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Damn tungusta,epic game tho

Patrick Star
Manila Plague
10 posters

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1Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-04, 17:49



damn pussy vehicle whore tungusta guy on rush nashaar canals last night went like 54-3 (35 of those kills off this one idiot in my squad tampico) with his cheap ass team but me and my buddy beat them and it felt so good.That tungusta didn't live very long when my buddy put squad explosives on and I got the javalin out and blew his bitch ass up XD Twisted Evil

they really need to nerf that damn vehicle.It was only supposed to be an anti air thing anyway

Also how the hell did they keep getting more tungustas instantly as soon as we killed theirs?were they hacking?I swear when we were defenders we only got 1

after we beat em they rage quit mostly and a couple stayed then they were trying to spawn camp us on caspian border but we snuck around the long way and beat em and armed the bombs Very Happy



I'm not even sure I've ever seen this tunguska thing people talk about.

I know i have 0 score and 0 time spent in AA vehicles though.

...starting to think you guys are making it up.



the only map it's on is nashaar canals if you're the defenders Razz

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

JrTapia1991 wrote:the only map it's on is nashaar canals if you're the defenders Razz

it is also available on wake island conquest

it's the anti air tank metal... its like the AA station from BC2 but it has wheels

Last edited by Manila Plague on 2012-02-04, 18:08; edited 1 time in total



no they werent hacking... it just respawns very fast. Guided missile on the Little bird is very effective against the tunguska. use it.



Manila Plague wrote:
JrTapia1991 wrote:the only map it's on is nashaar canals if you're the defenders Razz

it is also available on wake island conquest

it's the anti air tank metal... its like the AA station from BC2 but it has wheels

oh yeah I forgot about that.I've never had it shut me down in a game on wake island tho.

I set my options to where I can only play the old BF3 maps......I get so tired of getting in a infinite B2K map rotation.

I noticed in the server browser there's alot more pages of games to choose from now.Before,there would only be 2 it was claiming was in the whole united states Rolling Eyes



Nice try guys. I knew you were making that shit up.

The Tunguska is an imaginary vehicle supposedly inhabiting a few maps in Battlefield 3.

Primarily used as an excuse for being terrible at the game, such as "damn pussy vehicle whore tungusta guy on rush nashaar canals last night went like 54-3" or "How the hell did they keep getting more tungustas instantly as soon as we killed theirs?were they hacking?".

However, the Tunguska doesn't actually exist within the game.



Razz I wasn't horrible,I only died like 10 or so the whole game and had 30 something kills.The reason he had so many kills is he got like 35 of them off this idiot tampico guy who kept running straight to him....

one thing I wish they would add like how Halo had the option to only play with people around your level...

I get soooooo tired of being put on garbage ass teams of low level players.

alot of the times the high level people suck ass is up with that.randies being randies I guess but damn if most of my team is gold eagle lvl 10+ you'd think they would do better than 0-13 or 1-11

I guess they all play very drunk and on meth



I love how people complained about the AA tanks being overpowered against armor and infantry when the game first came out

so DICE then decided to buff their damage against armor and infantry.

10Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-05, 17:34

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Shaymojack wrote:I love how people complained about the AA tanks being overpowered against armor and infantry when the game first came out

so DICE then decided to buff their damage against armor and infantry.
DICE logic mirite?

11Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 10:59

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The range on that thing too!! You will just peak over a hill 150 meters away and it just takes your head off like that *snaps fingers*

12Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 11:45

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

I love getting to use the Tunguska...unfortunately I rarely spawn close enough to it to use it. I think I've only got to use it 2-3 times.

13Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 13:09



yeah I dont play rush, and im always in the viper on wake island so ive got very few kills with it.

I do have air radar unlocked... I dont know why that even exists for it

14Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 13:14

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I haven't ever even used it!

15Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 15:33



I've used it a couple times,felt so cheap....insta kill anybody pretty much...

16Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 16:03

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Just imagine the VADS from BC2 on the base of a LAV. because the thing is pretty quick along with the crazy power of it.

17Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 16:51

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I used it earlier in a match for like the third time ever. Managed to unlock the Auto Reloader and Zoom Optics for it. Ended up going like 18-1 or something like that with that thing.

18Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 17:14



Evil Terry wrote:Just imagine the VADS from BC2 on the base of a LAV. because the thing is pretty quick along with the crazy power of it.

actually that would the LAV-AD (only on wake island cq)

19Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 19:43



Zillah wrote:
Evil Terry wrote:Just imagine the VADS from BC2 on the base of a LAV. because the thing is pretty quick along with the crazy power of it.

actually that would the LAV-AD (only on wake island cq)

What? Zillah, did you just make up another vehicle?
I'm not fallin' for it.

20Damn tungusta,epic game tho Empty Re: Damn tungusta,epic game tho 2012-02-06, 22:24



naw man its an LAV body with an anti-air gun attached to the top. i hadnt ever heard of it either till a few days ago

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