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If Battlefield went back to WWII with the frostbite 2 engine

Bama Psycho
Epyk MD
Dropped Da Soap
Cardboard Fox
Cubist Castle
The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
14 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

How epic would that be? I'd love me some Sherman vs Panzer 4 fights, or sniping with the old fashioned low power optics they had back in the day.

1942 was amazing, but it would be amazing if they did revisit the WWII era with the new technology they have now. Doubt it will ever happen, but I'd certainly buy it. I got a thing for prop planes, it took a whole lot of skill and some really big balls to fly in those days when even small arms fire could potentially bring you down.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


then i wouldnt be able to use the M1 for shits and giggles Sad

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

They'll do it eventually, I'm sure. It's not like WWII games will ever go out of style. "Modern" FPS games are the current thing, but there's still a market among FPS nerds and history buffs.



Yea I like the WWII setting myself and hope we see something soon.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I would love this, especially if some maps were like 1943 and had aircraft carriers as bases. Maybe even a gamemode where the objective is to destroy the enemy aircraft carrier (like in Star Wars Battlefront 2).


WW2 has been done to death, so a lot of companies have moved on from it for now it seems. I'd like to see it return though. I'd like to see a new Brothers In Arms with BF style destruction.



I like all the tech and gadget wizardry of modern FPS games so I hope if they do this, it's an expansion pack or another arcade release.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I would love to see an updated 1942 be released. Not just a remaster or mod like 1943. But them remake the whole game.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Only historic shooter I played was cod big red one. Loved it.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Yea I like the WWII setting myself and hope we see something soon.
This^^^^^, WWII is my favorite war setting.



Adam Jensen wrote:WW2 has been done to death, so a lot of companies have moved on from it for now it seems. I'd like to see it return though. I'd like to see a new Brothers In Arms with BF style destruction.

They are making another Brothers in Arms BTW, and it looks pretty awesome.

Personally i would love to see someone hit the Civil War, and do it right. Not this History Channel bs. Theres so much there history wise, to create a rich narrative. They would need to figure out the weaponry obviously, but Ive always wanted a game like this.

- Horses
- Firing lines( duel on steroids)
- Swords
- Bayonets
- Unlimited story telling potential
- Actual cannon balls

It could work



Epyk wrote:Only historic shooter I played was cod big red one. Loved it.

Play COD 2 now! The best in the series, and the SP is still amazing to this day. My favorite WW2 game by a good bit. Then CoD slowly turned to shit Sad


Symbolic wrote:
Adam Jensen wrote:WW2 has been done to death, so a lot of companies have moved on from it for now it seems. I'd like to see it return though. I'd like to see a new Brothers In Arms with BF style destruction.

They are making another Brothers in Arms BTW, and it looks pretty awesome.

Yeah, Furious 4, but it's a spin-off and not a continuation with the characters from the the originals

Following its unveiling at E3 2011, Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 has presented itself as a casualized sequel Brothers in Arms titles; taking a very different approach to its World War II subject matter. Instead of portraying a realistic take on war focusing on Staff Sgt. Matt Baker of the 101st Airborne Division, this new game follows four zany characters of a yet unnamed unit on a fictional romp through Germany after Hitler himself.

It's going to be more arcadey it seems and that sounds fun, but I can't wait until they get back to the more serious tone.



@D- Yea I read about it in the GI E3 article. It looks cool, but a big step away from the serious tones of the original games. It looks like Inglorious Basterds video game style. At least I hope thats how it ends up. Would be fun.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

so basically is a BC kinda thing, with 4 oddball guys going on a bender?


Yeah I'm open to the idea of some over the top Nazi killing. The trailer I saw looked pretty over the top lol.



*yawns at the idea of another WW2 BF* Been there, done that.

I would like see either

Battlefield 1918.


Battlefield 1952.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

sounds good, if its like BC1 the campaign should be epic. nothing quite like a sandbox and open objectives.

i loved crash and grab in BC1, i would get the M16 straight away then fight a guerilla war against the ruskies Very Happy

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Symbolic wrote:
Epyk wrote:Only historic shooter I played was cod big red one. Loved it.

Play COD 2 now! The best in the series, and the SP is still amazing to this day. My favorite WW2 game by a good bit. Then CoD slowly turned to shit Sad

I loved CoD 2. It felt very intense, and the graphics blew me away back in the day.

CoD 4 was also pretty awesome. I only played single player, never really got into MP.



I wouldnt be surprised if they did this instead of making a BC3.

theres so much potential.

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