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Have you ever:Day 20

The Adli Corporation
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ron Swanson
11 posters

Got hopelessly lost

Have you ever:Day 20 Vote_lcap68%Have you ever:Day 20 Vote_rcap 68% [ 13 ]
Have you ever:Day 20 Vote_lcap26%Have you ever:Day 20 Vote_rcap 26% [ 5 ]
Have you ever:Day 20 Vote_lcap5%Have you ever:Day 20 Vote_rcap 5% [ 1 ]
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1Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-07, 18:12



Sorry forgot to do these yesterday Very Happy

I was in school all of yesterday and kept getting annoying fucking errors

2Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-07, 18:19

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

At one point I worked in the mountains putting up fence and tapping springs, this took me about 1-2 hours drive away from home each day, and about every 3 weeks we changed location. My boss gave horrible directions and the dirt roads out in the hills aren't marked so I got lost all the time.

3Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-07, 18:20



Who hasnt got lost in a forest Terry Very Happy

4Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-07, 18:30



only in festivals

5Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-07, 18:40


I'll say yes but i am also a bit of a wanderlust.

6Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-07, 19:30

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I swear I was allowed in that corn field.

7Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-07, 19:38



yeah, I tend to get lost sometimes.

8Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-07, 19:58

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yes, in a Maize Maze. i had to run straight through the 'hedges' into the main area and wait for my parents to come and get me XD

9Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-08, 03:49

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

nope can't say that I have.

10Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-08, 04:31

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I remember i got lost in a kmart once when i was a little kid, almost cried.

11Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-08, 07:21

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Not really. Besides once when I was a small kid and got lost in an amusement park. Not that I cared...

Strangely enough I have very good orientation.

12Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-08, 14:19

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah, got lost in the hills behind my community for almost 2 days when I was 12. That was scary as shit.

I mean we live 10 miles out in the freaking hills from the nearest town. And another 20 fromn the nearest town in the opposite direction.

But I was out hiking with my dog like I used to do every damn day. There is an old falling down water tower 5 miles behind our community that you can see from your front porch.

Took my backpack one day, put a bowl in it, and a gallon of water. And several water bottles and a few nature bars and went hiking with my mutt.

Reached it in about 2-3 hours. Rested for a while and then decided to explore the hills behind where we were since I already explored every other hill near my house. Kept traveling for about a good 2 hours, going through canyons I never knew existed, up down and over various hills and so forth.

Eventually I lost track of where I was when it started to get dark. No matter what wy I went I kept finding new hills or canyons or trails. And none that looked familiar. It kept getting darker and darker and I started to panic more and more and kept running and climbing only getting myself more and more lost.

Finally I found some hollowed out cavern type thing that was no more then 5 feet wide and deep. Slept there with my 110 pound Rottweiler Bull-Mastiff mix. And just curled up with him for warmth.
Woke up the next morning forgetting where I was and just freaked the shit out. Hiked all damn day, ran out of my nature bars and water by mid afternoon. Finally about like 6 a clock I managed to find a hill that I recognized from hiking on it so many times before. And knew where I was. Apparently in my panic I had gone from a good 6-7 miles back behind the southern side of my community from where I originally intended to hike to, to a good 5-6 miles back up on the northern side of my community.

So I basically did a giant circle around my community trying to find my way home.

If I hadn't thought ahead and grabbed those water bottles and the gallon of water for my mutt, and the nature bars, I would probably not be here today. That and if my dog was not with me I would probably not have been here or have gotten really hurt.

I mean I had to have hiked out 12 miles in unknown and unfamiliar territory from my home. And thats not counting the miles I hiked and circled around my community.

So yeah, I have gotten lost.

And now my mom wonders why I dont go outside anymore.

13Have you ever:Day 20 Empty Re: Have you ever:Day 20 2012-08-08, 14:34




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