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1Gears 3: IMPORTANT Empty Gears 3: IMPORTANT 2011-09-10, 02:25



Found this on GFQs:

Until the first update is implemented on September the 20th, do NOT go onto Gears 3 using any profile with Veteran Gear, even offline. Create an offline, local account if you wish to play early. Or kiss goodbye to your Golden Weapons.

2Gears 3: IMPORTANT Empty Re: Gears 3: IMPORTANT 2011-09-10, 08:49



>__> I thought the game didn't even come out till the 23rd......or is this talking about people that got early copies?

I don't have the vet thingy,but my bro does.....he was saying something about they talked about if you unlocked stuff from the beta to not delete it cuz it's something to do with the cache....

he lost he level 100 before on gears 2..if you delete your cache then play an offline game not connected to live,poof there goes your level lol

3Gears 3: IMPORTANT Empty Re: Gears 3: IMPORTANT 2011-09-10, 09:28



Im slowly getting excited for this game.

4Gears 3: IMPORTANT Empty Re: Gears 3: IMPORTANT 2011-09-10, 12:57



It's been moved up to the 20th.

5Gears 3: IMPORTANT Empty Re: Gears 3: IMPORTANT 2011-09-10, 13:17



Very Happy I might get it......just for something to play....I hope I'll have the money for BF3 when it rolls around then >__>

6Gears 3: IMPORTANT Empty Re: Gears 3: IMPORTANT 2011-09-11, 22:42

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I am confused? Is this just a warning for those that get the game early or something?

7Gears 3: IMPORTANT Empty Re: Gears 3: IMPORTANT 2011-09-11, 22:52



Wobbuffet wrote:I am confused? Is this just a warning for those that get the game early or something?


8Gears 3: IMPORTANT Empty Re: Gears 3: IMPORTANT 2011-09-11, 22:56

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

OH. GAY! Cause I ahve a chance of getting mine Monday from Amazon.

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