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B2K Big or Small?

Ron Swanson
7 posters

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1B2K Big or Small? Empty B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 17:58



Which versions of the map do you guys prefer? I like Sharqi and Karkand small. While I like Oman and Wake big.

2B2K Big or Small? Empty Re: B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 18:00



As much as I like the extra vehicle combat on the larger maps, 12 v. 12 is simply not enough players. its just turns into musical bases and the flow of the game is destroyed.

The smaller versions make more sense

3B2K Big or Small? Empty Re: B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 19:53

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I agree with zilla. Consoles can't provide enough action on a regular basis on the bigger maps for me. Sometimes you have really fun matches there but generally you find yourself taking a sunday drive from base to base.

4B2K Big or Small? Empty Re: B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 19:55

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i also agree that small maps are better on console

5B2K Big or Small? Empty Re: B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 20:05



bigger map= worse

rule works for most maps in most game

6B2K Big or Small? Empty Re: B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 21:08



Haven't played any of the smaller versions yet... But the large ones with 64 players are generally the biggest clusterfucks in gaming.
It's fun, but it doesn't feel like there's any strategy at all and the attackers are usually given a loss. Some of them end up being the least enjoyable times I've ever had playing battlefield

7B2K Big or Small? Empty Re: B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 22:01



I think all the maps pretty much are on par with BF2 era, except SaK.

The flag changes/reduction is stupid that it forces more clutter.

Though, I can't complain too much as I love the map regardless.

8B2K Big or Small? Empty Re: B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 22:11



The other maps are fun, but SaK just drives me insane. Thankfully, I just finished my two hours.
Still getting annihilated every game too lol

9B2K Big or Small? Empty Re: B2K Big or Small? 2011-12-15, 22:24



SaK requires you to plan out your attack, and try to avoid the clusters.

As a good player, it is better for you and your squad to not engage in a massive fire fight at heavily contested zones, but rather use buildings and covers to sneak around and take flag from flag, and run away.

Standing up and fighting the massive crowd that is angry to kill you is pretty suicidal, as you can get overrun pretty easily in that map.

The strategies I used, though with tweaks due to destruction and new enter-able buildings, in the past still works great.

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