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MW3 multiplayer footage

Air Supremacy
Dropped Da Soap
Cubist Castle
The Adli Corporation
Ars Diaboli
Ron Swanson
20 posters

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1MW3 multiplayer footage Empty MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-02, 23:52



Keep the blatant CoD bashing out of here please. I'm pretty jaded on the series myself, but I still like to keep informed on it just in case.

I won't lie, some of the new toys look fun, but IW needs to fucking fire whoever does their gun sounds. They are HORRIBLE. Oh, and FUCK the riot shield.

2MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 00:01



I liked the gun sound effects except for the SCAR-L.

Looks fun.

3MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 00:39



Yeah, it does look fun.

4MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 00:52



I admit. It looks... Decent.

5MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 00:57

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

It does look fun. But I could say that about a lt of CoD games. They look fun until you play with real people.

Anywho, It looks OK, I don't have sound so I can't comment on the gun noises. But I will resevre judgement until this game is available to the masses. There are no troll players in these demos, but there sure as hell are IRL.

6MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 01:10



That Recon drone looks like the Recon drone in Homefront, only bigger.

7MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 01:10



looks fun.. but god it looks soooo similar to MW2.

8MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 01:27



Lots of footage and info in this vid. Watch it, it looks like it's actually a lot different than MW2.

Really liking a lot of what I'm hearing here. I love that all weapons have sway again and you can hold your breath with assault weapons (not just snipers)

The Strike packages sound very cool.

The proficiency for weapons sounds like a good idea.

Being able to cycle through your streaks.

No akimbo shotguns.

Lots of good stuff.

9MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 01:43



Ahaha, this guy playing is getting WRECKED.

Good video though!

10MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 02:14



Juggernaught suit gameplay

11MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 02:16



The specialist pointstreak class sounds like a fun challenge too.
Every 2 kills you get an additional perk. Get an 8 pointstreak and you get all of the perks at once!
Haha I can't wait to play with that in free-for-all!

12MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 02:19



Looks... not as completely terribad as I thought. I stick with Gears 3 and BF3 though.

13MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 02:22



Oh man, DAT Juggernaut suit.

And yes, the Specialist setup looks awesome. YOU ARE THE KILLSTREAK.

14MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 02:25



Vinyl Scratch wrote:Oh man, DAT Juggernaut suit.
And yes, the Specialist setup looks awesome. YOU ARE THE KILLSTREAK.

Yeah, juggernaught looks crazy fun. I often go 30-0/1/2/3 in free-for all so I'm thinking specialist will be my set-up for that. Having all perks at once sounds hilarious!

15MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 02:34



Controllable sentry gun, plus french faction?

16MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 02:43



So it takes less bullets with the Gun to kill then the with sentry and it has a sweet wall hack?

Rolling Eyes

17MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 03:01

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I just watched the official trailer. Looks so fucking terrible.

Maybe my memory is bad, but graphically, it looks worse than the screenshots I've seen of Black Ops.

And the sound... shit, the sound. Has it alwas been so bad in CoD? I played CoD 2 & 4, was it also that bad in those ones? Maybe I got pampered by DICE's superb sound effects.

Ante's video looks better, though. Still, I probably wouldn't touch that multiplayer mode with a ten foot pole. I used to play CoD for the single player only.

18MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 11:42

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ugh, those gun sounds are horrifically bad.

19MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 11:53

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

What's that "kill confirmed" shit?

Anyway, looks like fun, until you get your hands on it. I'm not going to bother. I've played enough CoD, and I know what to expect. New gadgets and a few changes to the gameplay mechanics aren't enough to reel me back in.

20MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 11:55


All i did in MW2 is run around with the riot shield..

21MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 12:43



Doesn't look like shit, Ill admit. But I wont be buying this, or probably even playing it. All I want is Battlefield 3. Since Im going PC, I doubt l will play much else for awhile.

22MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 13:58

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

As others have said, it looks good. But CoD looking good, and then playing like utter shit are two seperate things.

23MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 14:06



Ars Diaboli wrote:Maybe my memory is bad, but graphically, it looks worse than the screenshots I've seen of Black Ops.

And the sound... shit, the sound. Has it alwas been so bad in CoD? I played CoD 2 & 4, was it also that bad in those ones? Maybe I got pampered by DICE's superb sound effects.
Hard to tell, but it looks to me like it looks better than Blops graphically, which looked better than BC2 so I don't think graphics will be an issue.

I can't remember exactly what the previous CoD's sounded like (although I remembered their sound design was considered great), but Black Ops did sound pretty bad.
I think we've all been spoiled by DICE's incredible sound engineering.

The Raddest wrote:What's that "kill confirmed" shit?

New mode called Kill Confirmed. TDM, but to actually score the points you or a teammate have to pick up their dogtags after you kill them. Sounds fun to me, deathmatch with the mini-objective of collecting tags thrown in.

24MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 16:52



Metalzoic wrote:]
Hard to tell, but it looks to me like it looks better than Blops graphically, which looked better than BC2.

MW3 multiplayer footage LolWut

25MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 17:04



<iframe width="560" height="345" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Black Ops definitely has better graphics than BC2.

26MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 17:11



GM I meant straight up graphics as in "how good does it look on my screen at any given time". Not graphics vs Huge maps, destruction, framerate, player count etc...

On a screenshot basis (not how much is going on) Call of Duty looks better.

27MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 17:18



lol single player screens. online looks like shit and has always looked like shit. Sure you are to busy zipping around the map at the speed of sound to notice but it is still half-life-esq pixaliaztion going on there.

It is axiomatic.(when it was proven all those many times before)

28MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-03, 17:40

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

TheGM wrote:lol single player screens. online looks like shit and has always looked like shit. Sure you are to busy zipping around the map at the speed of sound to notice but it is still half-life-esq pixaliaztion going on there.

It is axiomatic.(when it was proven all those many times before)

This. CoD has always had nice looking character and weapon models, but everything else is very low-res and ugly.

With all the info and trailers I've come across, I'm convinced MW3 matches will turn into killstreak (Or pointstreak if you really think its a better thing) clusterfucks halfway through a Domination match.

29MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-04, 13:12



Dante wrote:
This. CoD has always had nice looking character and weapon models, but everything else is very low-res and ugly.

With all the info and trailers I've come across, I'm convinced MW3 matches will turn into killstreak (Or pointstreak if you really think its a better thing) clusterfucks halfway through a Domination match.

I was talking about multiplayer. Cod just has better texture work and more detail in the smaller maps. The gun models are also several steps above the guns in BC2.

That's one of my worries also. Assault stacks and Support carries over after death?
Those seem like odd choices, but we'll see.

30MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-04, 15:39



i already hear some rehashed sounds. this is a game that no amount of trailers can sway a player. wait 1-3 month. if there is hate, it will be shown

31MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-04, 15:47

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

just saw this and had to post it here Smile


32MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-04, 15:52

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Meh, I'm not good at twitch shooters, it looks like it could be fun. I'll rent MW3 because I want to know what happens to Soap and the others, if there is one thing I like about the CoD franchise is that their stories are pretty decent as far as shooter stories are concerned.

I don't like games where your reaction time and who ever gets the most power ups wins, it doesn't make the game a bad game, it's just not my cup of tea. I'd rather my ability to adjust to the situation and use superior tactics wins the game.

33MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-04, 20:46



Blops graphics are just soo murky... BF is nice and crisp.

I think the destruction engine in BF makes the maps look better, they seem more tangible.

34MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-05, 16:18



honestly i dont get what you guys are obsessing about. I play my games on a 72 inch 1080p screen and I have nothing to say about the games. To me, CoD has always looked great, crisp and clean as fuck. I borrow BC2 a while ago and it looked just as good. I honestly dont see any reason to complain about it. I mean, unless the graphics are literally unwatchable, then its all good bro.

35MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-05, 16:47

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Nogbad The Bad wrote:just saw this and had to post it here Smile


I really do think it's the same. ... Are those different CoDs, or just different shooters?

36MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-05, 16:57

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Clockwise, from top right:

MW3? CoD4, MW2, Blops

37MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-05, 18:16



The Raddest wrote:Clockwise, from top right:

MW3? CoD4, MW2, Blops

Correct, and not hard to point out.

If you can't tell the difference between MW1 and MW3, you are legally blind.

38MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-05, 18:54



Pariah wrote:honestly i dont get what you guys are obsessing about. I play my games on a 72 inch 1080p screen and I have nothing to say about the games. To me, CoD has always looked great, crisp and clean as fuck. I borrow BC2 a while ago and it looked just as good. I honestly dont see any reason to complain about it. I mean, unless the graphics are literally unwatchable, then its all good bro.

72 inch!?


39MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-05, 19:18



Zillah wrote:
Pariah wrote:honestly i dont get what you guys are obsessing about. I play my games on a 72 inch 1080p screen and I have nothing to say about the games. To me, CoD has always looked great, crisp and clean as fuck. I borrow BC2 a while ago and it looked just as good. I honestly dont see any reason to complain about it. I mean, unless the graphics are literally unwatchable, then its all good bro.

72 inch!?


yeah, my dad went a little crazy a few years back trying to make a home entertainment paradise. The screen is tight, the surround sound is a godsend for FPSs, and the music/video capabilities of the hooked up PC are ridonk.

40MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-05, 22:21



I hope you give him great fathers day presents then!

41MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-06, 04:06

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Artimise Flare wrote: I want to know what happens to Soap and the others,

Im right here babeh. Ask me
MW3 multiplayer footage 2458268739

42MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-06, 04:13

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

No, the cool Soap.

43MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-06, 04:15

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Fuck you Gary. FUCK YOU, And your douchebag ways.

I am the cool Soap. Has Mactavish ever hit himself with a flail.....I THINK NOT

44MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-06, 06:12

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

You just proved my point. Thanks.

45MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-06, 10:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have proved nothing.

46MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-06, 12:51




MW3 multiplayer footage G8W6P

47MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-07, 14:22



Hoooo boy, being able to reset stats every prestige is fucking awesome imo.

48MW3 multiplayer footage Empty Re: MW3 multiplayer footage 2011-09-07, 17:24



Vinyl Scratch wrote:

Hoooo boy, being able to reset stats every prestige is fucking awesome imo.

yeah thats pretty cool.

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