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Games to play together.

Ron Swanson
Manila Plague
15 posters

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1Games to play together. Empty Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 20:38



list them here.

prominent ones were going to start promoting are Minecraft and LoL.

give some others...such as..i really want to lay Magicka, but am waiting until a 360 release.
but id totaly steam that shit if sometime else had it or was thinking of getting it.

2Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 20:56



strip poker

lol jk Razz

um,BC2,Condemned 2 is cheap now,and had a really cool crime scene mode where the cops tried to find the evidence boxes hidden by the criminals


Anybody have world at war?I could borrow it from my bro,but I don't have any money for map packs so I could only play the 1st map

um.... mind is blank right now...

Left 4 Dead anyone? Smile I have both games.they're fun as hell to play with friends

I have Gears 2

3Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:00



Borderlands Very Happy people seem to want to play it but no one else wants to play when they do lol

4Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:19

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i will play borderlands... i have WAW Jr (all map packs)

we should have a racing game such as forza or maybe blur

if you guys started playing more LoL that would be sweet

the new goldeneye reloaded game is fun

Worms 2, Risk Factions, magic the gathering <- XBLA

I know some of you have RSV2 and that is a bad ass game

i'll have more in a bit

5Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:31



I have magicka if you want to play epyk.

6Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:39




i dont have steam atm, so let me download it and get magicka and ill pm you tom.

7Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:43



my bro has Forza 3 I could borrow but I barely played it so no good custom cars to use,but I guess they let you use regular ones for VS racing and can supe em up Razz

8Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:46

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i have lots of tunes for whatever type of racing you want to do

one of my buddies was really into forza... he can drive Nuremberg in his sleep

9Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:49



I really wanted to get into Forza but I guess I got burned out on Gran Turismo back in the day on PS2 but it's really relaxing and rewarding for me to start with a junk car then build a good one

pretty good graphics in Forza too and the tracks are all realistic too I believe

last thing I remember doing was buying like a 1986 Pontiac Grand AM and improving the HP and painting it black...

I forget,can you run out of oil and gas like you could in GT?Or is that only in endurance races...

10Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:51

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

depends on what difficulty you play on but yeah mostly in endurance

i only play forza to drift

i'll race if that's what people are doing but drifting is where it's at

11Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:53



ive never played anything other than 10 years ago.

but i like building shit it the newest one?

12Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 21:57



nah the one my bro has is the one from 09 I think.Forza 3.I think it's like 10 bucks now

The one I had came with my xbox in a double pack with Halo ODST and had a 2nd disc for all these bonus cars,but dunno if they were even worth it...thinking about just deleting em off my HDD to save 2gb lol

Ah,I forgot I have the Halo 3 MP disc with all the maps on em.

I have this cool map Volcano Taco Razz and made a taco bell zombies map

13Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 22:08

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

yeah forza 3 is the older one.

i haven't picked up forza 4 yet but i plan to

*dusts off forza 3*

14Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 22:10



do you know if those cars that came on that bonus disc are even worth it?

they're supposed to be DLC but we on a disc kinda like Fallout GOTY

15Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-15, 22:56



Trivial Pursuit!

Cerealy. lots of fun

16Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 09:10



Uno and Hardwood Spades. I'd love to play those with some of you all. Would be great conversations games.

17Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 11:18



Terraria? I'm pretty sure there were a few people on the SeC that have it. Wicked fun game.

18Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 15:27

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Uni plays terraria

we should start playing chess.

19Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 15:35

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I hear Khult can play chess pretty well >_>

I might check out LoL this weekend Manilla. If I like it I will get ahold of you and we can play some

20Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 15:45



Forza 3, though I don't drift.
Rainbox Six Vegas 2
Resident Evil 5
Halo Reach

21Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 15:48



ill look into forza.

22Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 17:40



Terrinator wrote:I hear Khult can play chess pretty well >_>

Yeah he definitely seems like he would be good at chess.

23Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 17:47



No knives in Chess. Traditionally.

24Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 18:33

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i've played him a few times.

when we aren't playing BF3 khult and I will play chess on XBLA or risk factions

our current game tally is tied at 2-2 a believe

he is a very strategic player which is why he hates me. I seem to play everything like a randy, not just BF3 (well that's what khult says)

terry if you get LoL you really have to get someone to teach you how to play

i hated teh game until one of my friends showed me what's up

just tell me what time you'd like to play and i'll make time

we can create private custom games where you can practice until you get the hang

i played 3 hrs of LoL last night and yeah it get's boring with no friends

25Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 19:08



Some Forza 4 games would be awesome, but I suck at passing so I'd probably piss a lot of people off.

26Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 19:14



lol I'm an extremely aggressive driver in racing games....

don't get mad if I run yall off the side of the road XD

27Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 19:37



ill play waw and bc2, my fav games overall

im in for borderlands eventually

28Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 19:42

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

good luck catching me guys

i'll just drift circles around everyone

29Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 19:43



Good luck drifting when I'm taking a turn 100MPH too fast and using your car as a brake.

30Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 19:47

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

good luck with that sir

i am a forza vet Twisted Evil

31Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 19:50



So am I, I've played them all since 2.

I'm so damn good that I don't even assists! Well, except for the braking lines. And TCS on the higher HP cars. And the regular steering because I don't have a wheel. And automatic shifting.

But those don't count. I'm a vet I should know.

32Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 19:59



Chewy wrote:Good luck drifting when I'm taking a turn 100MPH too fast and using your car as a brake.

Razz hey thats my plan too

33Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-16, 20:01

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

not saying you aren't a vet

just trying to razz you a bit... and it's working

and what's traction control... hahahahahaha

34Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 02:42



I'll hopefully grab Minecraft after Christmas, and I'd be up for playing LoL. I've had it for a while but never actually played it

35Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 13:07


Chewy wrote:Good luck drifting when I'm taking a turn 100MPH too fast and using your car as a brake.

So much Rage! When i played TDU2 this is what the whole community did. I don't have Forza 4 i do have 3 though.

36Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 13:15



^I really don't actually try to do stuff like that though, but I'm not the best at passing so it happens sometimes.

I've only raced a few races online, and one of them I was doing an R3 race with a Ferrari F40, and I made my way all the way to second cleanly, but accidentally gave the car in first a little bump and made them spin out. I slowed down until they were about even with me, but that wasn't good enough for them so they spun me out.

You should get Forza 4 though, it's awesome and cool people like me have it.

Manila Plague wrote:not saying you aren't a vet

just trying to razz you a bit... and it's working

and what's traction control... hahahahahaha
You can't razz Riz Giz bro.

37Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 13:20



Chewy wrote:So am I, I've played them all since 2.

I'm so damn good that I don't even assists! Well, except for the braking lines. And TCS on the higher HP cars. And the regular steering because I don't have a wheel. And automatic shifting.

But those don't count. I'm a vet I should know.

Games to play together. DhG2a

38Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 13:26



MEGA MILK wrote:
Chewy wrote:So am I, I've played them all since 2.

I'm so damn good that I don't even assists! Well, except for the braking lines. And TCS on the higher HP cars. And the regular steering because I don't have a wheel. And automatic shifting.

But those don't count. I'm a vet I should know.

Games to play together. DhG2a

Games to play together. Tumblr_lc452dIqNn1qdoikh

39Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 15:16

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

TCS is for looser

40Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 15:33



I actually feel like it tightens things up a bit.

41Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 15:42

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

it absolutely does but it hinders drifting so i don't use it

i probably would use it if we were having a legit race

42Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 15:54



just to clairify

forza 3?

43Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 15:55



can i do all my racing online and unlock shit, or do i have to start off offline?

44Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 15:59



Well I have Forza 4 and so does Manilla and some other SeC'rs.

You don't really "unlocK" anything, just build up money to buy cars and customize them. Although if you race enough with a certain car you get most of the upgrades free. And you can also use any stock car right off the get-go, you just can't upgrade it(except for unicorns).

So you can do that either offline or online really.

TCS though, I avoid using it on most cars but when you use the high HP S class cars and above it's kind of necessary if you're not drifting.

45Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-17, 16:04



I've never really cared for drifting....I mean it's ok,but I just like to race better

:3 I wanna build up that Pontiac Grand AM to be badass and win some mom had a white firebird but it looks the same as the Grand AM

46Games to play together. Empty Sigh... 2011-12-21, 12:19


This was supposed to go to a standalone topic. Sad Edit.

47Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-21, 13:57

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I'd be down for some forza 3 or 4
I also have RSV2 though I'm not super far in it.
and there's always BF3 and BC2 but other than that my game collection is pretty limited as far as mp games go

48Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-21, 14:37



Whoever suggested chest and wants to [play, find a program and PM me. I'm usually more than glad to play a bit of the noble game.

49Games to play together. Empty Re: Games to play together. 2011-12-21, 15:09

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

<- races R1 cars WITHOUT with it Cool

the only assists I use in forza is ABS and manual transmission with auto clutch

the rest of it is off or on a boss! Razz

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