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WTF Is up with these Stats?

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1WTF Is up with these Stats? Empty WTF Is up with these Stats? 2010-09-23, 06:35

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster



Looks like he's played nothing but Conquest. If you win it counts as you being an attacker, if you lose it counts as you being a defender. Also, until he loses an attacking game or wins a defending game his W/L will be undefined in those categories.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Look at his SPM. That's freakin crazy! Is that even possible?



That is pretty good.



Total Booster

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Frostbyrn wrote:Total Booster

That's what I was thinking. Except he was making me rage with slugged shotties. Like WTF!?



I think we might be dealing with a clone DrBob

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