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Next Xbox rumors

Ron Swanson
Manila Plague
Dropped Da Soap
14 posters

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1Next Xbox rumors Empty Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 11:53



The next Xbox will ship to retailers in late October or early November of next year with six times the processing power of the Xbox 360, sources close to the project have told IGN.

Following initial reports from tech blogs Fudzilla and SemiAccurate, our sources have confirmed that mass production of the system's GPU will indeed begin by the end of 2012 but will not, however, be based on AMD's 7000 series Southern Islands GPU. Instead, the processor will be derived from the 6000 series, which was introduced last year. More specifically, it will be akin to the Radeon HD 6670, which offers support for DirectX11, multidisplay output, 3D and 1080p HD output. The chip currently has a market price of upwards of $79.99.

In real terms, the Xbox 720's raw graphics processing power is expected to be six times that of the Xbox 360 and will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo's forthcoming console, the Wii U.

Developers are likely to receive development kits based on the system's final configuration in August. Projected pricing for the console was not provided.

Hmmm. Just rumors, but this doesn't sound even remotely good enough for the upcoming generation.
Unless it also has a seperate dedicated chip for physics. And one for lighting. One for AA etc...

I would expect more than a 6x jump from current and only 20% more than WiiU? Seriously? That is almost embarassing... Hopefully there turns out to be much more to the equation if this is true.

What do you guys think?
Anyone seen any rumors on the next Sony?

2Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 12:04


Well the main problem with consoles is that they have to be affordable so they can't really jam a bunch of great parts into it or it won't sell well.

3Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 12:06


I would hope that after the advancements made in CPU's lately (Intel I9 and the AMD FX-8150 eight core) that the XBox 720 would take advantage of something a little more solid and game changing than their current projected specs. They should be able to push the limits more than this, especially with a mass release date of next year. They have time to put together better specs, test/diagnose/fix, and stabilize the platform over the next 8-12 months before going into mass production. Truth be told, they will charge too much and not produce enough for the first six to 10 months as is their standard procedure.

As for the PS4, the last time I saw anything on it was in early December. www dot ps4forums dot org is a decent place to find info though. (New user, so I can't post the hyperlink)

4Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 13:44



DO you guys know what GPU the current 360 is using?

This -

Here's the "rumored" next gens card -

If the 360 can get BF3 in its current state, imagine what developers can manage on a card 6-8x as powerful. That's a huge upgrade.

Keep in mind this is all rumors...

5Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 13:48

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Dammit Ante. I was hopig to be "That Guy" for once. I even had my links and everything. Sad

6Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 13:51



Cicero wrote:Dammit Ante. I was hopig to be "That Guy" for once. I even had my links and everything. Sad

Hipster Ante strikes again!

7Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 13:53

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

So you admit your a hipster?!

8Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 13:56



Never... only because I hate indie music!

Edit: and Starbucks!

Edit2: Make that coffee shops in general!

9Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 14:21

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Why? Because they're....popular?!?

10Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 14:23

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i honestly think that by the time next gen is out i'm getting a proper gaming PC

consoles just fall behind...

11Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 15:14



Manila Plague wrote:i honestly think that by the time next gen is out i'm getting a proper gaming PC

consoles just fall behind...

Right now the main reason to get a gaming PC is because of their power. If the next consoles are comprable in power to a gaming PC, theres not much point in shelling out an extra $500+

12Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 15:27


PC's are more upgradable, but that means they also cost more. Though, as a "welcome home" to myself, I bought a system from CyberPowerPC, and must say that I'll never go back to a laptop, and I can play ANYTHING out there right now and for the next several years before I need an upgrade.
Personally, I don't see consoles ever catching up to PCs simply because of the speed at which new technology is developed and the ability to swap out parts on a PC. By the time the console goes through R&D, gets approved, begins manufacturing, markets, and ships, it is already six to twelve months behind the newest tech.
That's just my opinion. Hence why I must multi-platform my gaming life.

13Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 16:21



6x more powerfull sounds good to me.People are talking about this rumor all over saying its not enough.What was the difference between the xbox and xbox 360 or ps2 to ps3?Are people just comparing the next consoles to PC,because this looks like a good console to me.

14Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 16:49

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't need a super powerful console to be happy. I just want good games. I still play my SNES sometimes and its not the graphics that keep me coming back >_>

15Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 17:58



Evil Terry wrote:I don't need a super powerful console to be happy. I just want good games. I still play my SNES sometimes and its not the graphics that keep me coming back >_>

I agree.Regardless,I'm not gonna get the new system for a couple years.I just don't have the money,and launch titles mostly always suck and.....who's to say there won't be reliability problems Evil or Very Mad

there's still many games on 360 I never gave the chance too,and I still enjoy playing current stuff like BF3,Resident Evil,Skyrim,etc...

they really need to ditch the bullshit expensive proprietary 360 hard drives and do what the PS3 did and let you use any hard drive and the console will format it itself.

I hope they keep the same controller as the 360 but improve the d-pad,and make it blu ray

and make xbox live free damn it!!!!!!!!!! Razz

16Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 18:23

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

No. I don't want Xbox Live free at all. Seriously, why do you think live is 2x better then PSN?

17Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 18:36



I don't know I've never had the money for a PS3 but from everything I've read besides not having party chat some liked PSN.I heard PSN is rampant with hackers tho since sony doesn't care

18Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 19:16



Ante wrote:
Hipster Ante strikes again!
quoted and sig'd

19Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 19:17



Griff01 wrote:PC's are more upgradable, but that means they also cost more. Though, as a "welcome home" to myself, I bought a system from CyberPowerPC, and must say that I'll never go back to a laptop, and I can play ANYTHING out there right now and for the next several years before I need an upgrade.
Personally, I don't see consoles ever catching up to PCs simply because of the speed at which new technology is developed and the ability to swap out parts on a PC. By the time the console goes through R&D, gets approved, begins manufacturing, markets, and ships, it is already six to twelve months behind the newest tech.
That's just my opinion. Hence why I must multi-platform my gaming life.

and mods Razz

20Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 19:23



Griff01 wrote:PC's are more upgradable, but that means they also cost more. Though, as a "welcome home" to myself, I bought a system from CyberPowerPC, and must say that I'll never go back to a laptop, and I can play ANYTHING out there right now and for the next several years before I need an upgrade.
Personally, I don't see consoles ever catching up to PCs simply because of the speed at which new technology is developed and the ability to swap out parts on a PC. By the time the console goes through R&D, gets approved, begins manufacturing, markets, and ships, it is already six to twelve months behind the newest tech.
That's just my opinion. Hence why I must multi-platform my gaming life.

Speaking as a guy who's been on all three of the systems (PS3, Xbox360 and PC) I really have to say, each has their own strengths. I love playing on my xbox on my big ass tv, and I really do love how it works for me. I'm perfectly happy with it. Then again, I also love my (not fantabulous but decent) PC. I can play TF2 on it, and it works pretty damn well for me too. It really just depends on personal preferences.

Ok, fanboyism out.

I agree that PCs are way more upgradeable, and that it does make them expensive. But then that begs the question...why? Every upgrade will be obsolete in a few weeks/months, so trying to play catch-up seems ridiculous to me. My PC has dated parts, but it runs just fucking fine, so why should I care about the latest and greatest? I like my older tech, and this is one of the things that I really like about PC. You have the choice not to upgrade to the next generation. Whereas on console, we'll have to face a gradual phase-out to the new system or be left behind.

21Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 19:50



I agree...even if I had the money for PC I don't think I'd do it...all the "regular joes" I know in real life only use their pc for youtube and music and facebook,and all just play xbox.I just like how console's are simpler and 360 graphics look great to me.

so I'm not picky.As long as there's cool new games to play I'll forever stay on consoles most likely.Started way back on the genesis then snes,then n64,ps2,gamecube,xbox,then finally 360 so I've seen the evolution of graphics first hand over the years and I'm cool with the current graphics

every one has their pros and cons.I'd get slaughtered against pc gamers online.Keyboard and mouse hurts my wrists and hands and I like the 360 controller better

I agree that I hate the "catch up" game.I mean...idk.

Always wanted a ps3 but I feel bleh about it now.I was almost convinced by GT's topic awhile back,but he said it wore off quick and he got rid of the thing 0__o.The triggers on the ps3 are horrible

22Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 20:22



Console games will always be superior to me because I can sit back on a couch and play them.

23Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 20:57



and no system requirements Razz

24Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 21:31



JrTapia1991 wrote:and no system requirements Razz

Well, technically there is. You just can't change graphics settings on consoles.

25Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 22:35


I've been thinking about buying a gaming laptop more and more lately... I don't care about mods and such but i love MMO's a nasty addiction i know..

26Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 23:06



The one thing you need to remember is that consoles are able to use hardware much more efficiently than say a pc. So even though mid to high end pc right now might be somewhere around 10x more power then a console they do not look 10x because of that optimization that console developers can achieve. They do not need to use API's to interact with the hardware like pc developers. I honestly feel that they will not include this card but something more akin to a 6770 if they want to launch this year (which is highly doubtful). I am just glad that consoles will finally have native 1080p games and maybe even at 60 fps too. New consoles will also mean that we should finally see DX11, multi-core support, and maybe even 64-bit support in pc games, which is good for everyone. In regards to sony they have been talking about 4k resolution support for the PS4 which is almost certainly not going to happen.

27Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 23:37


chunckylover53 wrote:I've been thinking about buying a gaming laptop more and more lately... I don't care about mods and such but i love MMO's a nasty addiction i know..
For gaming, I'd go desktop instead of laptop, not necessarily for the mods, but rather because you get more for your money. However, if portability and space saving is your goal, then go for the laptop.
.. Just my 2 cents worth...

...... ?For the new guy, i talk a LOT...

28Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 23:42



Razz nah its nice to see somebody new around

29Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 23:43



you did not see siren (the almighty oracle's) opening topic.

that was fun

30Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-27, 23:46


Griff01 wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:I've been thinking about buying a gaming laptop more and more lately... I don't care about mods and such but i love MMO's a nasty addiction i know..
For gaming, I'd go desktop instead of laptop, not necessarily for the mods, but rather because you get more for your money. However, if portability and space saving is your goal, then go for the laptop.
.. Just my 2 cents worth...

...... ?For the new guy, i talk a LOT...

Yeah that's the problem, no space. However if i buy a cheap desktop i'll just use it to replace the current. This is in the living room and if i drop a good amount on it i don't want everyone touching it with their filthy hands. Seen an Asus G74SX for $1650 that i like.. But atm i am a bit busy with life and i know when it comes to comps new stuff is comeing out constantly so i am not even sure if i'll get anything.

31Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-28, 03:28



Fuck PC. I will never have another gaming PC. Consoles, handhelds and arcade cabs only for me. I'm sure whatever they go with for next gen systems will be fine.

It's just a bummer to see a rumor that a console due out over a year from now might be using a year old graphics card. 2 years behind before it even hits the shelf.

Sony will probably use multiple cell processors and an even shittier graphics card.

Oh well. After how much I ended up absolutely detesting my PS3 I have no interest in buying another Playstation console... although I'll probably pick up the Vita next month for the hell of it. I loved my PSP.

32Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-28, 15:10



JrTapia1991 wrote:
every one has their pros and cons.I'd get slaughtered against pc gamers online.

I agree that I hate the "catch up" game.I mean...idk.

Always wanted a ps3 but I feel bleh about it now.
I've found that playing shooters on PC has actually helped improve my accuracy on xbox. I mean, I still have my 15 minute adjustment period to get re-used to the controller, but after that its a beauty.

I'm not even going to play the catch up game. I love my PC as is, and unless its a fucking amazing deal, im not changing jack about it.

I started my serious gaming on a PS3. Not a bad console, but not really made for more competitive shooters. Its a great system, but IMO xbox beats it hands-down.

Griff01 wrote:

.. Just my 2 cents worth...

...... ?For the new guy, i talk a LOT...

We like this. Keep it up. Fresh voices are always welcome.

OG Terry Plague wrote:you did not see siren (the almighty oracle's) opening topic.
that was fun
You don't know how much I wish we had that back. Frost and I kept that mofo alive way past its due date.

33Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-28, 15:36



i helped Sad

34Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-28, 15:37



Razz when I got on the next day it had like 500 replies

35Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-28, 15:56



you did, Duan. Frost and I were whoring it up, but you, Tapia and I think Soap helped.

36Next Xbox rumors Empty Re: Next Xbox rumors 2012-01-28, 16:40



Next Xbox rumors R5kyB

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