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It's a small world after all?

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1It's a small world after all? Empty It's a small world after all? 2011-06-24, 15:57



Was looking up random videos for Minecraft, and saw one for jkeller4000...this is one of the towns I blew up with my friend monkeydoodle xD.

Here's the story:

monkeydoodle and I get a tip off from a friend about a gate, and two gate names to the town. We go in to take things (namely stone slabs for our own underground base). Monkeydoodle starts blowing things up to look for hidden chests, and to destroy anything we didn't need. I tried to convince him not to destroy too many of the buildings, because they were fairly nice, but he brought up a good point that they would leave anyways if they knew we were there, so I began to hack away too. Then, the helper admin, mp shows up while we're down in their minecart tunnels, places TNT with us, blows it up, and nearly kills us, and we're laughing about it in TS. We go above ground, and he decides that it would really funny to turn the entire ground into TNT within the confines of the town (but he wasn't going to blow it up). I see that happen, panic, and try to dig through the dirt wall of town using my diamond shovel, but I hold my click button a little too long and accidently hit a piece of TNT.

The TNT ALL blows up, monkeydoodle is in the middle of town, so he had no chance. I was on the edge, and just outside the TNT when I got caught in the blast, and had my client crash. I reboot Minecraft, and am very surprised to see that I'm alive, with a half heart. I was lucky, because I had stolen a set of diamond armour that was in fairly good condition, and it's durability was what had let me survive the blast. All that's left at those coordinates now is just a gigantic crater in the ground (around 3x bigger than your SeC town on imdeity, and almost deep enough to reach diamond level in some parts). The people logged on the next day, flipped out, blamed the admin. xD


Is Minecraft about trolling folks basically? Cause all I ever hear about it is people messing others peoples' stuff up. I'm sure there's more to it, but I never hear about it.



MineCraft is a sandbox game in which you may do whatever you so desire, as long as it's within the boundaries of the server rules (when in MP). I play on anarchy servers, which are traditionally played much like Vanilla SMP, but are usually enhanced with things like NoCheat and AntiXray mods, and you will be banned if you are caught using any of the either that get past those barriers. You may kill, steal, grief, build, do whatever you want, but cheat. Most servers have a no-griefing rule, meaning that you aren't allowed to destroy other people's creations or you'll be banned, or you have to build in a specific area.



I've been thinking the same thing, DD. I wouldn't wanna spend time building something just to have people come along and steal it or destroy it.


Ahh, ok that's cool. I keep imagining some poor dude getting his house messed up when he just wants to chill and build stuff and live his life lol.



Well, you can either play a server that protects you or you can hide in one of two ways:

1. Build deep underground, and use certain building techniques to make yourself more stealthy.

2.) Build very, very far away.

If you combine them, you're usually unfindable, unless somebody bribes somebody you know to tell them where you live. It creates a very tense atmosphere, not knowing who to trust at any given time. Trading is usually involves you both dropping your things, and both parties nearly always have back up on standby hiding out to kill you if you screw the other person over. Then there's the risk that they could follow you home and destroy your base, but you're both thinking that, so you're turning around every two seconds, and taking the long way back. The sight of another unknown player makes your heart jump in your throat, because you hope they don't see you, and if they have, that they're either friendly or not as well equipped as you are. It's very exciting at times.


Hmm, that does sound pretty interesting lol.



Yeah. The one that the rest of the SeC play on is a no griefing, no Creeper (Think of walking TNT), no fire spread (So you can't burn down houses), no cheating, no lava placing, and no TNT server. It's real fun to just build what your mind wants and not have to worry about griefers. We like it. I don't know why Foxxy, who, no offense, complains more than Frostbyrn when something he doesn't like happens doesn't like that server, and likes the one where shit you take hours to build can be torn down by others.



Im going to have to try and find an anarchy server some day

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