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FateofDestinee Female gun enthusiest, certainly never enough of them IMO

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Interesting review from a female perspective for once on the M9/92FS. Glad to see that there are some well known female shooters on youtube as well. She in fact did a concealed carry advice video with Hickock45 for women recently. Check out both of their channels when you get the chance.



This is probably going to sound stupid, but since im bored ill ask. What would you pick for an ideal zombie apocalypse arsenal?



an automatic weapon with a silencer

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ideally I'd say a melee weapon of some sort that is easy to maintain. This would most likely be some sort of blade or blunt object that you can easily lop or crush zombie skulls with.

Guns are not reliable, you are constrained by the amount of ammunition you have at any given location or how much you can carry on your person. Furthermore shot placement means everything with a gun. Body shots are completely worthless against most zombies since the only organ that's controlling them is the brain.

For ease of killing zombies you need to keep everything simple, and make sure it's something you can repair with every day things, you might be able to use a toaster ovens heater coils combined with some batteries to allow you to ban the face in on a zombie or something so it can't see you and has to rely on hearing. Again, simple tools, this also allows fellow survivors, if you're with any, with the ability to use said weapon in your stead in case you're wounded (Though wounded individuals are best to be executed out of mercy unless the risk of infection is able to be brought 100% under control). Not everyone will be proficient with firearms, nor will everyone have the same physical ability as you, so the ideal weapon is accessible and functional for everyone no matter the height, physical prowess or aptitude.

On a side note, I'm bored too and figured for the sake of being weird I'd answer that question seriously.

Also, read World War Z and the Zombie Survival guide, all you need to know Smile



I still have my Zombie Survival Guide laying around somewhere.



Artimise Flare wrote:Ideally I'd say a melee weapon of some sort that is easy to maintain. This would most likely be some sort of blade or blunt object that you can easily lop or crush zombie skulls with.

Guns are not reliable, you are constrained by the amount of ammunition you have at any given location or how much you can carry on your person. Furthermore shot placement means everything with a gun. Body shots are completely worthless against most zombies since the only organ that's controlling them is the brain.

For ease of killing zombies you need to keep everything simple, and make sure it's something you can repair with every day things, you might be able to use a toaster ovens heater coils combined with some batteries to allow you to ban the face in on a zombie or something so it can't see you and has to rely on hearing. Again, simple tools, this also allows fellow survivors, if you're with any, with the ability to use said weapon in your stead in case you're wounded (Though wounded individuals are best to be executed out of mercy unless the risk of infection is able to be brought 100% under control). Not everyone will be proficient with firearms, nor will everyone have the same physical ability as you, so the ideal weapon is accessible and functional for everyone no matter the height, physical prowess or aptitude.

On a side note, I'm bored too and figured for the sake of being weird I'd answer that question seriously.

Also, read World War Z and the Zombie Survival guide, all you need to know Smile
I have both WWZ and tZSG just lying around on my book shelf. I do have some iddues with that though. First off, assuming any contact with blood is infectious, a melee weapon would be horrible. Any open wound or hell even skin absorption could cause infection. Though i may note, I have a grand total 7 swords in my house, 5 of which are completely capable of inflicting enormous damage.

As to guns, I would definitely use them. I'd keep several pistols namely the Browning Hi-Power, Glock 19, Beretta 92f (for the all steel construction) and 2 single-shot revolvers (for fun). I'd try to get get ones that can use a pretty plentiful type of ammo. And of course a bolt action sniper rifle (again, for fun) and a .22. Because of its low recoil-to-penetration.

As to other survivors, fuck em. I already know exactly who I would attempt to help in a zombie scenario, and have the presence of mind to leave others if my own life would be in danger.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True, if the virus is transmitted through blood, melee would be a bad choice.

If you must go the firearms route, make shift firearms would probably be your best bet as well. Like a modified nail gun or something, but I'd say a good ol shotgun and perhaps a 9mm handgun should do the trick since ammunition is usually plentiful.

Revolvers are too slow to reload and usually have a lot of recoil making follow up shots difficult, and if the zombies are anything like in Left for dead, you're screwed. As for not caring for other survivors, the ones that can make it more than a day or two are worth keeping around, your chances of surviving I'd imagine would be much higher than going it alone or even with a smaller band (Provided you've found a suitable place to grab supplies).

I'd also imagine that staying in one spot for too long would be a very bad idea, especially on top of tall buildings with no other exits other than down if you were to get swarmed.

Guns really, I'd have to say go Russian or go home, the Russians got at least that much up their sleeves, their guns are designed to fire regardless of their condition and can shoot almost any ammunition. AK47/74, Mosin Nagant, and SKS' have plenty of surplus ammunition, so they'd make an ideal zombie apocalypse firearm IMO.



Yeah, AK-47 paired with a Mosin for long range engagements would be the perfect choice for firearms. If you're going to use a melee weapon, honestly, a polearm would be your best bet. The further away from the zombie you are, the better.



If a zombie apoc breaks out my first step is to sharpen my katana. Thats for sure. The large supply of pistols is definitely there for larger engagements, but think about this. Wouldnt it be awesome as hell to learn to quickdraw those revolvers? It would take practice but it would be just too cool.

As to survivors, fuck em. I'd keep my few friends alive, and I even have a destination in mind and a temporary safe area by which to get there.

For guns, I'd agree with the AK, the mosin rather iffy about using a gun thats survived two world wars and the fall of four russian governments. I think my loadout would be as such:

My katana or a better one I pick up
A nice spear, seeing as that is one of the only polearms I have experience operating
Browning Hi-Power + ammo
Glock 19 for the full auto, though I'd probably junk it if it broke + ammo
2 beretta 92f's (because ammo is going to be extremely plentiful)
whichever 2 revolvers I could find, just to quickdraw them against a single zombie.
AK 47 just for the fucking reliability and plentiful ammo, used very sparingly.
Cheytac Intervention, also very sparingly used
L96 Arctic Warfare, sparingly used

All of this would be kept in my pirate ship. Oh yeah, i have a pirate ship as well. If you guys want, you can use it as an escape from the zombies as well.

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