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I has superhero/antihero

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1I has superhero/antihero Empty I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:41



I would like to share a hero I made up. I have a story and an idea of what he/she looks like. But I don't know how to draw.

Name - Timothy White/Breech and Clear
Power - Ability to form wormholes and travel through. Or pull stuff through
Clothing Description - Where's a felt (think of gangsters from the 40's) trench coat with the collar hiding his/her mouth. Also where's a fedora. And wear's suit pants. Carries a briefcase around.
Back Story - He/she is a scientist that was testing out teleportation technology. Somehow got the coordinates to a Hell type planet. The demons got pissed at him/her and sent a prisoner of their's into his/her body. The Demon is the one that gave him/her him/her power, but it deformed her face. Now she has a constant demonic smile that stretches across her face. The demon takes over from time to time, but mostly is silent. Until it pushed her to the brink of insanity and convinced him/her to kill people that that the scientist thought was wrong. The scientist then, in the midst of madness, raided an armory. Now. He/she uses the briefcase that he/she carries to pull weapons from his/her stash. The scientist's name is Clear while the Demon's name is Breech.

2I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:42



i think he should have a katana and an infinte supply of plasma grenades accessable only by worm hole

3I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:44



Hmmm a dude with a Samurai sword who can Teleport

Maybe he can also be a bit of a Smartass and have a couple of pistols as well

Oh and maybe hes a mercenary

4I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:46



You forgot that he should break the forth wall and is immortal. Rolling Eyes Mad

5I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:46



damit i forgot about him and i should know i recently complained about gm and dead pools my favorite marval character

6I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:50



sounds like a combination or rorschach and dr manhattan

7I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:51



but it does sound like an interesting character to draw. So is it a boy or a girl or what?

8I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:52



I haven't decided. If it's a girl. It'll add points to girls that read it. But there will be lots of hentai. If it's a man, It'll sound more convincing.

9I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:53



its a giant floating spagehtti monster

10I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:55



infadel117 wrote:its a giant floating spagehtti monster

I don't know why. But this came to mind.

11I has superhero/antihero Empty Re: I has superhero/antihero 2011-08-12, 00:57



lols even though he hates that show

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