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My god the awesomeness!

Ron Swanson
HydrasBreath ♜
7 posters

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1My god the awesomeness! Empty My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 14:46



This song has been the soundtrack to my life for like the last week!

I love it What a Face

2My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 15:00

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

the music is epic...can't say I'm a huge fan of the singing

Overall it's quite awesome though

3My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 15:13

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I assumed this topic was about me when I entered.... SO I'm kinda bummed

Either way I can't listen to music at work Sad

4My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 15:20



cool song Razz

5My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 15:23



ive gone blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness

6My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 15:27



Idk, I think the singing is a little accented, but it still feels so fitting. I like it quite a bit, and it seems to compliment the dramatic tone well.

Sorry Terry, want me to make a thread about your awesomeness now?

K, I know how you feel man. That video is amazing.

7My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 15:35

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Pariah wrote:Sorry Terry, want me to make a thread about your awesomeness now?

We had a thread for that once..... It went pretty well lol

8My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 17:10



You seen the music video that goes with this its kind of crappy

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

9My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 18:37



My god the awesomeness! NwcKS

10My god the awesomeness! Empty Re: My god the awesomeness! 2011-12-21, 20:45



Frost, yeah I saw it. It was rather messed up, but not horrible in my view. I really just listened to the music though.

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