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FPS Russia, I love this guy lol

Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Need I say more? (On a side note, yes I know he's not really Russian, but all is forgivable in the end, especially when the guy who's faking the accent has enough firepower to take out an entire city block)



imma be a dick and say i already posted this Razz

I wonder where the hell he gets shit like this from? He must be friends with whoever operates the nearest military base. or just be super rich.



He's super rich.

Edit: Oh, and rumor has it that he's ex-military. He seems to have plenty of connections.



yeah I was gonna ask how the hell does that dude afford all that stuff....That 50 cal must cost at least 50k or a solid gold AK47?LOL




And he had an artillery piece, Anti Tank weaponry, a flamethrower, tons of assault rifles...

oh and a mortar.



Funny how i just started watching his vids and now there's a thread about it here.

Do di do do.... do di doo doo (twilight zone theme for the too young)



Wuts teh twilight zone??/??


How is it even legal to drive that thing around in public? I know if i seen that thing rolling down my street i'd freak out.



lmao hell yea I was about to say the same thing...I'm surprised he didn't have a bunch of cops following him.Maybe the people at mcdonalds were too scared to call the cops with that 50 cal machine gun.It would of turned that building to swiss cheese

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

He said he had a team of medics and the local police keeping an eye on him during the shooting (no pun intended) of the video.

It makes sense really, more so since he had that APC as well, I doubt they just let him fire off this amount of fire power anywhere, even if he was on his own property.



A lot of people don't realize just how high profile FPS Russia is. His youtube channel gets better ratings than some prime-time television shows.

He doesn't "own" everything he shoots either. A lot of it is borrowed from friends and contacts. If you check his twitter, you'll see he flies all over the place to film these videos.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

What a job eh? I'd love to do the things he does lol.

Also Ante, you gif signature wtf?! lol!



Artimise Flare wrote:What a job eh? I'd love to do the things he does lol.

Also Ante, you gif signature wtf?! lol!

Yeah, I'm not afraid to say I'm extremely jelly of his situation.

And yeah, I guess you could say that sig sums up how I feel when people hate on the pony. Razz

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, no hate here man. It's a little odd considering the target audience of the show, but you know, when I was babysitting my younger cousin I used to enjoy watching Blues Clues with her, so I'm not one to judge Razz.

If it's enjoyable to watch then I say F*** everyone else' opinion and have fun. Hell I still watch some really old cartoons, and I will probably do so well into my twilight years Smile



Artimise Flare wrote:Lol, no hate here man. It's a little odd considering the target audience of the show, but you know, when I was babysitting my younger cousin I used to enjoy watching Blues Clues with her, so I'm not one to judge Razz.

If it's enjoyable to watch then I say F*** everyone else' opinion and have fun. Hell I still watch some really old cartoons, and I will probably do so well into my twilight years Smile

I watched Blue's Clues well into my teen years, it was a good show. Razz

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Possibly the only young kids show that was worth watching IMO, modern kids show at least.

By the way Ante, what system(s) are you getting BF3 for?



360 and PC. I'll honestly probably be spending most of my time playing on PC, only wandering over to 360 when there's a group of SeC'ers on. From the looks of it though, there's quite a few from here getting it on PC so who knows.

Edit: for fail English skillz

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Awesome, me and another friend of mine will be getting it for PC as well, so I'll most definitely will try and catch you all on the front. Can't say I'll be online a whole lot, I'm betting the military will be taking up much of my life for a while to come.



Artimise Flare wrote:Awesome, me and another friend of mine will be getting it for PC as well, so I'll most definitely will try and catch you all on the front. Can't say I'll be online a whole lot, I'm betting the military will be taking up much of my life for a while to come.

Yeah, I used to play MW2 all the time with a buddy of mine who's in the Airforce. He got deployed, though and I haven't really talked to him in months.

Small side note: He was there in a nearby aircraft when that chopper got shot down a little while back, I guess.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yee, at least he wasn't IN the chopper. Gotta give haji some credit, they're pretty decent shots I suppose with those RPG's.

If it wasn't for me being so short and having vision that's worse than a 90 year old man, I'd have tried to have become a pilot flying helicopters in the military. Sadly I don't think the opportunity will ever be available for me.



If I join, its gonna be helicopters or jets for me.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

How tall are you peave? For both you can't be too tall either, helicopters, at least for me, is a bit more feasible because all the controls are closer to the pilot, jets is another story. If you notice, you almost never see really tall chopper pilots nor jet pilots.

Your vision also needs to be 20/20 non-corrected (no contacts or glasses). You also can't have had surgery to correct your vision prior to service (Or if you do get it, it must be done a very specific way and two years prior to enlistment).

not trying to sound like a prick, just want to let you know what you're getting yourself into if you do decide to join (Which I think it's a really good idea if you do, considering the current state of the economy)

Also take into consideration that you'll have to go through both survival school and POW training (They're not allowed to break any major extremities, but you're fingers and toes may "accidentally" get broken during training) Fun stuff.



Yeah, that shot was just bad (or good, for them) luck. It sucks, it really does, but that's the nature of the universe.

I have a paralyzing fear of being inside aircraft. No Air Force for me.



I know. I'm about 5 10 right now and probably will be capped at about 6 foot max. I have perfect 20/20 vision and I already fly with the Civil Air Patrol.



Vinyl Scratch wrote:Yeah, that shot was just bad (or good, for them) luck. It sucks, it really does, but that's the nature of the universe.

I have a paralyzing fear of being inside aircraft. No Air Force for me.

I love it. Especially when you screw around in midair. It's scary as shit but thats what makes it so much fun.



I think jets and helicopters are awesome, but I will never, ever willingly put myself in one. I don't even like boats. I think I just prefer to keep my feet on, or near solid ground.



The irony is I am no big fan of roller-coasters. I love flying, but I just don't like those things too much.


Ante wrote:The irony is I am no big fan of roller-coasters. I love flying, but I just don't like those things too much.

A friend of mine somehow convinced me to ride The Comet (rickety old wooden roller coaster) a few years ago. I literally almost killed him after we got off. Fuck. That.



I know of such a coaster. I did the same thing when I got off.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

If you can afford flight school, I'd recommend going and getting some college credits before going in. You need to be a commissioned officer in order to become a pilot (Not to mention stupid good as well, the wash out rate is ridiculous).

The fact that you already have some flight time is a major leg up on the competition man, just be sure to study long and hard for you ASVAB (Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery) They'll test you on 3 major areas (The other two don't matter as much) English comprehension, Reading Comprehension and Mathematics (High school level Algebra to entry level college Mathematics at best)

If you can take JROTC I also recommend it, I think it automatically gets you an extra stripe if you take it in HS and or College, which sets you up for an earlier promotion to senior airman and so on and so forth than someone like me, who will most likely be forced to go in as an E1 (Airman basic) IE. grunt

Sorry if I sound like a know it all or that I'm trying to jam suggestions and such down your throat. I tend to get a little carried away. I just like sharing what I've learned from the recruiting process thus far. I'd rather give people who are considering entering the military as much information as they can possibly get so they don't get a big shock when they go in and find out that it's not what they though it would be, or have their recruiter make promises they could never keep.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

chunckylover53 wrote:How is it even legal to drive that thing around in public? I know if i seen that thing rolling down my street i'd freak out.

you can buy stuff like that from the MOD sales website, you can get armoured landies and APCs and everything from there. its so totally awesome.

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