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the Cnn comments section...

Ron Swanson
6 posters

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1the Cnn comments section... Empty the Cnn comments section... 2012-06-26, 20:23



Probably the worst of any news website ever...

heres a taste from today, on an article about sandusky

the Cnn comments section... Pictur27

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

There are no reliable new networks anymore. To get the full story you have to watch each one and then combine the reports while cutting out all the made up bullshit.

Fox is so terrible conservative that it sickens me to watch. The US is in the tanks when Obama takes office and suddenly they forget that Bush was the one who ran it into the ground. Its all the Democrats fault.

MSN and CNN aren't as bad IMO, but they are on the other side of the spectrum, blaming the Repulicans. But I feel like their slander is less of a personal attack on particular members of congress. They don't feed their agenda like Fox does.



oh god

we get some of your shitty new networks over here, they are all just as bad as each other, NONE of them are better

i least we have a guy going around talking about how someones turtle ran away........



Nothing is as bad as NZ news Duan

Its like 75% sports 15% fluff pieces 5% actual news and 5% them recapping what they already said



If anyone can understand Korean, I think MOST (if not ALL) Korean news websites contain the worst comments in the world's news websites.



WOAH frost to far

Jack Tame is amazing



Okay that one reporter is fucking awesome

But come on The Maori news on like 4 channels twice a day on each


No one speaks Maori

That would be like them putting on the news entirely in Native American on Major American Channels twice a day

Oh yeah and the 2 foreign news channels I think we get here are like BBC and Fox right so you could say half of our foreign news is decent Very Happy



do you have the real BBC? i only get the world BBC which isn't amazing, i used to love watching Glenn Beck but then he left

I never watch enough TV to see the moari news on, When do they show it?



Late at night when im really bored and early in the morning when im trying to kill time before class starts

The worse possible times! Very Happy

10the Cnn comments section... Empty Re: the Cnn comments section... 2012-06-27, 04:25



Wait, what is the moari channel for if they don't show the moari news on it?

11the Cnn comments section... Empty Re: the Cnn comments section... 2012-06-27, 05:25



They show the Maori News on the Maori channel

But the also show it on Prime,7 and 1

12the Cnn comments section... Empty Re: the Cnn comments section... 2012-06-27, 10:20



I tend to read the BBC world news mostly, then CNN. I hate Fox with a rabid passion, only for feeding in to Rush Limbaugh's/Glenn Beck's total bullshit. Their bias is so spectacularly god-awful, it made me hate TV for a while.

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