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Werewolf game rules & Sign Ups (Read it all please)

Patrick Star
Bama Psycho
Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
22 posters

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Werewolf Rules

Werewolf is a game that takes place in a small village which is haunted by werewolves. Each player is secretly assigned a role -Werewolf or Villager.
There are four special villagers, Guardian, Martyr and Thief and Seer. There is also a Moderator player who controls the flow of the game. The game alternates between night and day phases. At night, the Werewolves secretly choose a Villager to kill. Also, the Seer (if still alive) asks the moderator whether another player is Evil or not. During the day, the Villager who was killed by the werewolf is revealed and is out of the game. The remaining Villagers then vote on the player they suspect is a werewolf. That player is lynched and is out of the game. Werewolves win when there are an equal number of good players and evil players. Villagers win when they have killed the wolf.

At the start of the game, all players are randomly given a role to play. The game starts during at "Dawn" with the seer asking the moderator if a player is good or evil. The seer DOES NOT reveal this directly to the rest of the villagers. The seer can then PM the moderator with a message about anything pertaining to the game. The moderator will post this message. Whoever is the wolf can also PM the moderator with a message which the moderator will then post. Villagers will have to decide which message is more genuine. The villagers then vote on who to lynch (hoping to lynch an evil player). Whoever recieves the highest number of votes is lynched and is eliminated from the game. This conclude the "daytime" portion of the game. When "nighttime" is declared, the wolf will e-mail the moderator who he will kill during the night. The moderator will then post the wolf's choice, and that player is eliminated from the game. This concludes the "nighttime" portion, and the "daytime" portion is repeated. Players are free to post their ideas regarding who has what role. Players ARE NOT permitted to PM each other about the game.

Evil Characters:
Werewolf -This person select one player to kill during the nighttime portion of the game. The wolf's only goal is to survive until there are equal numbers of good and evil players. This can be accomplished by posting misleading information about other players and through sending one PM during the "daytime" with misleading information to the moderator for him to post. Sending a PM to the moderator is optional. The wolf does not know any other players' roles.

Thief - This person has no special tasks, but the seerer will always view them as evil.

Good Characters: Seer -The seer is the only character that can truthfully discover if the other players are good or evil. He does this at the beginning of each day. After his discovery, he has the option of sending one PM to the moderator with information for the moderator to post. This is done so that the wolf has a harder time discovering the seer and also so that the evil roles are not immediately outed.

Villagers -The only thing regular villagers can do is vote on who will be lynched at the end of the day. Optional Roles: (These roles may or may not be included at the discretion of the moderator)

Guardian - The Guardian is a good character. Each night, the Guardian may choose one player to "save". If the wolf chooses to kill a player who has been saved then the kill is unsuccessful and the wolf does not achieve a kill that night (the wolf is held up battling the guardian). However, the Guardian may only choose each player once throughout the whole game. If a player has already been chosen by the Guardian previously, they cannot be chosen again. During the day the Guardian partakes in play just as a regular villager would.

Martyr - The Martyr is a regular villager with one exception. If they are selected as a kill by the wolf, the the wolf will be killed with them. If the Martyr is killed by the villagers, nothing special happens.

Depending on the number of players, the moderator will increase or decrease the number of roles (werewolves, seers, etc.). At the start of the game, a list of how many of each role is in the game will be posted. Players are strictly forbidden to PM each other with information pertaining to the game. Please do not spoil the game for others. Messages that the moderator posts to the board may be from either the seer or the wolf. The players will have to decide. The moderator will post messages from the seer and wolf as soon as he checks them. There is a deadline of one hour before nightfall for these PMs Players may post their roles, but they may not be telling the truth. The wolf, traitor, and seer should try and keep their role a secret for as long as possible. Villagers should try to lynch the wolf and thief immediately once found out: Each day sequence of the game will last approximately 12 hours. A time will be posted as to when the "day" will end and all votes must be submitted. The night sequence of the game will last until the moderator recieves information from the wolf about who he killed during the night. Ties will be broken by the first vote on a player.

Point structure.
for each kill a wolf gets they recive one point.
If humans win then every human still alive receives 5 points.

Post to sign up.



Werewolf game rules & Sign Ups (Read it all please) Tumblr_l2bndsNRgB1qbvneeo1_500



That means I'm in.




The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, sounds fun. im in Very Happy

i might get very confused though, im not good at lots of rules Razz



Ill hold a mock "one cycle" dry run in a few days.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

sounds awesome.

*sharpens lynching stick*



I'm in. I might also get confused. I will have to read the rules about 5 more times to comprehend it.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Rainbow War wrote:I'm in. I might also get confused. I will have to read the rules about 5 more times to comprehend it.

basically, the thief can accuse the martyr of being a werewolf. at which point the Guardian lynches himself and sends a PM to the moderator, who posts it to the villiagers. then the villiagers can ask the werewolf if someone is evil.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I'll do it.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

I'm in.



Sounds fun, im down. Who doesn't love a good lynching?


Sounds interesting i am in.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

im in



I'll give it a shot



i know who doesnt like a good lynching the one who makes the rope i can see him now sitting alone yell GOD DAM YOU YOU FUCKING PEICE OF ROPE whilst messing up the knot






im in



The Frost is in

The Frost will also refer to himself as The Frost




*reads through rules again*



In like Flyn



I'll join.


I'm in



I shall play.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I can't get down with no goddamn werewolves, man. Readin' them rules is fer learn-ed types. Imma stab all y'all.



I likes werewolves and lynchings! I'm in.



I'm in!

"Brotherhood of the Wolves"! "Le Pacte Des Loups"

Werewolf game rules & Sign Ups (Read it all please) 220px-10



i like their jackets

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