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The Adli Corporation
Bama Psycho
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1Urg...Halo Empty Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 16:32



Popped in Halo Reach earlier today for the first time in months and did decent.Same problems with this game though playing with randoms,either alot of people quit,or they just plain out fuckin sucked -__- ,and it always comes down to camping in certain spots.

I liked Halo 3 alot better,I'm so sad it's pretty much died.May trade in Reach for Sacred 2 or Oblivion or something >__>.Don't know yet.

I'd actually trade in all my games,but they're not worth much.I just have old stuff like ME2,Borderlands GOTY,Dead Space 1,Rainbow Six,New Vegas,UFC 09,RE5,etc.

I notice nobody here ever really talks about guys/girls hate it?I liked it alot better doing split screen or system link with friends,not so much for online......I can understand if y'all don't like it lol.I just always played it for fun and the social aspect of it,i.e. friends would party up,but I hate how the forge is in Reach,everything looks the same with the stupid gray least Halo 3 had some diversity.

Only game I've ever really liked online anyway was BC2,but I'm burned out on it honestly.

2Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 17:00

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Agree with ya on a lot of that...I do still like doing the co-op campaign with friends and maybe doing a little solo firefight. Halo 2 was probably my most played online game for a long time...the clan I was in at the time had a big team battle team that played all the time and we all had designated roles depending on gametype and what map it was(like a certain person would snipe, one guy would always drive the wraiths/tanks, if it was 2-flag CTF we had an attack unit and a defensive unit, etc...) being on a team that actually used tactics made it a lot more fun.

3Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 17:05



that sounds fun as hell.I may indeed wind up trading in Reach towards Skyrim probably.Only thing besides Battlefield 3 I'm looking forward to,but with them coming out like within 2 weeks of each other I'll only be able to afford Skyrim probably.

who knows maybe I'll get lucky with a job lol.

4Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 17:49

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i hate the randoms.

literally, out of 4 players, two voted for legendary New Alexandria and then immediately quit after it started. that left me and a randie to do it on our own. such assholes.

i mean come on, if you're going to vote for something then play the damn map. thats why i hate halo.

co-op with people you can trust = fun

FF Arcade = fun

anything else relies on the halo community of mainly under 12's not being exponential cunthats, and is thus pretty worthless.


5Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 18:22



yeah the majority of the community are whiny kids,not as bad as call of duty community,but pretty bad.Either that or late at night I would hear nothing but people bragging in game chat how drunk and wasted they were >__> maybe that's why their stats sucks lol.

I think it's sad when I'm not even great at Halo and I lead my team alot or the team always quit.

I guess that's what I get for having faith in humanity Razz

The Bad Company 2 community has been my fav,besides the camping chewbaccas thinking they're smart hiding in the spots we all know about,and idiots not disarming the bombs in rush.

When you find a match with people that at least try in Battlefield it's a great feeling though.

6Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 18:50



Reach was alright but I didn't like what they did with the multiplayer. Decent maps and everything but I personally thought a lot of the stuff they added made it worse.

I'm really looking forward to the Halo:CE remake though. Not sure how the multiplayer on that is going to be since LIVE wasn't out yet when the original came out, but the co-op is gonna be amazing.

7Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 18:55



tbh i dont like halo maps. the fact that theyre all so similar really annoys me.

8Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 19:06



I thought they did a pretty fantastic job making the Ivory Tower remake stand out from the rest.

But other than that yeah I see what you mean Zillah. And not to mention all the forge world maps that all looked really bland.

9Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 19:14

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i might get the H:CE remake, since H:CE was the first FPS i played (back on the PC before i got an Xbox) and i loved it to bits.

Halo:CE was infinitely greater than all the halo's combined. it was just fun, you didnt need AA's or overshields, in fact the best games i had were on beaver creek, no sheilds, ARs and Pistols only.

10Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 19:31



<--- Has never played Reach

Halo 3 was fun, but I got burnt out on the series pretty quick after that release. Never played ODST either.

11Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 19:40



Reach just doesn't have the same...touch as Halo 3. I think the inclusion of equipment and bloom and having half the maps come from the same template were mistakes. Versus is just so meh.

I enjoy playing FF and the campaign, though.

12Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 20:55



I didn't even like Firefight in Reach.I beat ODST on legendary but found it boring as hell honestly.

I agree I really liked Halo 3.It had varied everything really and cool and interesting multiplayer.Action sack with plasma grenade dodgeball is fun as hell on there.

For reach they added pussy armor lock and cheesy jetpacks and sprint.Urg.......I mostly just bought Reach to play it with my bro or friend.He still plays it,got on the griftball highlights for the summer and had his own fanclub stalking him on or whatever it's called lol

it always pissed me off in griftball,I swear I'd hit the enemy first but they would still hit me.The hammer kills seemed very dodgy/sketchy

If I have the money I'll get the Halo remake.I like Halo,but eh the horrible community,stupid useless forge,and nobody to play it with anymore have killed it for me.

13Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 21:04



Grifball is a huge connection battle, more or less.

14Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-09, 21:18



yeah lol.It's a bloodbath in there.I like's pretty fun.Till they start spawnkilling

it always takes the stress off the day when you get to spawn kill them though Twisted Evil

15Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 03:49



Hmmm.....I love Halo, always have, and have thoroughly enjoyed every game so far to bear its name (including the sometimes reviled Halo Wars).

I've played every campaign multiple times, with friends and solo, and always had a blast with it. I have some very fond gaming memories from the series, not least because the first time I played through the four main campaigns (1, 2, 3 and Reach) was with a very good friend of mine - I flatshared with him for 7 years, and we're like brothers. Halo:CE split screen on a 21" tube, Halo 2 the same, then I got myself a 42" HD LCD in time for Halo 3 and he picked up a 22" HD monitor so I didn't have to share it Razz we'd set both screens up in my room and play side by side, and it was awesome!

I moved out with my girlfriend over a year ago, but when Reach came out we kept up tradition over Xbox Live - the only game we didn't do it with was ODST, which he never bought. So many good times over so many years, with a few of my very closest friends, means Halo will always hold a special place for me.

As far as multiplayer is concerned, I had a great time with CE - hooking up a couple Xboxs with mates, enjoyed Halo 2 offline, but not online, and adored Halo 3 online - and played a lot.

When Reach came out, I loved it online, but was a little Halo'ed out from playing so much 3 in advance of it's release. However, I've recently been revisiting it as I've become burnt out on military style shooters and again am having a blast with it. Sure, there's some douchey behaviour with quitters and armour lockers from time to time, but overall I have a great time and that's all that matters really - and every game has it's faults online, mostly driven by other players.

I've never had any real issue with the community - mostly I find people to be silent or in party chat. It's also real easy to mute anyone who is annoying.

I can understand the criticisms here, especially in regard to the identikit Forge maps (which I think is a fair tradeoff for the possibilities that Forge presents - but if you haven't spent time/aren't interested in Forge itself, I can see why this would grate), but yeah - in answer to the original post - I love Halo Very Happy

16Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 04:21


Halo 2 remains the game I had the most fun playing multiplayer on ever. Ever. Nothing so far has come close to the amount of fun I had in that game. My friends and I completely geeked out with Halo, and I loved every minute of it. Reach is just...I dunno. For whatever reason, it just doesn't compare to the fun of the other 3 Halos.

17Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 10:35



IMO. Halo 3 sucked. And this is coming from a person that used to breath Halo. 1) Equipment slowed down the pace of the game far too much 2) The Missile Pod just killed vehicle gameplay 3) Too many unnecessary weapons (ie SMG, Plasma Rifle, Spiker are all the same) 4) Maps were meh 5) Zanzibar remake was shit.

18Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 10:38



i agree with rainbow war on some lvls but at least h3 wasnt as bad as hr when you think about it all reach is is a remake of the first game with more goodies and a new paint job witch 343 industries is making right now too

19Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 12:32



>__> from what I saw in the trailer awhile back for the remake of Halo,there's going to be bloom and armor lock and everything from Reach in there -___-

20Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 12:58



JrTapia1991 wrote:>__> from what I saw in the trailer awhile back for the remake of Halo,there's going to be bloom and armor lock and everything from Reach in there -___-

I believe the multiplayer aspect of the remake will be produced in the Reach engine so that it supports theatre mode etc. so, yeah, the Reach mechanics will be in.

The campaign though will be a different engine and should be authentic to the original game.

21Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 14:25



I think it would of been more fun if I still had people to play with.My friend hardly gets online anymore,I think he's more of a zombie than me,or he's always out gettin high lol.

22Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 15:21



I got a an xbox because of Halo. I very fond memories with my younger brother playing the first 3. I moved away before ODST came out,, and it hasn't been the same. I haven't even thought of getting Reach. I'll get the Halo:CE remake because I liked the original, plus 343 did the remake of Perfect Dark, and that was an excellent remake of it.

23Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 15:24



i cant play halo with my brother lol when he screenlooks i piss him off so much in game he quits its awsome

24Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 15:28



infadel117 wrote:i cant play halo with my brother lol when he screenlooks i piss him off so much in game he quits its awsome

Every did that to a point, we had it figured out pretty well and got along well. We have some good stories where we crossed sniped a friend, or rocket sniped each other and our friend getting caught in the crossfire..... good times, I miss them.

25Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 18:42



JrTapia1991 wrote:>__> from what I saw in the trailer awhile back for the remake of Halo,there's going to be bloom and armor lock and everything from Reach in there -___-

Fuckin dicktits man, that's bullshit. I don't mind bloom much(I thought the AR did have it originally) but I don't want any of those damn armor power-ups.

Wacco wrote:Halo 2 remains the game I had the most fun playing multiplayer on ever. Ever. Nothing so far has come close to the amount of fun I had in that game. My friends and I completely geeked out with Halo, and I loved every minute of it. Reach is just...I dunno. For whatever reason, it just doesn't compare to the fun of the other 3 Halos.
Yeah Halo 2 was definitely the best MP out of all of them. Halo 3 was pretty much a copy/paste job of it plus some more stuff added that didn't all really make it better.

26Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 18:52



I liked Halo CE the best. I got it on xbox arcade on a sale and I've been playing it all day. still fun.

27Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 18:56



I enjoyed custom games of Halo 2 online/offline, but I felt Halo 3 was better balanced on the whole.

I hated - HATED - started with an SMG most of the time. That really pissed me off. Also, the Plasma Pistol was op with it's cheap homing ability - dual wielding one of those with an SMG/just-about-anything-else was craptastically shit encrusted and I saw it abused all the damn time.

One homing round from the Plasma Pistol and a spray from an SMG/Assault Rifle meant that aiming was barely required at all, and that really killed it for me.

One thing I do like about the series, is that there have been differences in the games - especially online - but they've all still felt like Halo to me.

A lot of the time when I see criticism of Reach, it's that it's not similar enough to Halo 3's multi etc. etc. But more power to Bungie - they're set in the same universe for sure, but they're different games and who says they have to play the same?

Some variation is good, not to mention the amount of customisation included which allows you to tailor things to your preference (for the most part). It's better than just churning out the same multiplayer experience time after time a la certain other franchises.

28Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 21:26



infadel117 wrote:i agree with rainbow war on some lvls but at least h3 wasnt as bad as hr awhen you think about it all reach is is a remake of the first game with more goodies and new paint job witch 343 industries is making right now too

hr awhen you think about it all reach is is a remake of the first game
with more goodies and new paint job witch 343 industries is making
right now too

hr awhen you think about it all reach is is a remake of the first game

I am hella confused.

29Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 21:35



>__> it's not a remake of the 1st game.the remake of the 1st Halo comes out in Nov.

30Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-10, 21:51



I like Halo a lot; I actually got LIVE because of Halo originally. Halo 2 was my favourite, but I think the 3rd was the most fun. I liked Reach as well, and regret trading it; Reach's SP just felt really bland. I loved the addition of bloom/removal of the Battle Rifle though in MP.

31Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-20, 10:13



Sorry to pull up an old(ish) topic, but I just saw this video for the Halo: CE multiplayer - in which there does not appear to be any bloom, suggesting a return to pre-Reach mechanics.

P.S. skip to about 4:20 for bloomless DMR action

Last edited by MADEWITHROBOTS on 2011-08-20, 10:34; edited 1 time in total

32Urg...Halo Empty Re: Urg...Halo 2011-08-20, 10:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i hope they take AA's into account, and dont do direct ports of maps that would get fucked by AA's.

mainly beaver creek, everyone would use AL and it would just be shit.

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