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I quit smoking and you can too! (points at your face...)

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Keyser Söze
Manila Plague
12 posters

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Tomorrow will be 5 days. So far so good, no real problem.

If any of you smoke and would like to quit, I will tell you the absolute best, most perfect way to quit.

I smoked 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day and haven't had more than minor urges to smoke. At some point today I realized that I had been up for 10 hours and hadn't even thought about the fact that I hadn't smoked.

Let me know.
I will be holding a seminar by PM. Only $100 per attendee.



Metalzoic wrote:
I will be holding a seminar by PM. Only $100 per attendee.

that's how you do it

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i too have quit after smoking for 15 years.

i quit when i moved which was Nov 1st 2011

congrats metal Very Happy



congrats man!

my new years resolution was to quit smoking. i smoked quite a lot but was never really addicted; its been nearly two weeks now



Manila Plague wrote:i too have quit after smoking for 15 years.

i quit when i moved which was Nov 1st 2011

congrats metal Very Happy

Thanks. You too!

i smoked quite a lot but was never really addicted

My wife is like that. Can just quit like it's no big deal. If I went an hour without a smoke I'd get tunnel vision, sweats, couldn't think etc... Super addicted.




Its just not going to be the same

Back in the day you would be in a party with Omnithrash and he would be all like

"Im going for a quick smoke BRB"

And wouldnt return for 20 minutes

those were the days Very Happy

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I too quit smoking (cigarettes, not the good stuff) over a month now.

Cold turkey is easy with a little willpower.



Can't imagine being able to quit right now. Congrats to all of you.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I used to smoke for like 8 years and just quit cold turkey. It was a little rough, but did what I needed to do. Now, if only I could find some way to cut back that taco and alcohol consumptions.......

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

At one time I loved smoking cigs when I drank. Now I can't stand the taste of it on my lips. Good for you Metal



Cold turkey is easy with a little willpower.

and just quit cold turkey. It was a little rough

No way would I ever be able to quit cold turkey.

That's why I'm quitting using a method that leaves almost no urge to smoke and no withdrawal symptoms. I wouldn't be able to do it other wise.



I'm also one of those people who can smoke and not be addicted to it. Don't even smoke while I'm drinking anymore, lost the urge to do that.

What method are you using that has no withdrawal? I've heard the most effective is chantix but you can still have nasty withdrawals with that, just can't do shit about them.



Zayban prescription plus the patch. Use both for 2 months.
The combination of both makes it a piece of cake.

Several years ago I quit smoking for 3 years and this is the method I used so I knew it would be fairly easy going in.

They wanted to give me Chantrix but I told them I wanted to stick to what I already know works. Don't fuck with my formula. It works perfectly.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I think his method involves smoking to remove to desire to do it >_>



Never taken a drag from a cigarette and don't plan to.

Grats to you guys, though. Quitting smoking can be tough, but it's a good decision, both for your health and financially. Especially so up here in NY where a pack of Marbs costs $10.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Greg fucking KG wrote:I too quit smoking (cigarettes, not the good stuff) over a month now.

Cold turkey is easy with a little willpower.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Cold Turkey is easy with a little applesauce.


Manila Plague

Manila Plague

damn it adli now i want turkey

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Manila Plague wrote:damn it adli now i want turkey

the master plan is bearing fruit!

MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Twisted Evil



why do you sell turkeys?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


nyuk nyuk nyuk



Another day nearly down.
Tomorrow is day six or 7... can't remember.


Time to eat some noodles.

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