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Some Weather

Captain Pirate Pineapple
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1Some Weather Empty Some Weather 2011-09-08, 11:15

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I know Gil lives in PA too, and someone lives in Jersey ( Sad), but kind of curious as to the weather in your local area. Right now, the creeks, streams, and rivers are flooding. Two major highways near me are shut down due to flooding. I got to leave work early, and I get to cross 3 bridges! Hooray for all 3 being closed down! Took me 50 minutes to get home from work, and it's normally a 10 minute drive. A lot of the back roads I was forced to take were also flooding causing me to almost lose my Jeep twice! Other than that, it was fun!

2Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 11:19


Pretty much the same. Rained pretty hard last night and some earlier the yard is super mushy.

3Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:09

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

This is a photo that I found online. It's about 10 minutes away from my house.

Some Weather 307621_10150361224954595_610584594_9665018_694788156_n

The bigger building that's underwater near the end of that, that's a Burger King. Up the street through the water would be a bar I frequent, a lot.

4Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:10



5Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:10



Oh fuck.

6Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:15

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Four days of black clouds, and it didn't rain until this evening. Not much flooding here, though. I've been lucky enough to never have to deal with that, as I've lived in locations at higher relative elevation.

7Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:18

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I live up on a hill, so I never really saw any of the flooding other than on my way home from work. I would have taken pictures, but I was more worried about getting home than taking photos.

8Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:20



El Duderino wrote:This is a photo that I found online. It's about 10 minutes away from my house.

Some Weather 307621_10150361224954595_610584594_9665018_694788156_n

The bigger building that's underwater near the end of that, that's a Burger King. Up the street through the water would be a bar I frequent, a lot.

Some Weather EwsVM

9Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:24

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

That it did. There's been 5 reported deaths from the flooding too. There have also been talks about some bison in a zoo that have died as well.

10Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:33


I live up on a hill aswel so all has been all right. I've heard some local roads have been closed but that's about it, and of course there's always the idiot who trys to drive through it.

11Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:35

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Schools were closed around here. Most have a 2 hour delay for tomorrow already.

12Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:39



Damn that looks pretty bad...

We've had some light rain throughout most the day the past few days and some heavier stuff throughout the night. Nothing too terrible though.

13Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-08, 22:42

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

It's been raining since Sunday. Forecast is saying it's not supposed to stop raining until this coming Tuesday.

14Some Weather Empty Re: Some Weather 2011-09-09, 12:04

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