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 » The Lounge » physics


The Adli Corporation
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1physics Empty physics 2012-02-06, 12:24



<a href=""><img class='event-item-lol-image' src='' title="No Really, You Are Totally Interesting Gif - No Really, You Are Totally Interesting" alt="No Really, You Are Totally Interesting Gif - No Really, You Are Totally Interesting" height="223px" width="280px" /></a><br />see more <a href="">Gifs</a>

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2physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 17:37



Are you in regular, honours or AP? If you need help, I took AP and can tutour you.

3physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 18:16



Physics isn't that hard compared to Calc.

I still have nightmares.

4physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 18:21


I just hope i will not have to encounter them Smile.

5physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 18:31

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

if it's alive it's Biology.
if it smells then it's Chemistry.
if it doesn't work... then it's Physics.

6physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 18:41



Honestly physics is easier to me than algebra 2.

7physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 20:23



If physics confused you this much, just wait until precalc. Week two and this stuff is already raping my brain with a work overload.

8physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 20:52



Didn't learn shit in that class because I was busy testing the gravity theory on my eyelids.

You know, for science.

9physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 20:55



I fucking hate math.

10physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-06, 22:21



Khfan60 wrote:Honestly physics is easier to me than algebra 2.

Same. In phsyics theyre actually asking you real problems, and problems that make sense. When in doubt just think about what would happen in real life and youve got your answer.

algebra 2 is just a bunch of un-intuitive tricks that seem to have no application. Take factoring... what the fuck is the point of this?! tell me how to apply it and i'll probably understand it better

11physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 19:07



Zillah wrote:
Khfan60 wrote:Honestly physics is easier to me than algebra 2.

Same. In phsyics theyre actually asking you real problems, and problems that make sense. When in doubt just think about what would happen in real life and youve got your answer.

algebra 2 is just a bunch of un-intuitive tricks that seem to have no application. Take factoring... what the fuck is the point of this?! tell me how to apply it and i'll probably understand it better

Yeah really, it's such a waste of brain capacity.

We started learning logarithms a few days ago and now we're up to the point where our problems look like this:

If X=a/p*(radical)q, what is log(base b) of X?
Log(base b)X = log(base b)(p) + 1/2log(base b)(q)

It's not that it's hard, but is this necessary?

12physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 19:17



And I think they make it a lot harder than it really is. the language of algebra is sooo unintuitive and learning it is extremely tedious. I think the actual concepts might not actually be that hard. Sometimes I feel like theyre making it harder to learn than it should be

13physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 19:27


I find physics incredibly difficult but I actually understand calculus. Probably because my calc teacher is amazing and my physics teacher is terrible

14physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 19:43



im in pre calc and physics and physics is definitely more challenging to me. Pre calc is just memorizing formulas and patterns, physics is like trying to solve a puzzle.

15physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 19:49



Darkwing Ducksaws wrote:im in pre calc and physics and physics is definitely more challenging to me. Pre calc is just memorizing formulas and patterns, physics is like trying to solve a puzzle.

Must just be a personal thing. Problem solving is definitely one of my strengths.

Anyone here take physics 2/college physics? I want to take it but its said to be the hardest class at school next to Calc 2 so im a bit apprehensive

16physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 19:50



Zillah wrote:
Darkwing Ducksaws wrote:im in pre calc and physics and physics is definitely more challenging to me. Pre calc is just memorizing formulas and patterns, physics is like trying to solve a puzzle.

Must just be a personal thing. Problem solving is definitely one of my strengths.

Anyone here take physics 2/college physics? I want to take it but its said to be the hardest class at school next to Calc 2 so im a bit apprehensive
My AP Physics B course was college intro. It wasn't too insane.

17physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 21:43



Wraith wrote:
Zillah wrote:
Darkwing Ducksaws wrote:im in pre calc and physics and physics is definitely more challenging to me. Pre calc is just memorizing formulas and patterns, physics is like trying to solve a puzzle.

Must just be a personal thing. Problem solving is definitely one of my strengths.

Anyone here take physics 2/college physics? I want to take it but its said to be the hardest class at school next to Calc 2 so im a bit apprehensive
My AP Physics B course was college intro. It wasn't too insane.

How much different is it from basic physics? My only choices for science next year are AP Physics(i've been considering), Astronomy(really would like) and AP Biology(lol biology).

Zillah wrote:And I think they make it a lot harder than it really is. the language of algebra is sooo unintuitive and learning it is extremely tedious. I think the actual concepts might not actually be that hard. Sometimes I feel like theyre making it harder to learn than it should be

Maybe you just had a shitty teacher?

18physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 22:13



biology is for girls... Next year im going to take two science classes because ive already got 4 scoial studies credits. probably physics 2 and chem 2. Chemistry is easy mode

19physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-07, 23:45



Wraith wrote:
My AP Physics B course was college intro. It wasn't too insane.

How much different is it from basic physics? My only choices for science next year are AP Physics(i've been considering), Astronomy(really would like) and AP Biology(lol biology).
physics ZwJ6t

whipped that up as a visual aid.

AP Physics was way more difficult than regular, as in we had usually a chapter of material a week, sometimes two tests in one week (monday for last weeks chapter, then friday for that weeks). We had a lot of homework, most of which I faked. We also had quite a bit of out of class study and reading. By the end of it, I could have taught a regular physics class without breaking a sweat. It really is a lot of understanding, so I feel like it was worth it. I actually learned in it instead of just memorising and regurgitating information. So it's definitely worth it, but it isn't for the faint of heart. It's a hard class.

20physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-08, 13:53

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Biology is awesome at A-Level, same with Chemistry. Chem is the better one though, we get to play with liquid nitrogen Very Happy

21physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-08, 18:12



Wraith wrote:
physics ZwJ6t

Fuck that.

22physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-08, 19:32



thats what I thought.

23physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 22:04



its not that physics is confusing, its that my teacher is probably over 90 years old, and more boring than all hell. Its all you can do not to nod off.....

The second gif is supposed to be what happens when you fall asleep, lol.

Its making some sense right now though. Im in my second week of it. My biggest issue is the teacher. He litterally told us this yesterday "You shouldnt be copying down what im saying now, do that when you read the book and do the homework. Fill in the blanks on your own time." Then today he said, "The book isnt necessarily right... You shouldnt use their equations."

HE NEVER FREAKING TOLD US WHAT TO USE!!! so me and the rest of the class are sitting there like, what??. If we cant use the equations from the book, and you dont give us in depth notes on what to do in class..... where does that leave us?

My biggest issue with physics teachers is that they dont realize that we, the students taking physics class, dont yetknow physics.

24physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 23:28



You have Mueller I take it? Tell you what, you have my number, and I had him for AP Physics (yes, I slept through parts of it). Whenever you can't figure something out, I'll show you what to do. And I'll teach you ever method I know to cheat.

25physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 23:39



Yeah. I just wish he would fucking explain it. Every god damn equation I out down is wrong. Like my test where we had to find the vector of an airplane flying north with a wind pushing west. The angle was like 11.3 or something, and he marked me off for not putting Tan -0-=11.3. I said my answer was 150 m/h at 11.3 degrees north west. Its the same damn thing!

26physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 23:44



Oh dude, you're gonna get fucked. What chapter are you on? I can type out the equations in it for you.

27physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 23:47



we just started inertia. And I know the equations; so far theres like 5 or 6 major ones. Its when he changes them daily to fit the criteria and doesnt explain that pisses me off. Like y=mx+b to Fg=X+M, or changing gravity values and stuff. If he would stop bull shitting and flat out say "I CHANGED SOMETHING! THIS IS WHAT IT IS!" it would be fine. But if (when) I start to fail, Ill probably ask for help then.
For the moment im being fucked up the ass by this research paper. I only have four notecards and one bib card Sad

28physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 23:51



Yeah, I'm glad I'm skipping English tomorrow. I'll do all of those on sunday.

If you feel like anything is really difficult, I'll probably be able to explain it. I remember I was actually a wiz with newtonian physics, concerning motion, friction, inertia and centripetal forces. That was my playground. Oh, and when you get to nuclear physics, that was my best.

29physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 23:52



Why are you skipping? You cant skip. You cant! NO! NOT FAIRRR!!!!!

30physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 23:53



French field trip. Like a boss.

31physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-09, 23:59



fuck. you. I hope you burn in hell for this.

Im pulling an all nighter for sure. I have too much to do. What else is do for english tomorrow? On top of half our damn paper? But I have a lab write up and chapter hw for physics as well. Lol, tonights a good night to learn to use the expresso machine

32physics Empty Re: physics 2012-02-10, 00:00



I'm not sure if anything is, I think the note cards are all.

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