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Halo Reach October Matchmaking changes.

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These are the changes being made in October:

Playlist Changes

* SWAT Playlist added (SWAT removed from Big Team Battle and Team Slayer)
* Campaign Matchmaking (live on 10/15 – You will be required to have earned the Grade “Corporal” to enter this Playlist)
* Team Slayer rebalanced to highlight default Slayer game variants and include new offerings
* Classic Slayer removed
* Removed “Pro” game variants from the Arena Playlist
* Removed Boardwalk from Arena Team Doubles Playlist
* Added “Return to Battlefield” volume to Space on Zealot in the Arena Playlist

Game Variants Additions

* King of the Hill (multiple Playlists, including Arena*)
* Rocket Race
* Juggernaut (Rumble Pit Playlist)
* *King of the Hill not included in Arena

General Housekeeping

* Sudden Death will be added to all Assault game variants, including Invasion
* Team Objective will now feature the map Powerhouse
* Replacing Drop Shield with Evade for King of the Hill, Territories, and Oddball
* Replacing Hologram with Evade in Oddball, Capture the Flag, Assault, and Stockpile
* Replacing the Scorpion on Hemorrhage with Wraiths (Hemorrhage Heavies variant, TBD)



I will now start the process of selling reach farewell everyone.



T-800 wrote:I will now start the process of selling reach farewell everyone.

Halo Reach October Matchmaking changes. 323



Thank God they added separate SWAT



I like all of that, except for no more Classic Slayer. Why?! I like Classic Slayer more than normal slayer; no OP armour lock to deal with. Seroiusly, armour lock needs a longer stun time in which the user is helpless and vulnerable after they use it; I would say that it is the best armour ability by far right now.



Really? I always just stand behind them and assassinate or melee them when they come out.
I've never even tried it myself.



Metalzoic wrote:Really? I always just stand behind them and assassinate or melee them when they come out.
I've never even tried it myself.

If you're playing a retard, you can easily assassinate them. If you are against someone who knows how to use it, then you won't be able to assassinate them.



No, they're invincible for over a second when they come out of it; it's like shooting some little shit that's been revived on BC2, who kills you anyways, just because they're invincible. Also, in Halo, they have HUGE melee lunge, so you can go to finish somebody off with a melee, they armour lock near instantaneously, then simply punch you to kill you instantly, because of the EMP. You can punch them first, shoot them in the head with a precision weapon or the pistol, but they win anyways; it's completely unbeatable in CQC and that's bullshit.



No one must know how to use it. I've never noticed the invincibilty I just hold the melee button down right as they come out of it and it grabs them.

I have noticed if you're to close it knocks your shields out.



higus responce was perfect

dont be dissing my srmor lock, sprint/evade is the better one



Shoot them every couple of seconds while they're in armor lock to keep their shields from recharging. When they come out, you'll have full shields and they won't. Do the math. Armor lock is pretty shitty in most cases.



Armour lock is a trump card in CQC 99% of the time, and their shield still regenerate because they're invincible (at least from what I've seen), not to mention that, but they are STILL invincible for nearly a full second when they come out of it. Not only that, but they can go into it almost instantly and come out almost instantly. It needs to be nerfed so it's actually a defensive ability, not the best ability in the entire game (there needs to be a longer stun time).

Stuff they REALLY need to fix:

Sprint needs to nerfed (as goofy as it sounds, yes); you shouldn't be able to sprint as long because sprint + energy sword or shotgun, and you may as well put down the controller if somebody good has that combo.

Armour lock needs more stun.

Dropshield needs to be slightly more durable/last a little longer, and should start healing you faster.

Hologram needs to show up as an enemy on the motion tracker, or your crosshair at least needs to turn red when aiming at said motion tracker.

Active Camo is just AWFUL now. It was bad enough in the beta, and now it is by far the worst ability; while still usable, it's just far outclassed. You should still be invisible while moving; everybody knows your coming anyways because of the motion tracker.

Evade is fine.

Shotgun needs a nerf, or Energy Sword needs a buff, because the Energy Sword is a piece of shit now.

Rocket Launcher should not get extra rockets, only the 2 in the magazine (unless on vehicle heavy map)

Plasma Cannon needs to lock on ever so slightly faster, just a hair. Oh, and the projectiles should still stick to people in armour lock.

Grenades need a smaller blast radius, power is fine.

Sniper rifle is still WAY too easy to use. Needs sway added, 3 body shots to kill at full health, or less ammunition. Another good option would be to count a betrayal/teamkill for each round he misses so it will keep too many people from being able to use it.

Assault rifle needs to be slightly stronger against unshielded opponents.

There REALLY needs to be slightly longer delay between melee attacks. Melee, melee, should NEVER beat melee, and then shoot with assault rifle.



Sprint and the Shotgun don't need a nerf, but the sword does need a buff.

The Sniper Rifle doesn't need a nerf. It's been the same as every Halo game. You just think it's overpowered because you are good at the game (But you keep denying this for some reason).

The Rocket Launcher is fine. Once again, it's been the same for every Halo.

I agree with pretty much everything else, though.



You can Sprint too far, and double beatdowns are too easy when combined with this, so I think distance needs to be nerfed.

The sniper rifle is REALLY overpowered in Halo; I never think that it's too late to fix it, because it is just way too easy to use.

Rocket Launcher in Halo 1 was the most balanced because of how slow the projectile traveled, it was severely OP in Halo 2, and Halo 3, it was still OP, but without lock-on.



meh bobs overreacting a bit.

the sprint+eavde is why the energy sword isnt as good, maybe buff something there

armor lock is fine. if i remember right you have to hold it a bit for it to stun and you forget that you are immoble only able to give off an emp. too many time i just get grenaded and armr counter the grenade good

god grenades and spam. either give only 1 grenade or weaken them

ar needs to boost accuracy, if its a rifle it shouldnt spray like an smg

the pistols nice and i like it but needs to be toned down just a bit. as a wild ref the conduit pistol was perfect and they should copy that shit as an m9 or something

active camo is garbage and should at least not scramble your radar or let you move while depleting the bar more from moving

it should be shooot a bit, melee melee for a kill

sniper rifle nerf ftw

rockets are ok plasma is underpoered along with grenade launcher



No, I'm not overreacting, I'm simply pointing out a lot of things that are wrong with Reach as of now. Double melee shouldn't be the solution to everything; Halo 3 played just fine because there was no bullshit double melee. You melee, then shoot and win. Or you shoot, then melee at the perfect time. Melee, melee, takes all the skill and timing out of Halo. And armour lock is not fine; it is OP as hell if you know how to use it right.



long range destroys armor lock and puts you at a huge diadvantage against sprint and destroys those dub melees and grenade spams.

do u rage at cod's insta mellee? thats why im ok with dub melee



Armour lock should be good against vehicles and explosive, not an offensive, charge at people ability, then pop up and attack while invincible for an additional second or two. The ability really pisses me off; Classic Slayer is the best game mode because it doesn't have it, and I'm going to be disappointed when it's gone (even though I don't really play MP anymore anyways)

Insta-kill melee in CoD is annoying, but it's not that bad, because I can see some asshole trying to run me down, or hear him from a mile away, and it only takes 2 bullets or 1 shotgun blast to put him down 99% of the time (except for Commando, but that's going to be gone in the next CoD anyways)



I just back away from armor lock and seem to be able to kill them with my ar when they come out of it and run towards me. I guess Ihavn't seen armor lock being op in a situation yet.



DrBob276 wrote:Armour lock should be good against vehicles and explosive, not an offensive, charge at people ability, then pop up and attack while invincible for an additional second or two. The ability really pisses me off; Classic Slayer is the best game mode because it doesn't have it, and I'm going to be disappointed when it's gone (even though I don't really play MP anymore anyways)

Insta-kill melee in CoD is annoying, but it's not that bad, because I can see some asshole trying to run me down, or hear him from a mile away, and it only takes 2 bullets or 1 shotgun blast to put him down 99% of the time (except for Commando, but that's going to be gone in the next CoD anyways)

i use it defencive so i wouldnt know but its like an easier jugg for the grenade spam, dmr sniping, and dub melees. and swords



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:I just back away from armor lock and seem to be able to kill them with my ar when they come out of it and run towards me. I guess Ihavn't seen armor lock being op in a situation yet.

You probably haven't seen many good players. All somebody with armour lock has to do is close, INSTANTLY become invincible, and pop out. Your shields are INSTANTLY EMP'ed, and they will INSTANTLY kill you with a pistol or melee next, and there's nothing you can do about, because they probably have a buddy with them and they're invinicible for almost a FULL SECOND after they come out of it, not to mention there is almost NO stun time when you come out of it. There needs to be a bigger delay after exiting armour lock before you can attack; it's JUST like Medic Revive Invincibility in BC2, but even worse.

That's how it's supposed to be used, but people abuse armour lock and use it the way I mentioned. I've tried it, and never touched armour lock again because I think that it's ridiculous. I don't even want to use an armour ability, tbq. Sprint is for cowards and double meleers, armour lock is OP, dropshield and Camo suck, and Jetpack makes you look like a 2 year old.



sprint is basic armor abiltity and not op

i fyou sucked a little more at halo, you would play against crappy people



You still shouldn't be able to Sprint as far, basic or not.

There is no matchmaking for skill level in Halo; it just grabs random people. I'm not going to talk about what I think about my skill level anymore because people seem to disagree with me at every turn.



becuase youre good even comparing to mlg's



LOLOLOLOL! NO! And I'm not arguing this.



whydya gotta bea like that (in italian accent)

you didnt have to mod higu, or me...




I agree, you are probably one of the best players I know.

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