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Gamer friends needed for PS3 and PC

The Adli Corporation
Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
12 posters

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Hey all. I am new to this site, and just getting my feet wet but thought I'd open up a topic to say hello and of course ask for a small bit of assistance.
I haven't played the Battlefield series in over a year due to being
deployed by the US Army to a lovely desert for a year. I finally got
BF3, but can't find any of my old gamer friends. I only own it on PC
right now, not console.
Gamertag is

On PS3 and on PC, I have MW3, MW:Black Ops, MW2, and a few others. I'm looking for people to add me to their list. I'm out of practice with FPS's, but getting back into it. I'm closing in on Prestige level 1 on MW3 for the PC.

... Now, back to reading threads, and I thank you all.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Hey griff!I've been waiting for a griff to show up so I can flex some of my Sarge style rants at someone. But I'm at work now so it will have to wait a bit.

I will warn you most of our members play xbox 360, but I do think we have a few PC players hiding round here.


.... I don't even own a 360, simply due to the fact that I shouldn't have to pay a monthly fee in order to play the games I own. I do occasionally go play at a friends house, and then rant about how much I should just cave in and buy a 360. I play on multiple platforms, and now with the new job and pay raise, I may branch out and finalize the grouping (currently have PS3, PC, and a Wii *for the kids*).
As for breaking out some Sarge rants...
"What can I say about Sarge, except of course good riddance...heyo, but
seriously, Sarge lived a great life. And now that he's dead, our lives
are pretty good too. Zing!"

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

welcome to the site again man I would recommend you get bf3 for the 360 if you want to have some real fun.



I play on PC.

Add me on origin and steam and battlelog

All use this id: ThePeavstenator



Welcome! There a re few PC players but not many PS3 folks.

I don;t mind paying the monthly fee for live because you get SOOOOO much out of it.


Thanks Peavs
Drgn, I may end up buying one soon. Too many people I know have moved over to the 360 as the console of choice lately.



If you have Steam you can add me, although I don't really play multiplayer games on PC.

Steam ID: Ante8787



I was a huge playstation fanboy and have my original PS, and my PS2 still. Microcsoft really does it right tho and I am not a fan of them really but the 360 is a hella good console! Tho I will admit I have not been a fan of their latest dashboard update, otherwise I love the amount of content I have. In addition to the netflix that the wiia nd PS3 has I also have huku, ESPN 3, youtube now, and the stabilty of the servers for the xbox games are great!

Take the plunge grif!


I do have a birthday coming up... Perhaps I can give my kids my money to go buy me a 360 for my birthday. lol



Nice! I'm glad we have another person on the forum with kids! HAHA

I'm 33 and I have two daughters! I feel soooo old around here! HA


I'm glad you said that. I'll be 35 soon, and was starting to worry that I was the only person 30+ on this site.
I've got two sons and a daughter, all under 12 years old. Now I'm a single dad and raising them alone, so gaming is my escape and quiet hour... I simply say "Hey kids, come watch this and quiet down"... Oh yeah, raising gamers. lol



Your not alone,

Tex and Metalzoic are both over 30 and also have kids.

My daughters are 9 and 11 and are also being raised as gamers. They sat and watched me play Skyrim last night and talk about how cool of a game it is.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Your not alone,

Tex and Metalzoic are both over 30 and also have kids.

My daughters are 9 and 11 and are also being raised as gamers. They sat and watched me play Skyrim last night and talk about how cool of a game it is until they took an arrow to the knee.

*runs from imminent anti-meme stampede*



i play most of my stuff on P.C mainly due to the fact that i have no good games on my room mates 360.

add me on steam if you use it

Steam ID: Duan



welcome Razz

I don't like paying for live either but I'm just gonna pay for a year at once from now on so I don't gotta worry about it...they have it cheap online for like 35 bucks sometimes

I think it's worth it for party chat alone and cross game chat

they've fixed the reliability pretty much now.So if you can get a slim model...the fat ones called the jasper were good too tho which is what I have.They came out around 09 till the slims came out



I'm Omnithrash on 360 and PS3, but I almost never turn my PS3 on. Still... if you sent me a request I would accept it the next time I turned it on.

Oh yeah and I just turned 40 in November.



I play TF2 on PC. You can add me on Steam if you want.

Steam ID: MrBlaman



You are welcome to add me. The only COD game I play on PC though is MW1.



HI Griff!

I'd happily add you on PS3 or PC, but I don't own a PS3 on don't PC game, if/when you get the 360 the name is the same as a tag.

BTW, another father of 2 (2 and 1), so my on times are weird

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