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Spawn issue?

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1Spawn issue? Empty Spawn issue? 2010-09-20, 04:36

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This is the very VERY first time this has happened. It was on Atacama Desert Conquest, and I was spawning at B, trying to get to the AA gun to shoot down this chopper whoring bitch. 5 times, yes 5 times it spawned me to the far left, the one opposite of the UAV boat. Each and every time I was gunned down by the helicopter. Not once did the game spawn me elsewhere. Needless to say I was raging pretty hard, throwing out profanity at how retarded it was.

Has anyone else experienced this before? I've never seen this happen before. I thought the location where you spawn at a flag is random. Was I just unlucky? I had to quit afterwards, knowing me, when I get upset my gaming skills go to crap.

Before anyone asks why I kept spawning there, I really wanted to kill that damn helicopter, and hoped each and every time that I would spawn elsewhere so that I could reach it safely. It ended up that the base was captured before I could get there, and since I was effectively being slaughtered each and every time I went to try and cap the flag by the helicopter. It just made the situation even more aggravating.

/rant rage

2Spawn issue? Empty Re: Spawn issue? 2010-09-20, 12:07



I don't know why it does this, sometimes it seems like the game just wants to kill you.
Why would it ever spawn you into an explosion, stream of bullets, path of a speeding vehicle or my least favorite... within the radius of an active enemy motion mine!

Evil or Very Mad

Why do games always have spawn issues and why are there always these pre-set spawn points.

Doesn't it make more sense to program it so every square foot of the map is spawnable so long as:
1. You're hidden from any enemies field of view.
2. There are no enemies within x amount of distance.
2. No explosions or bullets are having a party there.

How fucking hard is that?

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