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FMG-9 Awesomeness

Cookie Monster
6 posters

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1FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 07:26

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Fuck this thing is awesome and beastly. I'd love to see this incorporated into a shooter/RPG.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

2FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 10:51



Mass Effect has folding guns.

3FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 11:14

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Oh yeah. Forgot about that. But I mean like an upgrade to a pistol. Like you can add suppressors, rail lights, etc. and this would be cool to add in. I could see this in a Deus Ex style of gameplay game though.

4FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 11:28




5FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 12:40



Being a gun jock this video set my teeth on edge. Mad
First, they've had folding smg's like this for awhile and the older ones are cooler. This doesn't even count as a weapon because it's actually just a poly shell with a Glock 18 stuffed inside it.

They really fucked up in the video though.
When they talk about it being similar to the old Ares FMG (it is), but what they actually show is the Boatman M-21. Two similar weapons, 2 different gunsmiths (stoner built the Ares/Boatman the m-21). The M-21 was the only one designed to look like a radio.

How the fuck can you market your own weapon accessory and not even know what the fuck you're talking about? Evil or Very Mad What a bunch of fucktards.

What is cool though is that the Ares, M-21 & UC are all pre-full auto-ban, so if you can afford one you can own one. They all run between $10,000 - $15,000 though. The actual M-21 used in Robocop 2 was for sale on GunsAmerica about 10 years ago. I seriously thought about buying it, but the woman would have killed me for dropping $11,000 on it.

This is the actual Ares FMG.
FMG-9 Awesomeness Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKhYLA9BHeqhTAQ8V3Y1KbdAV2KmOGxLuuW3z73ZAa6s_GQNk&t=1&usg=__1zpRNaHn7NGm4VniZREJ2ufN6P0=

This is the M-21 like in the video.
FMG-9 Awesomeness Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6qoo3A_qgY-NuPJHJBKNTkcEQPYD8mgGhFhWHFwsXz61rP2k&t=1&usg=__PGylAp63OYhr4fecOHJFLkMEiqA=

M-21 Folded.
FMG-9 Awesomeness Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlOuWsy_yxqOTMG_W1gw2BpGtWhwEx2beTWILa0YspkDaoNiI&t=1&usg=__KN_921p4Shv4s4NWIM_Rjug92UU=

Boatman M-21 being used by the kid in Robocop 2.
FMG-9 Awesomeness 9k=

There's also the UC Submachine gun which is very similar in design to the Boatman M-21. It's mistakenly referenced as the gun from Robocop 2 quite a bit, but it's the M-21 in Robocop 2.
FMG-9 Awesomeness Z

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2010-09-22, 17:36; edited 2 times in total

6FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 12:47



Damn Zoic.....

7FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 12:52



Ha! Sorry, I just wanted to set it straight.
The spread of misinformation angers me, especially when it seems official like this video. I honestly don't see how they could make that mistake.

8FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 12:55



Could've fooled me. But you and I are on opposite ends of this gun topic. I don't know jack about guns.

Last edited by Det. David Mills on 2010-09-22, 13:34; edited 1 time in total

9FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 13:08


Zoic droppin dat gun knowledge.

10FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-22, 17:05



I'm fairly well educated on guns, but most specifically on the ones I've owned or wanted.

The only reason I recognized this right off is because, like I said, I came close to buying one once.

EDIT: Shit. I pasted the wrong url for the picture of the Ares FMG and didn't notice my mistake till' I read through this topic again. It's fixed now, but the picture (below) I accidentally put up was actually for the Russian PP-90. Embarassed

Should be a Russian Engineer weapon (except it sucked in real life).
FMG-9 Awesomeness Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFTermKQ2u-J99WuaDSxsoDhpI4TsYeuufs3AgakrwB0I_FbU&t=1&usg=__CWvZNK-gLcwnX08ofjlnV6yXqwo= Embarassed

11FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-23, 15:59



Found a (pretty funny) video of the UC Submachinegun being demonstrated.

Don't know if they have any more for sale but they were going for about $12,000/piece. I am now accepting donations Wink

12FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-23, 16:03



Holy crap!!!!!!!!

Note to self. Do not piss off Metalzoic.

13FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 03:52

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Metalzoic wrote:Found a (pretty funny) video of the UC Submachinegun being demonstrated.

Don't know if they have any more for sale but they were going for about $12,000/piece. I am now accepting donations Wink

FMG-9 Awesomeness Icon_eek Forget That dude. I'd get the full package ACR, build an M24 from the 700 base, build an AR15 (with a AR10 conversion kit on the side), and get myself a SIG P226 or P229 and probably have some money left over. FMG-9 Awesomeness Icon_biggrin 12k is too much IMO for the UC. It's awesome, but I'd be having more fun with other options if I had 12k to spend. Hell, if you double get $30,000 you can get an M60 depending on where you live.

14FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 04:00



That thing is frackin Pimping Very Happy

15FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 12:30



Cookie monster I agree you could build yourself a small, badass armory with 12k.
I'm not saying they're a good deal at all. No transferable machine gun is.

I'm just saying it would be awesome to have either an m-21 or the UC. Especially the UC with it's sleeker folded profile, no external hinging etc... I'll powdercoat mine dark blue, put a shoulder strap on it and carry it around! People will just think its a laptop/tablet case Very Happy

Oh, have you seen the cookie monster someone built in Reach Forge? It's in the most popular screenshot section. Made me laugh!

16FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 13:42



That gun looks like it might lack a bit of fire power.

17FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 14:11



That gun looks like it might lack a bit of fire power.

What? No less than any 9mm submachinegun and I can think of many with shorter barrels.

It's 9mm with an 8.7" barrel. 650 Rpm.
About the same as a standard Mp5. Longer barrel than the UMP. Slightly shorter barrel than an Uzi.

18FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 14:15



An Mp5 can't pierce body armor IIRC

19FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 18:00



Bla125 wrote:That gun looks like it might lack a bit of fire power.
Bla125 wrote:Mp5 can't pierce body armor IIRC

You're right. If I threw an MP5 at you the best I could hope for is that it knocks you out. Smile

See what I mean? You're thinking of it backwards...
Guns have no power of their own. A gun is just a tool which can fire a bullet. You could have a room full of guns, but without ammunition they can't hurt anything.

When someone says "The M14 is a powerful rifle!" it really means "The M14 fires a powerful cartridge!". But no more powerful than any other rifle (with the same barrel length) that fires the same round.
Even then power varies between ammo of the same caliber.

To answer your question they do make Armor Piercing 9mm rounds and if you were using it in an MP5 (or any 9mm gun) it would pierce body armor. I'm not familiar with them but I know VBR makes some and some other Norwegian company too.

Ha! I just re-read this and I sound like a dork, but I'm posting it anyway.

Very Happy

20FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 18:03



im going to put magnum ammo into a submachine gun the next time i get the chance lol

21FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 18:12



Do it! It's what I use. It's actually called +P ammo though (Overpressure Ammunition).

22FMG-9 Awesomeness Empty Re: FMG-9 Awesomeness 2010-09-24, 22:26

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Plus you're assuming everyone (or at least most of the bad guys IRL) wear body armor. Either way armor only covers the chest and the likely hood you'll encounter a ballistic helmet outside of war is quite slim. The legs and arms are still vulnerable. With an SMG that can fire full auto you can spray and pray IRL, but then again most people would just grab a shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot in self defense. Which will not pierce armor either, but will knock someone down who has it on and more than likely break bones.

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