard the price is dropping this month. Well I decided to buy before the price drop to qualify for the 20 free games. The only game Ive gotten so far is Ocarina of Time, buts its pretty awesome. The 3d is very well done, and is very immersive for Zelda. The only problem I have is theres no games for it until the holidays, and i get a headache if I play it for an hour strait. But as long as I take ten minute breaks every 45 mins or so its fine. The new Starfox and Mario 3D games look amazing, so that kinda helped me as well. Also you can turn the 3D off at anytime so thats nice as well for menus and what not.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I've heard a lot about them but I haven't seen on eyet. Everyone says they are fricken badass. Too bad I've played through Ocarana 20 times. Not saying I wouldn't do it a 21st time but you know what I mean.



Yea I played the hell out of OOT as well. But its nice to be able to replay it in a nice portable version. The 3D is done very well, and adds alot to the game IMO. Im not a fan of 3D on TVs, but on a portable format its pretty cool. No glasses or goggles required.



Funny. I got to try out a 3DS yesterday and got to play OoT on it. It was a lot better than I expected, and felt pretty good to play. I got a headache from the 3D though, so I had to turn it off (I could probably get used to it, but it was a friend's, so...)



I still need to try out one of these... Looks awesome

And wow, the 20 free games thing, that's a steal

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I want one. Mostly so I can play Animal Crossing on it when it comes out.



Yea the 3D takes some getting used to. It can give you a headache at first, it happened to me. But I got used to it pretty quick, and like I said you can always turn it off if its bugging you. Ive read this is supposed to get better, and apparently the new games at E3 were much better in this regard, as they have figured out the tech better.



This is the only hope for 3D gaming. The rest of it is too gimmicky or just doesn't work.



Yeah I really like ours. The hardware is great. The only downside is the lack of software, but it's not really for me I got it for my daughter.

She loves it, especially now that she can stream Netflix to it.



I tried one. And ended up with a killer headache. Although I already had one from being out in 109 heat all day.

And how did you get 20 free games.



Everybody that already purchased one at full price gets 10 free NES games and 10 free GB Color games.



Ah I see



I'll probably wait until Sqaure announces the release date for KH:3D before buying one.

It might be a while so maybe the price will drop even more.

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