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The Hats are back.

The Adli Corporation
Mrs. Terry of Hat
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1The Hats are back. Empty The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 10:51

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Got back from Georgia on Saturday night but I was busy with a jewelry party last night so here I am!

We had a blast, I didn't wanna come back. If it weren't for starting my new job next week I wouldn't have, haha!

In good news, I think we are almost-for-sure moving down there next summer, which is awesomeness. I can't wait.

Also, we saw a goat on the side of the highway, eating grass, while we were going through Kentucky. DL, explain this nonsense!

2The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 11:14



I saw the status, how was your trip.

3The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 11:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

jewelry party?


can has explain?

4The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 11:17



Welcome the ferk back.

5The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 11:45

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Trip was awesome! Lots of lazing around and spending time with Ehat's grandparents and his aunt and uncle. It was really fun. Just made me want to move down faster!

A jewelry's like a Pampered Chef party with jewelry? You get a bunch of friends together and a jewelry seller comes (Ehat's cousin did mine) and shows you a bunch of jewelry and people can buy's really fun. My mom does tons of parties like that but this is the first one I've hosted. It's pretty much an excuse to get together, hang out, and eat a bunch of food. Plus I got a ton of free jewelry for hosting so it was a win-win!

6The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 11:48


Welcome back alien alien alien

7The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 13:21

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


8The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 13:28



Welcome back!

A goat you say! What part of Kentucky was this? I can;t accouint for EVERYBIDY in Kentucky! HAHA

Ok so it was my trap. I figured you all would see the goat and I would then trap you! Buwahahahaha..... Byut I guess my trap failed.

Back to the drawing board!

9The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 13:48

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha! It was near Lexington on 75 -- the funny thing was that it was part of 75 where it's just two feet of grass and then a cliff side, so I couldn't figure out where the goat even came from xD

10The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 13:58



I'm sure it was just from one of the farms along the highway.

&5 and the area around Lexington is just gorgeous! I love drivinf through horse country!

11The Hats are back. Empty Re: The Hats are back. 2011-08-08, 15:51



On a side note Mrs Hat. We have recruited another to the herd.

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