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Lol at my school

Artimise Flare
Cubist Castle
Gary Effin' Oak.
19 posters

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1Lol at my school Empty Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:03



So tomorrow's my first day back(fuck) and everyone got 2 phone calls. Basically they said that everyone is going to start being searched upon entering the school and any and all headphones and hats found will be confiscated.

Needless to say im still going to be listening to my iPod. Come at me, school.

2Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:04



Oh, and you get sent home if they see you sagging your pants, now matter how high/low. Fucking haters...

3Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:08



Damn at the first bit. But I do not want to see someone's ass hanging out at school, or anywhere for that matter.

4Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:12

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Never tell school to come at you man....we all know what happens when you do that in gears.

5Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:15



Rainbow Vakarian wrote:Damn at the first bit. But I do not want to see someone's ass hanging out at school, or anywhere for that matter.

Ehh... I really don't care if people do it. I only sag my pants if im wearing a green shirt. Very Happy (AC for reference)

6Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:16



Stuff like this makes me glad I'm out of highschool. Schools everywhere seem to be getting ridiculously strict with their rules and security.

I wouldn't be bringing hats or headphones into school but I'll be damned if I have to get searched every time I come in. I really don't see what's wrong about people listening to music at school either as long as it's not in the middle of a lecture. As for hats what the hell is wrong with wearing a hat? I never understood that at all.

7Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:18

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Grove Street Families, Original Gangsta right here, mothafucka.

We were never allowed to wear hats or sunglasses in our school district (except for special "hat days"), because apparently students would use said objects to obscure their reddened whites of their eyes. However, we were always allowed to have headphones. I always came to school with a pair. You'd get them confiscated if you were caught wearing them in the halls, but I'd just use it on the walk/bus ride to/from, then keep them in my locker all day.

Whatever. Schools are always trying to make the jobs easier on the teachers, and it's understandable. They don't want to have too many distractions from their jobs, like trying to police assholes who play music in class, or try to sleep with the brim of their hat pulled over their eyes.

Sometimes they get TOO controlling, like the case of that one district in PA (I think) that used webcams in school laptops to spy on students behavior at home. That's when the parents come in and speak up about how the school is getting out of line.

Bottom line, school is for learning. That's all that parents and teachers care about, and when the kids aren't learning because of a shitty, out-of-control environment, or when schools get to authoritarian, that's when everything balances out again.

I sound like an old codger, but fuck it. I know I'm right.

Last edited by The Raddest on 2011-09-05, 21:23; edited 1 time in total

8Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:22



Chewy wrote:Stuff like this makes me glad I'm out of highschool. Schools everywhere seem to be getting ridiculously strict with their rules and security.

I wouldn't be bringing hats or headphones into school but I'll be damned if I have to get searched every time I come in. I really don't see what's wrong about people listening to music at school either as long as it's not in the middle of a lecture. As for hats what the hell is wrong with wearing a hat? I never understood that at all.

Exactly what I was thinking. Why the fuck does the school care if im destroying my eardrums while walking from class to class.

The Raddest wrote:Grove Street Families, Original Gangsta right here, mothafucka.

Fuck yes.

9Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:36



That sucks man. Our school tried to do this after a few bomb threats, but the students reacted so strongly to it that they called it off after a week. I personally didn't care either way because I had nothing to hide, but I can see why people get upset over it.

10Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:41



Hide headphones in your anal cavity.

11Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:43



Bear Grylls Bear wrote:Hide headphones in your anal cavity.

Doesn't everyone do this normally? Cool

12Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:43



Bear Grylls Bear wrote:Hide headphones in your anal cavity.

They will find them. They always do.

13Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:44



The Raddest wrote:Grove Street Families, Original Gangsta right here, mothafucka.

We were never allowed to wear hats or sunglasses in our school district (except for special "hat days"), because apparently students would use said objects to obscure their reddened whites of their eyes. However, we were always allowed to have headphones. I always came to school with a pair. You'd get them confiscated if you were caught wearing them in the halls, but I'd just use it on the walk/bus ride to/from, then keep them in my locker all day.

Whatever. Schools are always trying to make the jobs easier on the teachers, and it's understandable. They don't want to have too many distractions from their jobs, like trying to police assholes who play music in class, or try to sleep with the brim of their hat pulled over their eyes.

Sometimes they get TOO controlling, like the case of that one district in PA (I think) that used webcams in school laptops to spy on students behavior at home. That's when the parents come in and speak up about how the school is getting out of line.

Bottom line, school is for learning. That's all that parents and teachers care about, and when the kids aren't learning because of a shitty, out-of-control environment, or when schools get to authoritarian, that's when everything balances out again.

I sound like an old codger, but fuck it. I know I'm right.

I get that they're trying to make it easier for teachers but I think searching students on entry is taking it a bit too far. As for the policing people trying to sleep with hats though, I think teachers spend more time policing the fact that people are wearing hats in general now then they would with people doing that if they were allowed. Plus teachers should just look at sleeping students as an opportunity to slam something on their desk and scare the shit out of them because it's funny.

I really don't think schools should care about student's outside lives either. Their actions outside of school shouldn't get them in trouble in school, the police have that taken care of.

14Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:45



I wanna hire a bunch of those people that swallow the condoms full of drugs and try to get them in to the US, only put confectionate sugar in them just to fuck with the TSA.

15Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 21:51



Bear Grylls Bear wrote:I wanna hire a bunch of those people that swallow the condoms full of drugs and try to get them in to the US, only put confectionate sugar in them just to fuck with the TSA.
while i dont know how this works in the topic, I wish I could give you infinite awesome cred right now.

16Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 22:14

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I actually considered becoming a school teacher, possibly Highschool, but ultimately I would have wanted to become a professor in a college or something

I'd be pretty chill with stuff like that, Music, if I can hear it, I'll ask you once, and only once to turn it down or to turn it off if it's during a lecture. If I have to ask again, it's mine, as for hats, I don't think I'd really care, if you're sleeping in my class, I'd probably do what my teacher would do and walk over to the desk next to you and slam a text book down on the table or place a nice cold ice cube on the back of the kids neck (if that doesn't get me in trouble)

Needless to say, there is a difference between trying to keep order and having the school staff becoming a Gestapo of sorts.

17Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 22:31



The Raddest wrote:Grove Street Families, Original Gangsta right here, mothafucka.

We were never allowed to wear hats or sunglasses in our school district (except for special "hat days"), because apparently students would use said objects to obscure their reddened whites of their eyes. However, we were always allowed to have headphones. I always came to school with a pair. You'd get them confiscated if you were caught wearing them in the halls, but I'd just use it on the walk/bus ride to/from, then keep them in my locker all day.

Whatever. Schools are always trying to make the jobs easier on the teachers, and it's understandable. They don't want to have too many distractions from their jobs, like trying to police assholes who play music in class, or try to sleep with the brim of their hat pulled over their eyes.

Sometimes they get TOO controlling, like the case of that one district in PA (I think) that used webcams in school laptops to spy on students behavior at home. That's when the parents come in and speak up about how the school is getting out of line.

Bottom line, school is for learning. That's all that parents and teachers care about, and when the kids aren't learning because of a shitty, out-of-control environment, or when schools get to authoritarian, that's when everything balances out again.

I sound like an old codger, but fuck it. I know I'm right.

You're right.

18Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 22:59



Artimise Flare wrote:I actually considered becoming a school teacher, possibly Highschool, but ultimately I would have wanted to become a professor in a college or something.

What subject? If I don't make it as a plumber I was gonna try to become a high-school US History teacher.

19Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 23:27


The Raddest wrote:Grove Street Families, Original Gangsta right here, mothafucka.

We were never allowed to wear hats or sunglasses in our school district (except for special "hat days"), because apparently students would use said objects to obscure their reddened whites of their eyes. However, we were always allowed to have headphones. I always came to school with a pair. You'd get them confiscated if you were caught wearing them in the halls, but I'd just use it on the walk/bus ride to/from, then keep them in my locker all day.

Whatever. Schools are always trying to make the jobs easier on the teachers, and it's understandable. They don't want to have too many distractions from their jobs, like trying to police assholes who play music in class, or try to sleep with the brim of their hat pulled over their eyes.

Sometimes they get TOO controlling, like the case of that one district in PA (I think) that used webcams in school laptops to spy on students behavior at home. That's when the parents come in and speak up about how the school is getting out of line.

Bottom line, school is for learning. That's all that parents and teachers care about, and when the kids aren't learning because of a shitty, out-of-control environment, or when schools get to authoritarian, that's when everything balances out again.

I sound like an old codger, but fuck it. I know I'm right.

Yeah that laptop thing was in PA, the odd thing about that to me is it's in a very ritzy neighborhood.

We just had to go through metal detectors every morning at HS but that was about it. Though once someone tried to set the school on fire we started getting searched for a few weeks and we'd have to take off our shoes and put them through the scanner.

The school was kinda bad to be honest lots of fights and crazy shit going on. I remember a fight broke out just in front of my locker, blood all over luckily none of it touched my locker...

20Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 23:33

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

we'd have to take off our shoes and put them through the scanner.

You know, this kind of shit never would have been alright when I was younger. But since this kind of shit has become the norm at airports and whatnot, more people are letting go of their freedoms. They're just taking it lying down. Everyone's so fucking paranoid of imagined threats, that they're willing to let schools subject their children to this meaningless and costly procedure.

No longer are we innocent until proven guilty; we're suspected of being guilty, subjected to investigation, and then given an insincere apology upon discovery of our innocence.

21Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 23:47



The Raddest wrote:
we'd have to take off our shoes and put them through the scanner.

You know, this kind of shit never would have been alright when I was younger. But since this kind of shit has become the norm at airports and whatnot, more people are letting go of their freedoms. They're just taking it lying down. Everyone's so fucking paranoid of imagined threats, that they're willing to let schools subject their children to this meaningless and costly procedure.

No longer are we innocent until proven guilty; we're suspected of being guilty, subjected to investigation, and then given an insincere apology upon discovery of our innocence.
so what you're saying is...fuck the system? I like it.


*gets out gasoline and matches*

22Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 23:50

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I am totally not a fan of the system.

I think this might be a well known fact around here.

23Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-05, 23:52



well I'm with you guys on fuck the system.....too much bullshit in the world.

24Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 00:49



put head phones in, but bring no iPod.. just have the headphones lead to an empty pocket.

oh, and ive posted this before, but ill post it again. this tech n9ne video was filmed in my school. i walk through that metal detector every morning... haha

25Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 00:53



The Raddest wrote:
we'd have to take off our shoes and put them through the scanner.

You know, this kind of shit never would have been alright when I was younger. But since this kind of shit has become the norm at airports and whatnot, more people are letting go of their freedoms. They're just taking it lying down. Everyone's so fucking paranoid of imagined threats, that they're willing to let schools subject their children to this meaningless and costly procedure.

No longer are we innocent until proven guilty; we're suspected of being guilty, subjected to investigation, and then given an insincere apology upon discovery of our innocence.

Suspect You sound guilty...

26Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 01:00



I can't imagine going thru that in school.....I left this one school in my town because they started havin a bad dress code where you could only wear certain color shirts and had to be cheesy polo shirts and pants had to have a certain amount of pockets and all this bullshit lol.They were acting like the school was some uptight job or we were supposed to dress fancy like it was church or somethin...

I left cuz I can have a santa clause beard and ponytail and not tuck my shirt in lol.

That was years ago....Dunno why anybody would go to that school,it turned to a prison.Thinking back on that place gives me the shivers.I'm glad to be done with school lol.I might try goin to college in Jan. tho just to take some basic classes and I heard the gov. gives you alot of money for goin,like 3k a semester or so in pretty much spending money lol.That's how I'm gonna fix my teeth and get some guns Razz

27Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 01:24




28Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 01:51



Totally unrelated

But this morning I was hanging around the school office when this handicapped guy comes in

Apparently someone had use a lighter to melt Razor blades into the toilet seat in the handicap bathroom

29Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 03:59

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

The Raddest wrote:
we'd have to take off our shoes and put them through the scanner.

No longer are we innocent until proven guilty; we're suspected of being guilty, subjected to investigation, and then given an insincere apology upon discovery of our innocence.

Damn dude, thats strong. I like it and agree.

30Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 16:26



Wow, it was nothing like they made it out to be on the phone. All they have is some tables set up on the exits of the main lobby so that you have to walk through them in a straight line. And they don't even search you, they just confiscate your hats and headphones if they see them.

What a fucking joke, there are wayyyy too many people in my school for this to be done quickly. All it is is a huge hassle that will odds are make you late for class. If they don't do it tomorrow, I give it a week tops before they just give up.

Incoming rant...

While the whole security thing is a joke, the school itself has just gone to the shitter. Now instead of doing any one of the activities available at the time during gym, your forced to do what your specific teacher is doing. Fucking horseshit. Why the hell should I be forced to play shitty flag-football if I can go to the wight-room and oh I don't know, GET FIT? Especially considering most of the people who go to the weight-room just use the DDR machine or sit around doing nothing. And on top of that, now when we go outside your not allowed to walk/jog/run the track. WHAT THE FUCK!? Fuck football when I can actually do something that would help me improve my stamina(Running does that, right?...) and in-turn be useful for when I play hockey, which I actually care about unlike uncoordinated gym class football.

Now instead of it being if your late to 3 classes, you get lunch detention, they changed it to if your late to only 1 class, you get after school detention. What a crock-o-shit, 'nuff said.

And on top of all that, the new chorus teacher is a total bitch. She grades you on how well you sing(im not that great >.>) and now we have to do some music theory bullshit. It used to be you just got graded for trying and actually showing up to the concerts, but no, that's not good enough.

As the AVGN would say, What a shitload of fuck.


31Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 16:29

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

All dodge ball, all the time...demand it.

32Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 17:09

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What Byas said, then peg her in the face...

33Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 17:14



She grades you on how well you sing(im not that great >.>) and now we have to do some music theory bullshit.

Bigger issue is what are you doing in chorus.

34Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 18:42



Gary Effin' Oak. wrote:All dodge ball, all the time...demand it.

Try "Snowball" We don't even use kickballs, we use these foam balls. Evil or Very Mad

MEGA MILK wrote:
She grades you on how well you sing(im not that great >.>) and now we have to do some music theory bullshit.

Bigger issue is what are you doing in chorus.

It used to be an easy 100 added to my average and an easy credit towards graduating.

35Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 23:25



The Raddest wrote:Everyone's so fucking paranoid of imagined threats, that they're willing to let schools subject their children to this meaningless and costly procedure.
I don't really see the point in banning headphones or hats; they're hardly dangerous objects. But not all the threats are imagined. People in the USA are more willing to live in a state of heightened security precisely because they know that the dangers are real. We've had school shootings, from middle school on up to university. We've experienced terrorism at home and abroad. Fear shouldn't rule us, but a lot of these concerns over safety are merited.

36Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 23:37



Elraptor wrote:
The Raddest wrote:Everyone's so fucking paranoid of imagined threats, that they're willing to let schools subject their children to this meaningless and costly procedure.
I don't really see the point in banning headphones or hats; they're hardly dangerous objects. But not all the threats are imagined. People in the USA are more willing to live in a state of heightened security precisely because they know that the dangers are real. We've had school shootings, from middle school on up to university. We've experienced terrorism at home and abroad. Fear shouldn't rule us, but a lot of these concerns over safety are merited.

I honestly thought you were English Raptor

37Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-06, 23:53



2 things

- Fights happen in High School. All the time, everywhere. Always has and always will.

- Playing football doesnt make you fit? Huh?

38Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-07, 00:04

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I remember at my old school you could wear sweatshirts with hoods, but not the hoods themselves. I actually had a teacher once yank my hood down, and spend 15 minutes SCREAMING 6 inches away from my face at me.

In front of like 200 kids. I just sat there hands in pockets, shoulders slumped, and waited till he was done. Turned, tossed my hood back on my head with both hands, and pocketed my hands again. He actually screamed louder then he did before, ran infront of me, and blocked my way and forced me to the office.

39Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-07, 08:58



Sir Shmoopy wrote:
Elraptor wrote:
The Raddest wrote:Everyone's so fucking paranoid of imagined threats, that they're willing to let schools subject their children to this meaningless and costly procedure.
I don't really see the point in banning headphones or hats; they're hardly dangerous objects. But not all the threats are imagined. People in the USA are more willing to live in a state of heightened security precisely because they know that the dangers are real. We've had school shootings, from middle school on up to university. We've experienced terrorism at home and abroad. Fear shouldn't rule us, but a lot of these concerns over safety are merited.

I honestly thought you were English Raptor
Sorry to disappoint. afro

40Lol at my school Empty Re: Lol at my school 2011-09-07, 09:09



schools lame as hell,in college they don't care how you dress and stuff,but the work is alottttttttttt tougher which balances it I guess lol.Fuck dresscodes

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