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Just lost my 8 game winning streak in NFL Blitz :(.

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To a guys whos record is 38/41...For anyone who doesn't play, when you play in ranked leaderboard matches it displays your current win streak to your opponent, mine was 8 and his was 2. My record now stands at 26-7 and 73-17 for elite league. I was the Ravens and he was the Niners, it ended in double overtime so it was a very close game.10 yards to the TD with one second left and i didn't make the 10 yards and it would've been triple overtime...

Now this game doesn't take too much skill and there's a lot of BS factors it being arcadey and all but it made me legit mad that i lost my streak Sad. Not controller throwing mad. But just angry i remember yelling "fucking Flacco!" because he fumbled the ball.. Ugh time to work it back up!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

lol, I had some good times getting drunk and playing this game with friends. I was never really good at Blitz though


I don't know how past games play but.. Some of the BS things i can name are WR's and TE's being able to throw the ball for 60 yards and have a perfect pass. You need 30 yards for a first down in this and sometimes it'll be 4th and 30 and they get some BS catch and get the first down, and it happens a decent amount of times no matter how good your defense is.

I like the game and i play it almost every day but some stuff is just BS and everyone knows it. I love the simplicity of it just a few plays and 2 minute quarters.

EDIT: A lot of people still leave games when they see my record. Maybe it'll be easier to get games going since i have no streak now.


?! Just lost another game to a BS fumble. Honestly that's what this game comes down to sometimes. Random interceptions and fumbles that's why i don't really consider it a legit game per say.


So i just made a guy who's 44-2 my bitch and he disconnected so he wouldn't take the lost/ i don't get the win, what a joke.

EDIT: Just checked my record and it did give me a lost, well fuck playing ranked i am done with it.

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