Khaymen wrote:the original was pretty meh but hopefully they did better on this new one
The new one has been out for awhile now.
I have it and it's actually pretty damn good. Fairly steep learning curve and pretty deep gameplay options.
-It's a very big, wide-open game with a good blend of loooong range to up close combat.
-Has a bit of tower defense to it as you can buy vehicles, turrets, mechs, AA guns etc... that will be airdropped to you as you can afford them.
-You cap bases much like Conquest.
-Spawning is awesome as you power drop from orbit to wherever you want.
-Weapons/damage has a bit of rock paper scissors to it as far as what ammo damages shields/armor etc...
-Lots of customization for weapons and armor.
Honestly if these guys had a big budget and got it running as smooth and looking as good as BF3/CoD/Halo etc... it could possibly become the best MP shooter out there. As it is it's good, but looks like an arcade game and needs a lot of polish.
Definitely worth the price though. Easily (so long as people are still playing it)