This is the very VERY first time this has happened. It was on Atacama Desert Conquest, and I was spawning at B, trying to get to the AA gun to shoot down this chopper whoring bitch. 5 times, yes 5 times it spawned me to the far left, the one opposite of the UAV boat. Each and every time I was gunned down by the helicopter. Not once did the game spawn me elsewhere. Needless to say I was raging pretty hard, throwing out profanity at how retarded it was.
Has anyone else experienced this before? I've never seen this happen before. I thought the location where you spawn at a flag is random. Was I just unlucky? I had to quit afterwards, knowing me, when I get upset my gaming skills go to crap.
Before anyone asks why I kept spawning there, I really wanted to kill that damn helicopter, and hoped each and every time that I would spawn elsewhere so that I could reach it safely. It ended up that the base was captured before I could get there, and since I was effectively being slaughtered each and every time I went to try and cap the flag by the helicopter. It just made the situation even more aggravating.
/rant rage
Has anyone else experienced this before? I've never seen this happen before. I thought the location where you spawn at a flag is random. Was I just unlucky? I had to quit afterwards, knowing me, when I get upset my gaming skills go to crap.
Before anyone asks why I kept spawning there, I really wanted to kill that damn helicopter, and hoped each and every time that I would spawn elsewhere so that I could reach it safely. It ended up that the base was captured before I could get there, and since I was effectively being slaughtered each and every time I went to try and cap the flag by the helicopter. It just made the situation even more aggravating.
/rant rage