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Interesting Day!

Ron Swanson
8 posters

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1Interesting Day! Empty Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 16:53



First I have to outrun a tornado in my car and get somewhere to hunker down on my lunch break.

Then I come back to work and a few hours later a car pulls up along a side fence area that I notice has their airbags deployed and is all crunched up. I walk out look around don;t see any other wrecked cars, ask the woman if shes ok and she has a 4 or 5 year old daughter as well. THe lady seems whacked out of her gord but says she was hit in front of our building and she had already called the police. Something doesn;t seem right so I call 911 to make sure they have someone on the way. I tell the lady that theres a van off our address that was wrecked and the lady aseemed dazed and I wanted to make sure that help was on the way. The lady says one minute. She gets back on the line and starts asking me a bunch of queations about the van,. and then askes if the license plaate was this and I said yes thats it. She says. Please dont say anything out loud but this vehicle was involved in a hit and run can you give me directions to exactly were this is at... Cops show up shes drunk of high and arrest her. Crazyness today!

2Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 17:01



Damn!!!! Hope they throw the book at her, then a hammer..

You seem to always have fun days

3Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 17:04

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Wow crazy DL. Saving lives, outrunning natures fury...... being a lord of dragons..... you got a lot on your plate man.

4Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 17:07



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5Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 17:37

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Damn and I thought my day was interesting with dealing with my lady issues, but this beats it.

6Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 17:56



damn now you made me remember that actually do nothing all day Sad

7Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 18:03

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I thought mine was interesting too. I got into a yelling match with the head mechanic of one of our best customers >_>.

8Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 18:11



OG Terry Plague wrote:damn now you made me remember that actually do nothing all day Sad

same for me except I walked all the way to the payphone in town for nothin....called my old rinky dink dishwasher job for my W2 form so I can try to get some spending money and they just give me the run around.....

I hate that place.I got outsourced to some illegals

9Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 18:13



Your Mexican arent your Jr?

You should pretend to be illegal Very Happy

10Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 18:25



me no speaky no english senor >:{P

yea half mexican even tho I look white as hell Razz.My dad was an illegal back in the day

Interesting Day! Stock-illustration-7857433-big-sombrero-and-moustache-mexican

11Interesting Day! Empty Re: Interesting Day! 2012-01-17, 18:26



Holy crap, DL!

You are now a crime fighter on top of all your other duties.

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