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XBL Arcade

Dropped Da Soap
Honey Badger
Epyk MD
Manila Plague
11 posters

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1XBL Arcade Empty XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:01

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Making this topic to see what people have for arcade games.

I'm just posting games that have multiplayer in the hopes there are people out there that have some of these games.

This is what i have:

Risk Factions

Battlefield 1943

Marble Blast Ultra

Worms 2:Armageddon

Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Toy Soldiers

Monday Night Combat

Magic: The Gathering

South Park: Let's Go Tower Defence Play!

Perfect Dark (has Goldeneye multiplayer)

2XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:13

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

*drops a pin*

3XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:14

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

mine are mostly single play.

except Castle Crashers

4XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:15



I have Toy Soldiers.

THe original not the new one.

5XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:15

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

*pokes epyk*

get risk factions

6XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:16

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

sweet DL that's the one i have

the WW1 era is really cool IMO

7XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:18



I've had Perfect Dark for the longest time...I heard the online died a month after it came out tho.I loved it way back playing it on fun.I didn't like they took out the many team color options in MP but besides that I think that's the only thing they took out

lol it was SO funny playing online and disarming your own team to take their guns,plus it would make their screen SO blurry for awhile lol.I liked playing as the little alien elvis,or there was a "glitch" where you could put the alien head on a human body Razz

8XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:18



One night I was bored and didn;t feel like playing any of my games so I downloaded the demo and fell in love with toy soldiers. It didn;t take me but one demo play to buy the full game! THen I think I played it for like 5 hours straight! HAHA

I tried playing against bla one night on the MP but it kept crashin on us.

9XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:20

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

it would be sweet to play some golden eye sometime

i've never had issues playing MP toy soldiers but i haven't tried for months

10XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:25

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I have toy soldiers and worms 2. i was thinking about buying risk

11XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:26

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

get risk factions

khult bought it last night

supports upto 5 person MP and it has classic risk also

12XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:27



ive got marble blast (surprisingly fun), risk factions, and BF 1943

13XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:28

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

how much

14XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:29

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Battlefield 1943

That one EPIC Games one...

Perfect Dark

Banjo Kazooie/Tooie

Monday Night Combat(easily regret this one though)

And several others...cant remember em all.

15XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:30

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

800ms points

zillah we have to play risk sometime

and i'd love to get a worms game going also

possibly a tournament on here???

16XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:32



yeah, that would be fun. havent been able to play xbox the last week and probably wont be for a little while Sad kinda busy

17XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:32

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Manila Plague wrote:800ms points

zillah we have to play risk sometime

and i'd love to get a worms game going also

possibly a tournament on here???

if enough people have it im up for it

18XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 17:44

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

sweet Smile

i'm trying my best to generate interest

19XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:02




Super C



Worms 2




Hardwood Spades

Spyglass Boardgames

Plants vs Zombies

Castle Crashers


Turtles in Time


Track n Field

Tetris Splash


Dead Rising Case West

Dead Rising Case Zero

Dig Dug

Marvel vs Capcom 2

Zombie Apocalypse

Bejeweled 2


Battlefield 1943

Dash of Destruction

Pac-Man C.E.

Streets of Rage 2


Golden Axe

Metal Slug 3

Aegis Wing

Hexic HD

Spongebob Underpants

Double Dragon

Smash TV

20XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:17



LOL Mills. My list is going to be similar. I have over 20 arcade games.

Ive been trying to get people to get Trenched forever, as the co op is awesome in that game.

21XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:20



I'd love to get a TMNT game going with some SeC guys/gals.

22XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:21



I have quite a few. I'd have to look to actually list them

23XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:24

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I have Worms 2, and will be getting Trenched/Iron Brigade (same thing) when it's finally released.

I can't remember what else I have.

24XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:27

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i have a large XBLA list also but i just posted games with MP

Mills i'm surprised that Limbo is not on that list

25XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:28



Razz I have TMNT 1989

26XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:29




27XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:30



Manila Plague wrote:i have a large XBLA list also but i just posted games with MP

Mills i'm surprised that Limbo is not on that list

Not sure what Limbo is.

28XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:30

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Buy Risk

29XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:31



JrTapia1991 wrote:Razz I have TMNT 1989




30XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:31

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Limbo is one of the best side scrolling games ever

31XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:32



Razz I have zombie apocalypse and played it with a friend before but WOW that thing got so hard and boring by the end.....I think it went to damn 50 levels lol

32XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:33



I'll check it out.

Though I rarely buy any games that are over 800 points. I like the classics.

33XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:34



JrTapia1991 wrote:Razz I have zombie apocalypse and played it with a friend before but WOW that thing got so hard and boring by the end.....I think it went to damn 50 levels lol

Yeah it gets old after a while. I enjoy playing with a couple other people. After getting so far, I ususally screw around and die.

34XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:35

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

it has a demo on XBLA

35XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:36

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

and if you want classic get perfect dark 800ms points

playing multiplayer goldeneye with the SEC would be legendary

36XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:36



Dude TMNT is one of the hardest games of all time. I have nightmares of that stupid fucking water part near the beginning. Stupid fucking bombs. What if I dont feel like disarming them?

37XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:37



Perfect Dark is still really fun. I dont even want to think about how many hours Ive wasted on that game with my buddies when I was younger...

38XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:39

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

yes that water level at the damn is still burned into my brain from when i played as a kid

39XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:39

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i never really played perfect dark on n64. I was more into golden eye

only reason i got perfect dark is for the goldeneye MP

slappers only bitches

40XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:48



one sunday evening I wasted like 30 bucks at the mazzios pizza place here as a kid in like 1st-2nd grade playing TMNT 1989 on a real arcade machine with some kid...we made it real far on some highway chase level with hovering skateboards or something then I ran outta money lol...Raiden 2(or 3?) was fun as hell and only 25cent to play back then

You know another game I wish they would make on XBLA but I never hear anybody talking about? Zombie Revenge....they made it on dreamcast,and I played the actual arcade back in the day at mazzios.I miss playing the real killer instinct,house of the dead,soul caliber at the movies,and hydro thunder and cruisin the world at walmart lol

Razz good times man......zombie revenge was awesome.It was creepy like resident evil,but had a beat em up side to it too...I've been wanting to get a dreamcast for SO long just for the old school factor...I've never had one but it had some badass games on it.They even ported most of the Resident Evils back then to it.

I just had a major nostalgia orgasm lol............the real world sucks >:[[[

41XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 18:51



Oh wait....I dont think TMNT 89 is the game Im thinking off. Thats that old school side scrolling beat em up right? My studio has a free unit for unlimited plays. I remember a few years ago, one night during recording, we got REALLY drunk. And my drummer and I spent probably 4 hours on that damn machine. We almost beat it, but it just got soooooooo tedious.

42XBL Arcade Empty Re: XBL Arcade 2011-09-07, 20:44



Symbolic wrote:Oh wait....I dont think TMNT 89 is the game Im thinking off. Thats that old school side scrolling beat em up right? My studio has a free unit for unlimited plays. I remember a few years ago, one night during recording, we got REALLY drunk. And my drummer and I spent probably 4 hours on that damn machine. We almost beat it, but it just got soooooooo tedious.

This POS?

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