There are no reliable new networks anymore. To get the full story you have to watch each one and then combine the reports while cutting out all the made up bullshit.
Fox is so terrible conservative that it sickens me to watch. The US is in the tanks when Obama takes office and suddenly they forget that Bush was the one who ran it into the ground. Its all the Democrats fault.
MSN and CNN aren't as bad IMO, but they are on the other side of the spectrum, blaming the Repulicans. But I feel like their slander is less of a personal attack on particular members of congress. They don't feed their agenda like Fox does.
I tend to read the BBC world news mostly, then CNN. I hate Fox with a rabid passion, only for feeding in to Rush Limbaugh's/Glenn Beck's total bullshit. Their bias is so spectacularly god-awful, it made me hate TV for a while.