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My stats are messed up

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1My stats are messed up Empty My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 11:46



So I was on Stastverse and it says I'm level 10 and only 13 hours of playtime, when I'm level 19 and have WAY more than that :/

And according to the in-game stats, I'm level 1!

2My stats are messed up Empty Re: My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 11:49

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Id recommend

And I commend you on your stats on such a low level.

3My stats are messed up Empty Re: My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 11:50


Ingame stats mess up a lot pay no mind to it. As for statsverse did you try to update it?

4My stats are messed up Empty Re: My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 11:51



Epyk wrote:Id recommend

And I commend you on your stats on such a low level.

Thank you kindly! I'll try that site. Also, you up for a game?

5My stats are messed up Empty Re: My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 11:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Unfortunately, im at work at the moment.
sunday is my "cry in a corner for 8 hours" day.

But if your up for it in about 5 hours, id love to.

6My stats are messed up Empty Re: My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 11:55



Epyk wrote:Unfortunately, im at work at the moment.
sunday is my "cry in a corner for 8 hours" day.

But if your up for it in about 5 hours, id love to.

Sure thing. I could play for an hour with you.

7My stats are messed up Empty Re: My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 11:56

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Also, we have a stat sig that auto updates if you'd like to have the code for that.
its more convenient to have it on hand.

8My stats are messed up Empty Re: My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 11:58



Epyk wrote:Also, we have a stat sig that auto updates if you'd like to have the code for that.
its more convenient to have it on hand.

Sure, send it my way! I have sent you a friend request ready for tonight btw :3

9My stats are messed up Empty Re: My stats are messed up 2011-04-03, 12:05

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

My stats are messed up 360_Tranquilize%20IV

There you go. There are many versions of this. Metalzioc is our resident statsig guru badass. He usually has no problems with altering colors and what not if someone asks him.


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