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Quit my job today

Bama Psycho
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1Quit my job today Empty Quit my job today 2013-07-16, 16:58

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Had several reasons to quit, but the main one is that job kept me in constant pain from aggravating old sports injuries...mainly my knee, which caused most of my left leg to be in pain(including my hip and ankle) and my health is more important than any job. This past Saturday I felt like my ankle could give out at any time and I could barely walk on it, so today I called HR and asked if there was any possibility of moving me to a job off the floor(where I'm walking on concrete for 8-10 hrs per shift) and they said no chance, so I said I was going to have to leave the company.

I guess now my full time job will be finding a new that is actually back in the IT field preferably.

2Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-16, 17:10



Damn dude

I know the feeling....

3Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-16, 17:14



yea that stuff is killer on your ankle,knees,and my back,neck,etc

4Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-16, 18:47

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

It's why I like the down time at my job. Standing on the concrete for hours on end sucks! Doesn't matter how comfortable your work boots may be.

5Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-16, 19:38

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

The only downtime we ever had was if a machine broke down, and even then we were suppose to clean our I hardly ever stayed still at work. The only good thing about it was that in the 3 months I worked there I lost over 20 pounds from all the constant walking.

6Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-16, 21:45

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm losing weight right now from all the heat and sweating. Not trying to, but it's happening. Dropped from 225 to 205 in a week and a half. Think I drink about a gallon of water a day.

7Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-16, 23:51



Well good luck Mr. Psycho. Lame they wouldn't place you into a different position though.

8Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-18, 20:25

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Its too bad that is came to that Bama. But you gotta take care of yourself, otherwise no one else will.

9Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-18, 20:38



I had to quit my Lowes job for similar reasons.

My old football injury( spine ) is seriously awful

10Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-19, 00:16



I had to quit humpin' the bosses wife once due to an old porn injury.

11Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-19, 00:17



I was being serious you jackhole

12Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-19, 00:23



Jackhole was the name of the movie I hurt myself in.

13Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-19, 00:24




14Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-19, 01:20



I saw that Very Happy

You were "Penis in Gloryhole 3" right Very Happy

15Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-19, 01:23



Naw Metal was in Where the Girls Arent 17

16Quit my job today Empty Re: Quit my job today 2013-07-19, 01:25



Dropped the Soap:Starring Robbie Roy,Pornstar MD

Sidenote Pornstar MD is a great GT Very Happy

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