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OMFG Youtube

4 posters

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1OMFG Youtube Empty OMFG Youtube 2012-01-27, 16:37



Stop trying to fucking improve the website every time you do you make t progressively worse

Just fucking stop you fucking moronic jack monkeys

2OMFG Youtube Empty Re: OMFG Youtube 2012-01-27, 16:53

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

What did they do this time?

3OMFG Youtube Empty Re: OMFG Youtube 2012-01-27, 16:55



Well for me my favourites didnt update since I month ago so I had to go most recently added

They took away go to the most recently added option

4OMFG Youtube Empty Re: OMFG Youtube 2012-01-27, 17:46



OMFG Youtube 4nTLk

5OMFG Youtube Empty Re: OMFG Youtube 2012-01-27, 18:00



>:[[[ they need to give us the option to go back to the old skool style

change is bad change is bad *hides in cave*

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